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I need help finding a compatible blood (not gore) mod for Demonsteele

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I know that demonsteele has it's own gore mechanic but I sometimes mix it up with different mods all together just for fun. For example, right now, I'm mixing up demonsteele with a monster randomizer mod by DoomKrakken. Gotta admit, Playing his monster randomizer makes it impossible to play it on vanilla or such because of it's unbalanced random spawn replacements. But the variety and the sheer amount of different enemies, not just reskins, hooked me, as Demonsteele doesnt follow the traditional doom health but rather the arcadey life system. Works like a charm, Sadly the gore mechanic does not carry over. 


So here I am asking for something like ketchup to spice up my infinite-souls-sword-only playthrough on the HOE Starter Pack since ketchup has some of BD's coding and TerminusEST forbids it by unleashing a swarm of spooky golden skeletons on us from GMOTA. 


So, can anyone help me?


Just Incase, here's my loadout:


Path=C:\Games\Demonsteele\Mods\DoomKrakken's Monster Randomizer (Base) v4.pk3


Yeah, I kind of treat every gameplay mod as it's own game by making different copies of gz/zdoom.





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I mentioned this briefly in your other topic: UniversalGibs. Its Ketchup, but better and far more compatible, and if you configure it you can just have extra classic blood trails rather than particle based gore. And you probably shouldn't start new topics here with every new gameplay mod request.

Edited by eharper256

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18 hours ago, eharper256 said:

I mentioned this briefly in your other topic: UniversalGibs. Its Ketchup, but better and far more compatible, and if you configure it you can just have extra classic blood trails rather than particle based gore. And you probably shouldn't start new topics here with every new gameplay mod request.

Sorry, though I may of have joined Doomworld on 2016, I still a little green on some things. I would post this on the official "looking for a wad" thread but mods requests like mine are not specific enough for it. 

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