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Crunchynut44 MIDI Pack

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Just dropping by to give you guys some of the MIDIs I have made over the years, they range from bad to mediocre, especially some of the speed midis. If you have played some of my maps then you may have heard of a few of these floating around. Would love to hear what you guys think.


If you want to use them in you own maps feel free, i'm not looking for credit but link me to the WAD it would be really interesting to see how it fits into other peoples creative works.


Thanks and enjoy :)


Crunchynut44 MIDI Pack.zip

Edited by Crunchynut44

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Some very inspired sounds in here, Crunchy. A little hit and miss—often within the space of a single track (ice and lava certainly do not mix)—but clearly the "speed midi" method is helping to bring about some very colourful ideas and instrumentation. You'd have to spike my drink with something to get me to roll out those beach bongo honks and whistles with such abandon, but you have a knack for piecing together a lot of the unconventional stuff to make convincing little passages, or otherwise filling out sound with repeat short phrasing, knocks and rolls and so on.


I had no idea Conquistadors was your doing, or The Best Chords for that matter. I thought it was plucked from a game I hadn't played before. It fits map06 of BR2 very nicely. Great track. Devils Riff is cool as well, also Lost at Sea, Sightseeing...

Edited by Alfonzo

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14 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

Some very inspired sounds in here, Crunchy. A little hit and miss—often within the space of a single track (ice and lava certainly do not mix)—but clearly the "speed midi" method is helping to bring about some very colourful ideas and instrumentation. You'd have to spike my drink with something to get me to roll out those beach bongo honks and whistles with such abandon, but you have a knack for piecing together a lot of the unconventional stuff to make convincing little passages, or otherwise filling out sound with repeat short phrasing, knocks and rolls and so on.


I had no idea Conquistadors was your doing, or The Best Chords for that matter. I thought it was plucked from a game I hadn't played before. It fits map06 of BR2 very nicely. Great track. Devils Riff is cool as well, also Lost at Sea, Sightseeing...

Thanks heaps man I really appreciate the feedback. Though I have a midi keyboard I tend to physically create patterns in the sequencer which makes for that unconevntional use of certain sounds, particularly drums. Ive tried to make sort of a unique style through this I guess. Im glad you you liked them!


3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Excellent MIDIs suitable for a variety of things.. Great stuff CN!


Thankyou as always Doomkid! 

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Two songs didn't have some pitch bends rendered when I did some final edits before uploading which caused instruments to be the wrong pitch.


Lost At See and Sent From Hell have both been edited so now they work fine. Link is updated!


Sorry people!

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Thanks. I see there are suitable ones that can be useful in my map for Deadly Standards 2 project.

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I've heard half of the pack and there are lots of amazing tunes here


Some are very experimental, but there's always a good build-up or nice chord progression :P

Thematically they would fit well in more natural/bucolic levels :D

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"Apes and Things" sounds straight out of Donkey Kong Country and very well-executed at that. Could be a straight remix honestly.


"Babada" sounds (in name and in practice) speedmidi-ish in nature. The cello feels like an odd choice that would've been made under time pressure. :P This has a great feel and rhythm to it, though. Very strong main guitar melody that I don't mind listening to repeatedly.


"Baculus" has some cool bouncy melodies and I dig the percussive nature of the instrumentation. Not sure on the accordion type thing in the final split second though. :P


"Bamboozled" sounds like another speedmidi - very cool execution of low riffs and floating arpeggios working in alternation.


"Basement Blues" has some great changes in it along with a pretty consistent sound. Nice!


"Bass Like" sounds like some elevator music with a lot of verve and bounce. I'm sure there's a nice and inviting lounge-style map that could use this.


"Climbing Under" has a similar air of tranquility about it, with a bit of pop-like edge to its structure and melodic direction. Quite sombre and minor though, would still definitely fit in Doom. I like it.


"Conquistadors" is a nice slow builder, with some cool and understated percussive instruments keeping it flowing.


"Crumbling" sounds pretty evil and primal. It picks up at the right time, I was worried the long intro would be more or less the whole track. This'd fit in a jungle map for sure, but its repetitive nature would probably make it tough to listen to on more than a few repeats.


"Deepest Reaches" has some nice ideas and a pretty catchy main melody, but I think it's just slightly too repetitive.


"Down Below" is the longest entry here at 5:05 - feels like something out of Duke Nukem 3D at first. Super slow and "alien" feel to it. Might be slightly repetitive but I do enjoy most of what goes on atop that simple, repeating lead melody. Definitely gets very menacing once the guitars and keyboards enter, though that lead melody is still there - there's not much of a sense of the track evolving over time despite the drastic instrumental change. The soundtrack FX are panned all the way left and this distracts, honestly.


"Faithless" is hauntingly simple-sounding at first. Very enjoyable middle section where it picks up, then ducks down again with the same precision.


"First Time for Everything" feels almost exactly like a jmickle midi with its C minor key, bouncing power-kit rhythms, rain arpeggios and semiquaver-heavy solos. Maybe this was your first foray into the act of speed-composition after hearing a track of hers?


"Giant Ball of Fucking Plasma" - what a great name. The track itself isn't too captivating, though - starts off far too repetitive and slow-building (it's the same 4 notes for 30 seconds!) and I don't know if the melodies offer much once they do come in. I want to like this one for the name, but I dunno if it stands up on its own two feet.


"Godsend" has a great sound to it, but I'm just not sure of the low rhythm guitar, dunno if it adds much, I do prefer when it ducks out after the first minute. The rest of the track is solid! Nice interweaving melodies and solos.


"Here in the Jungle" is another Donkey Kong-ish track, but this one is a very slow builder with its ambient opening, and the drumbeat kinda takes me by surprise, not to mention the moment the full track kicks in around the 1:10 mark. The two opposing sides to this track would work well if perhaps they were divided into a "Part 1" and "Part 2", but I can't see them working in a loop as well as the other tracks might.


"Ice and Lava Don't Mix" has more percussive instruments and a driving drumbeat that sounds really cool. I feel like the instrument choices were deliberate here as if to impart a thematic difference between the clashing elements of fire and ice - the percussive elements for the ice, and the strings, choir and other associated stuff for the fire. I'm not very keen on the heavy breakdown around 1:10 though, I think it's got a little too much going full-pelt.


"Imps Predicament" is a steadily building track bringing forth various funky elements like the synth and organ and pacing itself very nicely. Slightly repetitive, maybe, but good stuff, this! Very Bjorn Lynne.


"Loops and Tings" seems a little directionless at first, but that melody that comes in eventually is pretty strong but just a bit repetitive, is all. 


"Lost at Sea" [skipped for reasons outlined in above post]


"RUN!" has some solid guitar and drum work for what is almost assuredly a speedmidi. I feel like the chords and bassline aren't quite meshing, though. This one could do with being longer and a bit tighter.


"Sent From Hell" [skipped for reasons outlined in above post]


"Sightseeing" feels like you made your own version of stewboy's "Desk Lamp". :P Nice flowing melodies, not sure if they all counterpoint each other perfectly though. Love the high-pitched Taiko Drum though - that thing needs to see more use as a solo instrument.


"Some Kind of Intro" sounds like a boss theme of some kind at first. Disjointed and dissonant, quite different to the others here.


"Spook" sounds like the backing track for some sort of poltergeist rap number right before it eats you. Another hyperactive drum pattern here which is cool.


"Stomping Grounds" with its, well, stomping rhythmic pattern, sounds like some sort of hellish pirate march. Or a boss theme perhaps. Vaguely Duke/ROTT-ish, this one, in fact. Ooh, echoes solo. I like it!


"Storming the Homefront" is another marching, industrial track, with more intrigue and mystery this time. Can easily imagine navigating crate mazes to this. That rapid "reverse echo" effect you do in a lot of your tracks comes into play a lot here, and it's quite a cool effect.


"The Best Chords I Don't Use" sounds rather like a polka interspersed with slow, imposing breaks. Secret map tune easily, this one. The second half is almost Schilder-like in its menacing chord progression, with bolder instrument choices (again you have that high taiko, and hammond organ).


"The Dank" is a sinister and atmospheric piece, using a persistent chord progression, with the dissonant pianos and celesta providing a more disjointed feel. The banjo near the beginning was an interesting choice, too.


"The Devil's Riff" starts out with a solid and menacing bassy intro, and soon becomes delightfully evil, with the melodies and rhythm persisting in spite of the gradually more unstable sound. That riff is definitely "evil", haha.


I would love to use some of these! Not sure on which ones yet but I'm sure I'll give 'em a good home.


Please reinstate the link in the first post so I can listen to those two other tracks as intended! It appears to be a 404.

Edited by Jimmy

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9 hours ago, Deadwing said:

I've heard half of the pack and there are lots of amazing tunes here


Some are very experimental, but there's always a good build-up or nice chord progression :P


Thematically they would fit well in more natural/bucolic levels :D

Thanks dude much appreciated! Yeah coming from an EDM background my use of instrumentation and song structure is....different, to say the least.


@Jimmy Wow thanks for the detailed feedback, you're pretty much on the money with most of the comments. Apes and Things is a homage to DKC, which goes without saying. I think about 90% of the MIDIs were done in one sitting (usually about 1 hour if not less) I would go back to fix them but I just run out of ideas for how to fill out some of these tracks, but having long stretched intros seems to be an unintentional trope of mine.


I made the link local, so hopefully the shouldn't be any more issues :D

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A lot of cool midis @Crunchynut44! The intro section to Baculus would work great on an intermission screen / title screen. I'm quite fond of Down Below, Bamboozled, Climbing Under, Stomping Grounds, and The Dank so far. Basically, anything that sounds suitably evil :P.

I'll keep these in mind for future projects, thanks for sharing! 

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These midis are seriously amazing. I'm not even halfway done, and I already love this pack a lot. I'll use some of them in my future maps for sure! ;)

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