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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 38 - Still better than Maple Story powerleveling!

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The session that came before.


The date? The 18th of August. The time? 7PM Eastern Standard Time (and also 7AM the next day if Jimmy's up to doing the second session). The place? The venerable ASScord server, which will be opened to the public 24 hours beforehand. Last month's theme format seemed to go off without a hitch, so we'll be using that again: feel free to suggest some out-of-the-box themes for me to add to the 10-theme lineup.





Edited by Obsidian

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This will be a thing! I am still going with the whole block piece idea!

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Excellent! I'm free that Saturday/Sunday so pencil me in lightly. Been a while since I've last speedmapped.

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If Jimmy's up for it, I may be able to participate in the second session. And if so, maybe I'll actually finish my map within the time limit.

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2 hours ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

If I may, I'd like to post a theme suggestion.

Low-tier enemies only (think E1).

I'd like to see what gets done with this.

This has been done before iirc-

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Alright let me check my box of speedmapping themes


- BFG vs. cyberdemons 

- Platforming 

- Ultra-narrow catwalks 

- Mandatory archvile jumps 

- Mandatory blursphere vs. projectile monsters 
- Timed obstacle course (think Scythe m28)

- No health in the whole map

- Voodoo dolls in the active playspace (example: JQ2.wad m04)


Edited by rdwpa

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2 minutes ago, Garbage said:

Crushing doors

As in, doors which are crushers? That is, crushers acting as doors?

That would be interesting, but probably have to be combined with something else.

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All sectors must be either 0 or 256 light level.

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1 hour ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

As in, doors which are crushers? That is, crushers acting as doors?

That would be interesting, but probably have to be combined with something else. 

Crushing lifts? (crushing floor in a lift's clothing)

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1 hour ago, Eris Falling said:

All maps must be for Duke 3D.

In this case, I'd like to request the 2 hour maximum to be raised to 8 hours. 2 hours to make the map, and 6 hours to make sure Build actually feels like working.

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Hitscanners only (has probably been done)

No hitscanners (also has probably been done)

No enemies that fire projectiles (I would argue this would not exclude hitscanners, since they don't fire a projectile you can dodge)

Mandatory teleporting

Crates are an integral part of the level and not just decoration

Exploding barrels are the main weapon

Doom 1 bestiary only

Half the area of every room must include stairs

Everything is <pick a random color> (also has probably been done)

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Good luck for all the participants! Some theme ideas for you:


No health / Reality maps

Tyson style

Cyberdreams style (telefragging cyberdemons)

Real life places

Soulsphere or Megasphere only for health

Invasion gameplay (monsters comes at wave hordes)

Arch Viles jump

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Three more that I thought of:


Soulsphere and mega-armor at the start and that's the only health and armor in the whole map

Map must contain <Monster 1>, <Monster 2>, and <Monster 3> (chosen at random from Doom 2 bestiary: for example, Cyberdemon, Arch-vile, Sergeant)

Map must contain <Hitscanner>, <Melee monster>, and <Projectile monster> (chosen at random: for example, Chaingunner, Demon, Imp)

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- Automap must be a recognizable shape (e.g., animal)

- Adjacent sectors must be at least 100 light level points different

- No lifts and no doors allowed

- Crushers are a main weapon for the player (e.g, by tricking monsters to walk inside)


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4 hours ago, Scotty said:

All sectors must be either 0 or 256 light level.


I was actually going to suggest 96/192 for two-tone lighting.


Or there's "stark lighting" (each sector's lighting must either be 64+ different from all adjoining sectors, or equal to them.  so e.g. if I put down a sector with 160 lighting, then any sector joining it must also be 160, or 96 or lower, or 224 or higher - it can't be 112, 128, 144, 176, 192 or 208)


Flying monsters only


3-2-1.  Only 3 types of monster, two weapons (other than pistol), and one (type of) healing item.


Lots of liquid (could narrow it down by specifying a liquid type i.e. blood, nukage, lava, water or slime)



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Uh, I guess non-mappers can suggest ideas too? Well then...


- Map has to contain at least one secret in a dark area/sector (not pitch black).

- Your three least favourite monsters or the three you usually disregard must be used at least once in (an) important/s role.

- Strict weapon combo except shotgun-chaingun or BFG-rocket launcher, pistol and weaker fist don't count. 

- For every ambush, pack, horde, or set piece, there has to be one hitscanner (former human or SMM) and one floating enemy.

- Only two types of liquid which must be mixed in some way and only one can be pain sector (e.g. nukage and water together)

- A high-HP monster that must not die until the player reaches a certain point like the exit. The concept in Valiant's map 07, basically.

- No enemies below and above a determined range of HP (e.g. nothing below 300 and above 700, only between 25 and 150).

- Pickup teasing, e.g. a key which keeps teleporting out when you come close to it.


And I should stop here :/

Edited by galileo31dos01

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- BFG and zombiemen only
- Invisible walls except in the borders
- Fractal shape
- Stealth map, archviles only
- Whole map is in 0 light level, except for turret monsters and maybe doors
- Map must be in the shape of author's nickname
- Optional keys in deathtraps with almost no reward
- All monster types must be included. The quantity of each type must be in the Fibonacci sequence




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2 minutes ago, Worm318 said:

- Stealth map, archviles only


You joke, but I've done that before. :P


Excellent ideas guys, checkin' them out now. I might pick a couple of the unused themes from last session so I don't run out of ideas further down the road, but you can bet your bottom groat that I'll be using plenty of these suggestions.

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Pick a Power-Up - your map must emphasise the use of one (and only one) of the following: berserk pack, invuln sphere, blur sphere, rad suit, light amp goggles



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1 hour ago, Worm318 said:

- All monster types must be included. The quantity of each type must be in the Fibonacci sequence


Interesting idea; I'd never though to apply the Fibonacci sequence to monster counts in Doom. Of course, with 19 monster types in Doom 2, you're talking about 10,945 monsters (excluding 0 as a Fibonacci number, since you stipulated that all monster types be included).


So you'd end up with a speed slaughter map, which, now that I think about, some people could get behind.


If you include the Icon of Sin, you're at 20 monsters, which means 17,710 monsters.


But, for the sake of argument, I do have a question related to that: how would you arrange the monsters sequentially?

  • Alphabetically?
  • Reverse hit points?
  • However the player wanted?

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