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DOOM Eternal Gameplay Reveal Impressions

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As of right now the gameplay reveal is not available online but I think we should have a dedicated thread for it.


First impression? It's cartoony. UNBELIEVABLY CARTOONY. Even compared to DOOM4.

Edited by Touchdown

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Yeah I think it may be a little too cartoony/arcade for my taste, but it's probably still going to be fun.

Love some of the designs. Nice to see the original Plasma Rifle again.


I think if you create a triangle with Doom 3, Doom 2016 and Call of Doom (cancelled Doom 4) in each corner you may found my ideal Doom game somewhere in the middle....but  that doesn't mean this version can't be good of course :)

Edited by Shaviro

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>mfw when I literally just made the same thread not seeing this one

But that aside, I quite liked it and I don't care too much that it's kinda cartoony.  It's a game where you indiscriminately murder everything on screen while playing as the most badass human being (?) to ever have lived.  I mean that idea on its face is a bit cartoonish already, you know?

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I screen captured a shot:


There definitely seemed to be a focus on taking the monsters even closer to their original designs. An interesting addition of Quake CTF's grappling hook, and limited Jetpack manoeuvring?  Looked pretty sweet.

Edited by Urthar

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I loved it, it has a more colorful look and green haired zombiemen look as good as ever. Game looks super fun, too bad we didn't got a release date at the moment

Im hyped

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Just now, ArchangelOfHell said:

That Phobos landscape was stunning!!!!

Yes but it looked almost to clean. On the other side the demonic invasion just started.


I wonder what the Quake 2 like orbit cannon was shooting at.

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I liked how in the Phobos bit, there was a bit of a grey mist atmosphere on the sky, maybe a reference to the original sky??? probably not, but i liked the phobos bit a lot

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I loved it. The art style is 100% on point, except for Phobos. It doesn't really feel like Doom's Phobos to me but I still like it, it kinda feels like Quake 2. Maybe it's because I associate Doom's Phobos with a more austere art style. 


Is it just me or is the player slower this time?


Chainsaw seems to give less ammo, which I like.


I saw a classic Medpack in the Phobos part.


Doomslayer has a lot of personality once more.


Is it just me or do the levels seem overly linear? They probably wanted to show the action more than the exploration. Regardless, the exploration and suspense part is really REALLY important in a Doom game. I want more levels like the Foundry and Argent Facility and less levels like Lazarus Labs.


The Plasma Gun looks 100% as it should. Also seems more powerful.


Really surprised no one has tried to implement invasions in a Doom mod so far. That would be wicked.


The concept art is really good. Id have some very talented artists.

Edited by DooM_RO

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I like just about everything I saw. The intro sequence for the Phobos segment had me grinning like an idiot, and then the doors opening to a giant ridiculous cannon was just icing on that cake.


The only thing I'm hoping for is to be able to smash those holographic announcers and shut them the hell up.

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5 minutes ago, Eris Falling said:

I loved the look of Phobos. With no disrespect towards the original E1 at all, we now have a Doom game set on Phobos, and not "Phobos," the cave and mountains in China.

I have no complaints, I love what I've seen today.


It's not about the sky but to me Phobos means Doom 1 and Doom 1 means a more austere/spartan art style. I am not suggesting they go full 1993 mode, perhaps something more flat and squareish and even old.

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20 minutes ago, mrthejoshmon said:

Me likey what I saw, not a fan of invasions though and will probably turn them off.


It works brilliantly in Dark Souls (where it was popularized), so I'm intrigued to see how it works here.  It looks like it might be relegated to specific fights, so it's not like another play can come gank you when you're admiring the scenery.


12 minutes ago, DooM_RO said:

It doesn't really feel like Doom's Phobos


In fairness Doom's Phobos looks nothing like actual Phobos, which is an airless rock orbiting just outside Mars' atmosphere.  The Doom Eternal presentation is probably closer to what a real Phobos base would be like, but I agree the "Big Gun" look was very Q2.

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JESUS! ! ! ! That was FUCKING INSANE! I really liked what I saw but I need to watch it again right now to fully understand what the fuck is going on! It's awesome that they showed a huge chunk of gameplay. DOOM mixed with Dark Souls?? +1 Life? What the fuck is going on? :D I'm so happy they brought classical possessed back! 

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Here's a good hq view of the Phobos set, 

Also the alive UAC employee interaction is great, love how the Doomslayer simply cannot ask for the keycard and drags him over to enter, then grabs that awesome plasma rifle from one of the stunned guards. 

Edited by ArchangelOfHell

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Finally, we can enjoy the Mancubus in all of his 6 tit glory.


Super super excited for this, it really looks like they are going above and beyond with what they had in DOOM.

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Flashbacks of the Big Gun from Q2...


But aye, I want this now more than ever. It pretty much looks like more of the same, which is exactly what I was hoping for.


All we need now is a release date.

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