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Hexen on GZDoom - Invisible enemies?

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Forgive me for not knowing where to post this, but has anyone had any issues with the sprites being invisible, but still able to attack you?

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I read on the ZDoom forums that it was caused by the latest AMD drivers (18.7.1). Try rolling them back and see if it solves the problem (if you actually have an AMD card, that is).

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I do have AMD.. ugh. I had to update my driver just to play GTA5.. now I remember why computers are a pain in the arse ha

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Yah.. I’m just not as program savvy as most gamers.. half the time I’m just tryin to google how to get stuff running properly.. but there is a sense of accomplishment after.. 8 hours later 😂

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I updated GZDoom and it was normal again.. in other news, I can not get the music in Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel to work.. 

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8 hours ago, Dr. DooM said:

I updated GZDoom and it was normal again.. in other news, I can not get the music in Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel to work.. 


It's good to know that the GZDoom devs managed to solve it! About the Hexen expansion, that was a bug that was fixed in the 1.1 release, which you can download here. It's been a while since I ran that patch, but IIRC you'll need to use DOSBox on modern opertaing systems.

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I'm getting the same problem for all games in GZDoom with my AMD HD 7850 and driver 18.7.1. All sprites (except the HUD weapon ones) are completely gone if I select the OpenGL display. Unfortunately, the new update hasn't fixed this problem. Looks like I will roll back my drivers to 18.5.1 for now.

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