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10 hours ago, Grazza said:

Does that mean that if i feel like i'm 18 or some other age i will have achieved imortality?

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1 hour ago, StevenC21 said:

15 here. I feel super young.


Exactly. I am 15, yet I feel like I'm 13. I still think a bit like a child, to be honest.

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congratulations for the 20 years, are you now more old :v


i have 14 :U , i feel old :"v

Edited by Gaia74

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4 hours ago, leodoom85 said:

33 here. Still young enough.


33 is the best age!


At least until I turn 34. Then 34 is the best age!

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16 hours ago, Doominator2 said:

Ha, I actually turned 20 last Wednesday.


inb4 Doominator hijacks the thread and everyone congratulates him instead.

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On 7/22/2018 at 9:43 AM, Grazza said:


This article is ridiculous; how can the conclusion of 'one's subjective age influences one's overall (physical and mental) health' so blithely be reached from what likely amounts to correlation studies? I'll give the author that they did state that one's overall (physical and mental) health can influence one's subjective age, but given the tone, thesis, conclusion, and vast majority of the article, it's clear that it's goal is to propose that 'if you continue to have or change your mental outlook on your subjective age to be younger than your physical age, you will experience less health issues,' which while true to some degree (same way that stress kills us earlier) is crazy with the way that it's presented, since our subjective age is absolutely influenced by how we feel mentally and physically; I don't believe that very many people make it a conscious goal to 'fake it til they make it' wrt what age they feel. I will caveat this entire thing by saying that I do believe that having a positive outlook on life, being free of stress, and probably also faking that subjective age til one makes it can help to generally (lengthen is really the wrong word) not shorten our lives, but even if the goal is to try to help people in a subtle way, I think that it could have done a better job at being more thorough on its underlying logic and presentation as it's presentation now just comes across (at least to me) as total bunk. This is an example of a part I got hung up on:



From Article:

Despite these advances, scientists are only getting to grips with their potential implications, though it is certainly possible that future interventions might try to reduce participants’ subjective age and improve their health as a result. In one of the few existing studies, elderly participants in a fitness regime enjoyed greater strength gains if the experimenters praised their performance relative to other people of their age.


I quoted the full paragraph so its context wouldn't be totally stripped, though I'd recommend people rrad the full thing anyway, but I bolded the important part.


I have no doubt that praise for fitness regimes resulted in better results, though even with that I have to question if insults were also tested, just for completion's sake; science should cover all bases after all, so stop lifting like a 2 year old granny and get that fucking yoga ball in the air now. I bet a slow wind could push you over working like that. At least that's how I picture the tests. But my point here is that (never mind everything, but even just at the main subject matter) praise has only subtle effects on subjective age at best, but the thought is never tied into the overall picture so it's just 'here's another somewhat kinda related fact, but not gonna tie it in or address any elephants in the room on it or anything.'


The main piece of logic in this article for why or how people set their subjective age is:



From Article:

Sure enough, she [Kornadt] found that people’s subjective ages were lower when negative age stereotypes are most prevalent – such as work, health and finance – which would seem to support the idea that this thinking helps people distance themselves from the negative connotations of their age-group. Believing “I may be 65 but I only feel 50” would mean you are less worried about your performance at work, for instance. Kornadt also found that people with a lower subjective age tended to imagine their future self in a more positive light.


That one I didn't bold; article did that on its own. The only thing this says to me is if I joke on old people for (making mistakes from) being old that they'll step it up and maybe stop sucking at their job. Prolly having a boss way younger than them will do that on its own though, but this is a business and gramps better kick it into at least third gear or I'll find somebody who can. All joking aside maybe I just need to talk to more old people, or folks 30-40+, to find out how much of a defensive mechanism it is and to what degree people really do fake subjective age til they really believe it, though there is something to be said of the knee-jerk reactions which are just general human nature that we all have, not unlike looking at oneself and one's angry face in the mirror tends to calm one down, so it could be a natural reaction to want to mentally scream "NO!" when one's age is told to them.


Decent and somewhat true overall point, but just a terrible article all-around; raises more questions than anything.

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Since liking posts doesn't work on Wndows phones (awful devices, honestly) I'll just say that Fonze's post more eloquently states the same issues I had with that article while reading it. It seems like there's a grain of truth to the claim that has been extrapolated to a ridiculous degree. What do I know though, it's not as if I've ever studied it - just my natural reaction to the claims being presented. Certainly food for thought though!

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17 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Happy boifday! 20 was a very eventful year for me personally.


heh, I had the complete opposite experience, 20 was the biggest, most uneventful waste of a year for me. I'd say "so far," but I'll be damned if this happens again, fuck that.

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