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Is there any Good Psx Doom for the pc

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11 minutes ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

You only need PSX Doom 2.135, the rest is optional or outdated.

ok thanks dose it come with the music 


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6 minutes ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

What do you mean? That doesn't make sense.

The port I use is ZDoom32 and it runs PSX Doom TC fine.

Dude i re downloaded the the file i extract all in to the folder and then boom gone no exe to be found.

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1 minute ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

What about the other files? If they're not there then you most likely actually extracted them into a separate folder.

Its all there but the exe i have no earthly idea where they are going i searched my pc top to bottom 

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Stop quoting me. I follow this content, so I'll get a notification when you post here.

Are you downloading the GZDoom linked in the PSX Doom thread or are you downloading the ZDoom32 I linked?

I don't know anything about the GZDoom they linked, but I know that ZDoom32 will extract properly with 7Zip and run PSX Doom just fine.

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