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Your favorite WAD's to just kick back and relax playing?

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I know that Doom is known for being all hardcore and everything, and this community does love is hair-pulling difficult slaughter-fest, but what WAD's do you enjoy playing when you want to just take a breather, maybe something you just sorta breeze through when you wanna unwind. Something that, I guess you'd consider, a casual experience?

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Kuchitsu. Challenging but relaxing nonetheless. Just the right difficulty curve I guess.

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Some BTSX maps for the colorful everything, then Requiem, Memento Mori series, DTWID and sequel, NRFTL, mostly the older stuff that I played over a year ago. Those generally have relaxing gameplay, if not then for trickier wads I have Urania, Plutonia 2, or even D2INO. Always UV, usually pistol start, sometimes saveless. Not because they're my favourite wads, only because they don't require much planning or strategies, or else I can refresh my strats with set piece gameplay like Ancient Aliens or Valiant, but I don't intend to practice back anything that I've already played before, at least not for my own enjoyment, heh, depends on my mood.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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Boring answer: DOOM.WAD. Particularly Knee Deep in the Dead. Familiar, easy, but I still have a good time whenever I play through E1.

Edited by Dragonsbrethren

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I know this is not a iwad, but Knee deep in the dead and the shores of hell from the original doom are my favorite for this kind of gameplay. DTWID offers a similar experience and i enjoy it too, but i prefer the original episodes since i know those levels like the palm of my hand and they are easier to breeze through them and complete without using saves

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Epic by Eternal. Just love his mapsets in general: Hell Ground, Frozen Time, Epic 2 are all good, visually incredible, well-designed, fun WADs that do not spam you with mother flipping slaughter setups as some of the mentioned maps do (looking at you, Miasma).



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I usually go back to my WAD folder and look for bite-sized WADs like Scythe, or make some random crap with OBLIGE. If I'm looking to just chill out, I play on HNTR with free-look and etc. Sometimes If I'm feeling edgy (lol) I'll throw on fast monsters so the game isn't a snoozefest. 


A fun little suggestion for you guys, try playing on easy difficulties with fast monsters turned on, it really adds a new fun way to play the game without making it painfully easy. I just got done playing Doom 2 on HNTR -fast and I have to admit it made the game more enjoyable without being frustrating!

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For me, Coffee Break lives up to its name. It helps that it's one of those wads that strongly encourages pistol starts, so it you can just pick it up from anywhere.

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I cherry pick levels from D2. Often for chilling I stick on some of the urban levels with idkfa and keep stocking up with ammo. Often with clipping off. Just whizzing around blowing pinkies to bits with rockets


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Miasma, Stardate 20x7, Slaughterfest 2012/3, Toilet Of The Gods, Cryogenics, Sunder, Sunlust, Dimensions, Combat Shock 2

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Sunlust, Stardate 20x6, and SF3, but I guess slaughter stuff that comes in different forms in general.


Heh, slaughter works in really mysterious ways, for me at least.

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On 7/15/2018 at 2:27 AM, DMPhobos said:

I know this is not a iwad, but Knee deep in the dead and the shores of hell from the original doom are my favorite for this kind of gameplay. DTWID offers a similar experience and i enjoy it too, but i prefer the original episodes since i know those levels like the palm of my hand and they are easier to breeze through them and complete without using saves

Agreed, especially e3m2, I definitely know that one like the palm of my hand ;)

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if doom1 then straight to episode 4, pure nostalgia.


otherwise, sunder and usually maps 2 and 7. sometimes I try to go as long as I can on  map 5 in no nomo to practice movement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Twilight Zone, Project X, and Icarus: Alien Vanguard are some of the wads I like to play through for a respite from the hardcore, knockabout wads like Plutonia, Hell Revealed and Alien Vendetta, or the sprawling puzzlers like Eternal Doom.

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For a real relaxed experience, either the Ultimate DOOM or DOOM II iwads. I could pretty much go through these things in my sleep, and I'm OK with that.


When I want something more intense that's still kind of cathartic for me, I'll play some of the earlier maps of Sunder.

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