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Your Favorite Doom Weapon

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There's probably already been such a thread before, but I haven't seen one, and there's a thread for your favorite Heretic and Hexen weapons, so why not one for Doom?

So what is your favorite weapon in Doom?

Mine is the rocket launcher. It's a powerful weapon best used at range that can mulch lower enemies and easily down tougher ones.

My second favorite is the berserk fist. It is just so much fun to punch things like this, and punching barrels into enemies never ceases to amuse.

So please, feel free to share your favorite weapon and why it is.

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The Super Shotgun has always been my favorite weapon, if I get it I never need to change it.

All about it is beautiful, its sound, its design, the damage and the name!


BFG9000 too as it just feels and IS powerful.


Rocket Jump + BFG9000 + Shotgun blast = Professional combo which in reality will never work.

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Shotgun. The sound, the range, the ability to knock out so many enemies with one blast. It doesn't get much better than the beginning of Industrial Zone.


But I will admit that when I cheat my way around a level for testing or whatever, I usually pull out the rocket launcher.

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1 = Super shotgun

2 = Rocket laucher

3 = BFG

4 = Berserk

5 = Shotgun

6 = Chaingun (using it for clearing out zombiemen, shotgunners is fun)

7 = Plasma Rifle (It's useful, probably best all-around, but only moderately fun for some reason)

8 = Chainsaw

9 = Pistol

10 = bare fists


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My most favorite is the Super Shotgun, delivering the same damage output as a rocket minus the splash damage, barring the BFG is the best weapon to use against the Cyberdemon and the Mastermind in close range, it's only drawback is the short range.


I would say that the Chaingun was my most favorite before playing Doom II.

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Most Favorite: BFG for sure.

Least Favorite: Plasma Rifle. It is a good weapon, but I don't like its sound effect. I don't use it a lot.

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1 minute ago, DanielAlexander said:

Least Favorite: Plasma Rifle. It is a good weapon, but I don't like its sound effect. I don't use it a lot.

I will never understand how that sound effect made the final cut. It is totally beyond me.

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Just now, Nine Inch Heels said:

I will never understand how that sound effect made the final cut. It is totally beyond me.

Its Loud The Sound , its all , for this i use the hd sounds effects

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That moment you get Berserk on DooM and SMT Fierce Battle plays on the Background so it's ONE MORE GOD REJECTED

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If we're talking actually using the gun in game it's gotta go to the Plasma Rifle for me, nothing feels better than to have a ton of ammo and a whole room of demons to shoot.


But, if we're talking about looks then it has to go to the Super Shotgun, the thing just looks cool as fuck.

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I like all the Doom weapons (yes, even the paltry pistol, because I like handguns), but if I have to pick the one weapon I'm most attached to, it'd be the regular shotgun. I just like pump-action shotguns and the Doom shotgun feels just right.


Most wads I've played tend to rely too much on the SSG, to the point that I've grown very tired of it, but there was a time, eons ago it seems, where I'd definitely have picked that as my favorite.

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Of course it's my double barreled mouse, er, shotgun, and BFG because it's very iconic.


There's one scene where Rocket Launcher is wonderful where it gibs everything but the zombieman you hit. (Oh god, I love this so much, so I talk about this again and again...)

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Now I think better, if I had to do a list from 1 to 10 (Best to worst) Then uh....


0) Berserk Fists with Fierce Battle on the background

1) Super Shotgun

2) BFG9000

3) Plasma Rifle

4) Rocket Launcher

5) Chaingun

6) Shotgun

7) Chainsaw

8) Pistol

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Hm, that's probably going to be the Rocket Launcher for me, blasting waves of Imps with it is deeply satisfying.


Then the BFG, SSG, Shotgun, Chaingun, and Plasma Rifle. Out of all of them I rarely use the Plasma Rifle if I have the BFG, it's usually the better choice in most situations. Wish I could use the Shotgun more often though.

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Heh, no idea. All of the weapons have their strengths and weaknesses, that I can't pick a favourite weapon at the moment, nor I need to. Here comes my bible of reasons:


- The fist in its initial state is the only one I find of no interest to use. However, when a berserk reach my hands, it's the ideal for pretty much anything with a thin hitbox, minus lost souls and former humans. But the inconsistency of RNG values and crappy three-hit imps generally lets me down. With the chainsaw I have a special relationship much like with spiderdemons for their rare appearances in contemporary maps and other reasons. I like it more than the zerk for its limited usability (pinkies and lost souls primarily, feels more satisfying to me), but I wish it dealt more damage, in order to extend possibilities to use. Nothing that I couldn't do for my future maps, whenever that's happening.


- The pistol, umm, any upgrade works better for me: double pistols in Deus Vult II, STRAIN's one shoots faster and I think it has perfect autoaim. If there's any utility I could find is for sniping troopers or distant shootable switches, the latter gives me a couple ideas for pressure-inducing setups. Anyway, chaingun is my ideal sniper, and also does its greatest job which is stunning monsters of considerable pain state values, helpful for when you open a door or take a lift not knowing what's on the other side. I also snipe with the shotgun, and use it very frequently for many situations, the downside is that since it does little damage, any case of blockmap shenanigans such as sergeants not dying in one shot makes me want to switch for another gun. Similar with the SSG in hand and any huge hitbox susceptible to blockmap (or protected by?), but that's a bug in the game and I like both shotguns quite a lot regardless, their sounds are strong and satisfying enough to forget about bugs. 


- My gripe with rockets is maybe a problem of mine I need to work on: it bugs me when a rocket "squeezes past" a slow monster at close range, a baron for example barely makes an effort to chase you in zigzag like a revenant would do, and yet he still can "dodge" my rocket. Perhaps I need to practice my aim better. That aside, the rocket launcher generally gives me priceless moments.


- The thing with the plasma rifle is that if there're no indications of high-tier enemies or high pressure scenarios, then I don't ever feel the need to use it, unless of course it's the main weapon of the map, like in BTSX2 map 20 or a few Moonblood maps. I think it's a really amazing weapon, applicable to so many circumstances, and because of that I desist to use it in occasions where other weapons work fine too. It's psychological I know, then I found myself bordering the top number of cells in stock and very little of the rest. This, however, has nothing to do with playing on continuous the way I do, but rather because of playing everything blind and waiting for the best moment to unleash the PR, or the BFG. And yes, I love the BFG, the typical hordes cleanup, giving archviles a taste of their own medicine, two-shotting cyberdemons is also the most satisfying way to clear them quickly on my own (somehow, the weirder the case, the funnier it is)... but man the safety pin is so unnecessary. Also the PR's sound is poop.


In conclusion, I'm tired, bye.

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Probably the shotgun. It's just a very satisfying weapon to use, and its usefulness persists in most levels. You can always count on it when you need it.

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The rocket launcher. Faster than the SSG, can do good damage at low distance, and it's the only weapon you can't spam at point blank (unless you get the invulnerability, then it's immensely fun), so that makes things more interesting!

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My favourite weapon is the single shotgun. I enjoy firing it, I love it's pump action animation and I can have great fun sniping enemies with it or getting in more close range battles. Killing hitscanners and imps with it is also great!


The chaingun is my 2nd favourite. It can snipe, it can stun enemies which is extremely useful and it can empty a room full of low tiers in seconds. Plus when I'm out of shells, I will switch to the chaingun, because shells and bullets are the most common ammo types in the game.


The SSG is great too. At close to medium range it can prove to be really destructive, though further than that is a waste of 2 shells, if fired. Plus it has a cool animation.


The rocket launcher I keep for hard situations, trying to save up rockets and when I get to use it I tend to really enjoy it. Especially when I manage to throw a rocket between a group of enemies and see them being killed from inside out, it is wonderful.


Then, it is a tie for the plasma rifle and the BFG. The plasma is like an improvement for the chaingun. It stuns, it deals huge amounts of damage and it fires super fast projectiles (actually, if it was hitscan it would have been even better, but it wouldn't have good looking projectiles and it wouldn't be as fun to use). Meanwhile, many times it is better if you just use the BFG as a shotgun of mass destruction, with a pretty cheap firing cost (40 cells for 1 BFG shot is definitely worth it).

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Unpopular opinion, I used to love the plasma BECAUSE of that noise as a kid playing Doom. I used to think it was kinda 'Boing! Boing! Boing! Pshhhaaa!', and that plus filling the screen with wiggly blue hash sprites is just somehow amazing.


So its still no. 1 for me. Then SSG, then RL.

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The SSG is my go-to weapon for most situations. Love the unpredictable number of trash enemies I can knock down with it when they bunch up nicely for me. My go-to weapon for those "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" unpredictable situations is, surprisingly not the BFG, but the Plasma Rifle. I find its quick rate of fire and ability to pain-stun most enemies a powerful ally in the face of unknown and overwhelming odds. 

Edited by Odal

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TBH I love every weapon, expect pistol and fist. I guess my favorite one is the Rocket Laucher, though.


Pistol sucks, and unberserked fist too. Single Shotgun is fun to use against scattered low tier enemies (as long as it is weaker than a Lost Soul), where the small burst damage kill them with only one shot and the enemies are spread enough so the firerate doesn't feel too slow. Chaingunner is also pretty good for the similar situation above, especially when there's more low tiers foes than usual, its faster fire rate is also useful to switch targets without being vulnerable. Super Shotgun is pretty good for cleaning up already solved setpieces and taking down foes that takes until 2-3 blasts to kill. However, I don't enjoy it when it is the "main" weapon of the wad and you have to kill barons or hell knights with it. Rocket Launcher is awesome and it's useful for every situation as long as the foes isn't in your face. The splash damage and slow missile speed makes imo the weapon a lot more interesting. Plasma is somewhat underused, but it is a pretty fun weapon to use as long as you don't have to snipe enemies with it, I guess, but usually the ammo runs out really fast. BFG is the most powerful weapon and demands some actual skill to use it, but I have no idea how to do the two-shot thing with cyberdemons lol

Edited by Deadwing

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