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Which Doom monster do you dread the most?

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2 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

Pain elementals. -_- Not so much because I think they're going to end my existence, but because I dread all the cleanup that I will probably have to do. Lost souls would be SO MUCH more tolerable if they didn't have so many blasted hit points.


Second would be chaingunners, I guess. If there's only one or two, and they're not hard to reach or anything, then it's not so bad. But in large numbers, or perched on far-away ledges, it kinda feels like the mapper is saying "lets roll this die to see how much health you lose this run."

You described the beginning map of Plutonia

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Lost Souls.


Not because they're difficult or something, but that flying cunt is simply not fun to fight against. Most of the time I see Lost Souls they kill my enthusiasm for whatever I'm currently playing. "Aw man, Lost Souls? Oh well... " Honestly, Lost Souls feel more like an obstacle to me than anything else as of late.


Even Chaingunners are more fun than them...

Edited by Agent6

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9 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

I'm not sure which is more surprising to me... the fact that you dread something, or the fact that it's the lowly spectre. ;-)

Dark areas + Spectres + rocket launcher as the only weapon = OLOLOLOLOLOL


And that's why I don't like those. Dreadding them would be an overstatement perhaps, but with those motherfuckers I have a bit of a relationship....

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Archviles, with Revs in second and chaingunners third.

1. Archviles: If you have no cover, they're a nightmare, and if you're hiding out from them in a room of monsters you just killed, you're just as screwed.

2. Revenants: I suck at dodging their rockets, and the rockets can sometimes be unpredictable when going from one height to another (i.e. I'm standing down the stairs from one)

3. Chaingunners: anywhere in Plutonia I absolutely hate them. They're used often, without cover, and often in conjunction with Archviles. Yuck.


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The icon of sins true form, not because of any build up to him, but more of the fact UAC miltary nigthmare has forever destroyed his image in my head.

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I mostly hate having to face Pain Elementals, especially if they are placed in a great range from the player, because then it is harder to close in with the SSG and kill them before they spawn anything.

Also, Chaingunners can get really annoying depending on their placement. Put them in range or in very open areas and they will definitely eat up a considerable part of the player's health, unless RNG works to the player's favour.

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10 hours ago, Nine Inch Heels said:



I didn't think much of them way back when and when I got back into doom the default settings of GZDoom make them comically obvious, but now that I'm playing with more faithful ports these guys are near impossible to see.


Chaingunners are still the worst though, they're just not interesting and they're so often used for awful gotcha traps. Revenants and Archviles are much more fun to fight.

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This really isn't an enemy I dread, but I genuinely get VERY annoyed when I get hit by them.  It's the Imps when they hit me with their cheeseball projectiles.  I fucking hate that so much because it makes me wonder how the hell do I manage to get hit by something so slow.  And to add insult to injury, it doesn't even do much damage at all.  Just an annoying hit that I never should have taken!  

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Pain Elementals are typically my highest priority, sometimes even over an Archvile. Because they can really cause a big problem if you aren't quick. Especially in vanilla since the infinitely tall lost souls will fuck up your movement.


But my least favorite enemy to fight is the Cyberdemon since he's such a big bullet sponge it's just tedious without a BFG.

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Another one I forgot to mention isn't exactly an actual enemy, but sure is one to me.  It's the fucking doors!  I can't even tell you the amount of times I've blown myself up with the rocket launcher because the door I'm standing in front of closes when I'm not expecting it.  Not to mention they make me waste ammo when they close in front of me when I'm spamming plasma rifle shots. 

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On 7/24/2018 at 1:59 AM, Maser said:

Another one I forgot to mention isn't exactly an actual enemy, but sure is one to me.  It's the fucking doors!  I can't even tell you the amount of times I've blown myself up with the rocket launcher because the door I'm standing in front of closes when I'm not expecting it.  Not to mention they make me waste ammo when they close in front of me when I'm spamming plasma rifle shots. 

You think Doom's doors are dangerous? You'll be wishing for them after you've been flattened by a door in Blood a few times.

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Traps with both Lost Souls and Pain Elementals at the same time gives me a headache. Only thing worse than having to deal with several Pain Elementals is having some Lost Souls already in the map to start bugging you while said Pain Elementals spawn more of those floating heads to waste your ammo.

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I always thought the icon of sin was pretty scary. Especially since those cube things kill you even when you have godmode on! 

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The worst, most scary monsters in the land of Doom are mappers who don't provide enough ammo.. Soulless beings who revel in the torture of innocent Doomers!

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3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

The worst, most scary monsters in the land of Doom are mappers who don't provide enough ammo.. Soulless beings who revel in the torture of innocent Doomers!

I happen to know of an example of this monster right off hand.


Weaponized infighting is the best.

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Mine is the Archville. I can cope with them and avoid their attacks most of the time, but these days most mappers usually chuck loads at you and when they spawn in a slaughter room that you've just dealt with: ultimate nightmare! As soon as I hear their sound I'm hunting them down in priority over EVERYTHING else :D



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On 7/22/2018 at 3:14 AM, Skag1337 said:

You described the beginning map of Plutonia

Only the beginning?..

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Spider Masterminds when I don't have BFG ammo, good cover, or both. Granted, cybies have more HP, but you can dodge rockets. You can't dodge shotminigun bullshit.

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