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Do you guys know any good gun mods

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I already know

brutal Doom

project brutality  finaldoomer

Russian overkill


Edited by Cooperson

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Here's some suggestions:

Russian Overkill: a crazy amount of destructive guns (including some devastating combos for your fists);

Guncaster: some insane guns + magic;

High Noon Drifter: neat spaghetti western weaponry;

GMOTA: a classic fantasy/medieval weapon mod;

Final Doomer+: weapon sets themed around Final Doom WADs TNT Evilution and Plutonia Experiment, as well as the Back to Saturn X and Japanese Community Project PWADs;

Gunslinger 2.0: a fun armory with a steampunk aesthetic


I'm a bit of a newbie myself, so I think the more experienced community members can give many more examples. Even so, these are likely to keep you entertained for quite a while (especially Russian Overkill).

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Some of these come with monsters as well but here are my picks that haven't been picked yet.


Trailblazer (by Pillowblaster as well)

DoomRLA (there's an optional monsterpack to go with it)

Doomzone (has its own monsters that come with it but I love the weapons in it)


Contra Doom


Weapons of Saturn

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Combined Arms is the shizzle. It's worth playing just for the pistol alone. Probably my favourite pistol in any FPS. 

Edited by Ajora

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I'd second Trailblazer and Guncaster, and add my personal favourite, Argent (D2016 weapons in Doom Classic), as well as La Tailor Girl.

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check out legendoom. it add's in fallout's legendary enemy/weapon mechanic. essentially, between 0 and 5 or more enemies (depending on the size of the level) have a chance to go "legendary" and that means, when their health goes to 0% for the first time it will shoot up to 300% and their speed will shoot up to 3x as well (they'll flash red and scream when they go just so you can tell) and when they die they drop a weapon with a cool effect. potential weapon effects include:

potions and armor bonuses doing +1 more (passive stacks)

doing more damage to a specific monster (i.e. hell nobles, imps and viles, pinkies, undead etc.)

infinite ammo when invisible.

i could go on and on about the effects. and when levels are bigger you have more legendary enemies to contend with. this mod also has its own special hud that comes in with it. it pairs well with megawads such as ancient aliens and (my favourite doom 1 mapset) jaws_in_space's switcherooom. it also is good with other mods like cactushedge's colourful hell. it's compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with the weapons in anyway (that's right even your custom realm667 enemies can go legendary too)

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On 7/15/2018 at 11:45 AM, joshthenesnerd said:

check out legendoom. it add's in fallout's legendary enemy/weapon mechanic. essentially, between 0 and 5 or more enemies (depending on the size of the level) have a chance to go "legendary" and that means, when their health goes to 0% for the first time it will shoot up to 300% and their speed will shoot up to 3x as well (they'll flash red and scream when they go just so you can tell) and when they die they drop a weapon with a cool effect. potential weapon effects include:

potions and armor bonuses doing +1 more (passive stacks)

doing more damage to a specific monster (i.e. hell nobles, imps and viles, pinkies, undead etc.)

infinite ammo when invisible.

i could go on and on about the effects. and when levels are bigger you have more legendary enemies to contend with. this mod also has its own special hud that comes in with it. it pairs well with megawads such as ancient aliens and (my favourite doom 1 mapset) jaws_in_space's switcherooom. it also is good with other mods like cactushedge's colourful hell. it's compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with the weapons in anyway (that's right even your custom realm667 enemies can go legendary too)

Thx loved it

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I use Argent, which ports the weapons (and, optionally, powerups, but no enemy changes) from Doom 2k16.

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