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No experience playing mods - little help needed

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Hello! I have a question on how to play mods so I might as well ask it at the very source. I've taken a liking to DOOM mods but I don't know how to install them. For example I played Brutal DOOM in a pre-packaged format so I didn't have to do anything.


I want to play Doom: The Golden Souls with the ridiculous gore of Brutal Doom. Is this possible? And how would I go about this? Thank you!

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5 hours ago, DoctorObviously said:

I want to play Doom: The Golden Souls with the ridiculous gore of Brutal Doom. Is this possible? And how would I go about this? Thank you!

Unfortunately, The Golden Souls and its sequel make non-trivial changes to Doom actors and behaviors, making Brutal Doom incompatible with it. You could certainly still try, but it would have unpredictable results and may potentially make the game unplayable.

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What you would have to do is attempt a few different packages that mimic, but do not perfectly copy, the Brutal Doom package. The best option is to use Universalgibs, which mostly works with everything, with Golden Souls, and crank all its settings up to maximum. Its not quite the same level of dismemberment, but its certainly just as bloody.


Brutal Doom Monsters Only could be tried as well, but probably wouln't work, as Golden Souls replaces several enemies.


Personally, I'd place all your files in a seperate mods directory off the GZDoom directory, and then trigger them by altering your .ini file (adding entries under globalload), something like this:

Path=$PROGDIR/Mods/SpriteShadow v1.6.pk3

Keeping everything sorted is important if you don't want your base directory to turn into a clusterfuck.

Edited by eharper256

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ZDL, friend. That's your answer for relatively painless Doom mod playing.

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If the WAD or PK3/PK7/whatever is in the same directory as zdoom.exe: just drag-and-drop the mod file(s) on top of zdoom.exe, simple as that


You can also use the -file parameter at the command line for controlling the order in which multiple mods are loaded, like so:


zdoom -file mod1.wad mod2.pk3


Edited by DILDOMASTER666

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