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Auto load multiple wad/pk3's using .bat file?

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So i was wondering if it is posible to load multiple wad/pk3 files together with a single click, by creating a .bat file for instance. At the moment i have a gazilion wads in my gz doom folder and i normaly open them with brutal doom and itself by draging it to gzdoom. I know how i can get brutal doom to always start using the launcher but it is more a question of getting the functionality of the drag and drop method using a single file.


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You absolutely can do this using a batch file. I used batch files a lot back in the DOS days. However, these are not the DOS days. The easiest way is a launcher like ZDL that Wanderer linked. You can even save different combinations of files in .zdl files.

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Yeah i read the wili page, and i basicly used the shortcut targeting line. It works really well. Makes it all a lot easier. Now i dont have to drag and drop no more.


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Making a batch file is doable but it's clunky, especially when your WADs/PK3s are in multiple subdirectories. Using a front end like ZDL as mentioned is the easiest approach.

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1 hour ago, Bryan T said:

No one seems to know about the autoload section of the gzdoom.ini

It is the first thing that is mentioned at the linked "How to autoload files" article ;)

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17 minutes ago, Glaice said:

Making a batch file is doable but it's clunky, especially when your WADs/PK3s are in multiple subdirectories. Using a front end like ZDL as mentioned is the easiest approach.

Yes probably, but tbh i quite like the shortcut option. I have a directory where i have gzdoom installed and then i have the shortcuts on the desktop now. It works quite well and it is quick and easy. Just drag and drop the wads into the main folder and create a new shortcut with the wad included in the target line and you never have to look back..... Untill a new version of Brutal doom or the like comes out and i have to change all the file links XD (I know i can just call it brutal doom and just overwrite the previous version.)

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What I do is put all my downloaded stuff in GZDoom\custom and then all my batch files go directly beside gzdoom.exe.


A typical batch file is:

"@echo off

start gzdoom.exe -file custom\x.wad custom\y.pk3"

Edited by Nevander

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3 hours ago, Mudkip6604 said:

Yes probably, but tbh i quite like the shortcut option. I have a directory where i have gzdoom installed and then i have the shortcuts on the desktop now. It works quite well and it is quick and easy. Just drag and drop the wads into the main folder and create a new shortcut with the wad included in the target line and you never have to look back..... Untill a new version of Brutal doom or the like comes out and i have to change all the file links XD (I know i can just call it brutal doom and just overwrite the previous version.)


It becomes more complicated such as in my case since it can go like this:






D:\Doom\Essential Mods


And so forth, so drag and drop won't work for me since I have files from multiple directories, but whatever works for you.

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Frontends are for... what's a derogatory term for the opposite of a nerd? I don't know all about frontend features, but I can't imagine how they could possibly improve upon the elegance of batch files. It all just boils down to passing parameters to a source port anyway, I don't need an extra piece of software to hold my hand.

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Personally, I use a pair of text files (WadListing.txt and ModListing.txt), which have all the files and their paths ready for me to easily copypasta into the autoload section, and each with a brief description or short personal review (and WadListing has a 'Maps still to play' section that always seems to grow rather than shrink -_-'). I find this easier than maintaining lots of batch files. I did try both DoomLauncher and Rocket Launcher, but both rather slowed down the process in my opinion and didn't have terribly useful features (one even copied my wads again into its own directory, wasting space!).

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depends on how you play the games.

autoload in the cfg files is a very good option if you use a particular mod often i have my gzdoom to use smooth doom & @Revenant100 sprite fix patches and then .bat files for more usual play on zdoom and glboom+

Edited by rehelekretep

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