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That's one DUMB space marine (post your stupidest deaths)

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This is the graveyard for the most idiotic space marines to have ever lived.

an example


circle of death

burnt by a imp at full health

while trying to kill a cacodemon

Edited by hellcat

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26 minutes ago, wheresthebeef said:

I think everyone's first mistake in Barrels O' Fun is immediately shooting a barrel.

It was mine.

I can't remember what my stupidest death was, given I've suffered more than a few, but one I suffered today was really stupid.

In the Darkening E1, MAP09, I got stuck in a nukage pit with no way to get out. Instead of standing around waiting to die, I shot the launcher at a wall in my face.

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11 hours ago, wheresthebeef said:

I think everyone's first mistake in Barrels O' Fun is immediately shooting a barrel.

The first time I played it I just ran away and waited for the Mancubus to kill itself.

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11 hours ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

In the Darkening E1, MAP09, I got stuck in a nukage pit with no way to get out. Instead of standing around waiting to die, I shot the launcher at a wall in my face.

that's not stupid friend!! it's just a mercy killing on yourself c:

vv honorable way to die

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It wasn't the suicide that was stupid, it was the getting stuck in the nukage pit. I think the teleporter there was broken.

For one that was my doing: shooting pain elementals with the launcher, which I do often and never learn my lesson. it seems.

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You can actually play Barrels O' Fun from a pistol start, open the Mancubus box, blow up the barrels and survive without taking any damage with some slight maneuvering.

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I usually forget a wall is too high to fire a rocket over it so I accidentally kill myself in the process. 


This has happned many times. 

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When I was playing some of the maps for mayhem 2018, I died twice because I forgot pressing 1 is no longer for melee weapons only.

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This just happened to me - I got blasted by an Archvile and survived, but the blast tossed me behind a row of barrels, making it impossible to get out without blowing myself up. Amazing.

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I think all of us have a number of rocket launcher deaths from being reckless with it. 


Lost souls running into you while firing a rocket often is an automatic easy death. 


Revenants have killed me a number of times trying to do dumb things. 

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There are too many to count, my friends. I don't think I can even think of a stupidest one; they're all pretty dumb.


Three recent ones that come to mind:

  • In Rush Map01, I wasn't paying attention and was surprised by a pack of demons. In my attempt to avoid them to move to a better place from which to attack them, I showed a stunning lack of spatial awareness and ran backwards into a corner. Let's just say the rest unfolded as you'd expect.
  • In Darkening E1 Map03, I tried to squeeze in a second rocket on the archvile right as it was reanimating a dead zombie. The result was predictable.
    • True, I was probably too close to have escaped without damage in the first place, but with the zombie being that much closer? Yeah.
  • I don't remember the map, but faced with a Hell Knight (and low on health), I took that moment to pause to confirm that my settings were right. It was just enough of a loss of focus to not dodge the incoming fireball when I went back to the game.
    • Incidentally, yes, my settings were all what I thought they were.


And one general one that has happened more times than I care to remember: being low on health, meeting a demon, and trying too late to switch to the chainsaw (you know, to save ammo). All while it stands there happily munching on me.

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  • Warlock's Hearth: tried to attack a revenant while my super shotgun was reloading. He was quicker.
  • Double Impact: got devoured by two spectres in a not so small room
  • Combat Shock 2: cut ahead of the cyberdemon while he was shooting rockets. I think @Anima Zero has a pretty similar death too :)
  • Endgame: killed the front mancubus while the back one was still shooting
  • UAC Ultra: I've killed every monster on MAP04 and while I was maneuvering back to the exit I got crushed mere meters from the end.


@NoisyVelvet Sweet gifs! DTWID and Darkening E1 are my favourite. Question, though: how do you make those gifs?


Edited by NaZa

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I forget the wad name, but I've gotten ganged up by a bunch of demons and they mauled me. 


I've tried to jump over them, but I didn't had enough health to survive

Edited by YukiTakashi

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At one point, I was playing TNT with Argent. I found a quad damage pickup (they replace invis spheres) and saw a large group of enemies. So I think "Hold on, the rocket launcher's OP anyway, and now it deals 4x the damage!" so wanna know what I do?

Run up to the group as close as I can and fire a rocket at point blank range.

I didn't even have that much health either.

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Well, the death(s) that stick out the most for me was about a year or so ago when I was playing the map, "The Chasm" in Doom 2.  I was dumb enough to have low health and I saved my game on one of the many overly skinny catwalks.  The port that I play has an annoying bug where when you reload a save, it makes you move to the left but only slightly.  So long story short everytime I reloaded the save, I instantly fell into the nukage and didn't have enough health to survive and therefore rendered that save file unwinnable.

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I was playing Ultra Nightmare on Doom 2016 for the first time, and about 20 seconds into the second mission I got surrounded by imps, panicked, and shot a barrel next to me trying to get them off of me, without my brain making the connection that my dumbass would die too. I sat in shock for about 20 seconds because I couldn't believe I was actually stupid enough to shoot that barrel.

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9 hours ago, Maser said:

Well, the death(s) that stick out the most for me was about a year or so ago when I was playing the map, "The Chasm" in Doom 2.  I was dumb enough to have low health and I saved my game on one of the many overly skinny catwalks.  The port that I play has an annoying bug where when you reload a save, it makes you move to the left but only slightly.  So long story short everytime I reloaded the save, I instantly fell into the nukage and didn't have enough health to survive and therefore rendered that save file unwinnable.


I always keep a separate save file for when I'm low on health. You never know what could happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just had a rather stupid death while playing the Doom 2 map "Barrels O Fun".  The port I play is on the PS3 and anyone who knows the PS3 controller knows how the L2/R2 buttons protrude out the bottom of the controller.  Well, I start the level and set the controller on my lap to get a sip of beer and the R2 trigger gets accidentally pressed and the Super Shotgun fires and the whole fucking first room of barrels explodes as well as I.  I swear if there's a stupid way to kill myself I'll find it! 

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I remember one of my first fights with the Cyberdemon - at the time I focused pretty much exclusively on him and not the Lost Souls around. So what made me careful of the Lost Souls since that day and on was the fact that one flew into my face and I wanted to kill it, but I forgot I had the rocket launcher out and not the shotgun or whatever so I blew myself up.

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