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Favourite thing about any Monster in doom?

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Cacodemon - God, my favourite enemy. I love the sound they make, how cute they look and how almost non-threatening they are. 


Revenant - I really like it when they punch me. It looks and sounds awesome. 


Hell Knights / Barons of Hell - Here I also have to admit, that I really love their screams. Both when they see you, as well as their death rattles.


Archviles[/] - NOTHING.

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@Maes favorite thing about a Cyberdemon is its butt.

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Well, I actually got two:


1.) Pain Elementals because of how adorable they are and even when you hurt them they make a cute noise.  All they want is just love and they never get any.  Those little arms they have are perfect for Doom hug parties!


2.) Arch-Viles mainly because of all the enemies in Doom, their attack is actually the easiest for me to dodge once I eventually learned how it worked.  I also love the alert noise it makes followed by the demonic ambient laughing that makes them sound way more intimidating than they really are. 

Edited by Maser

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Hell Knights: I just love the fact that their death scream is a cougar or bob cat roar/yell, i also quite like their color scheme, even if they are essentially a recolored Baron of Hell with different sounds and half the HP, it's sounds and color scheme makes it different enough to be considered a different monster of the same family.


Cyberdemons: Of all the Doom games i like the classic Cyberdemon design the most, i like the hydraulic thumping sounds it makes when it walks, how it's design implies that this creature is far more machine than demon due to it's weird distorted muscles, it's protruding oversized spine beneath the skin, the hollow abdominal area, filled with red wires and the way it's flesh stretches to one side of it's mechanical leg, and rocket launcher arm really makes it look like a mechanical abomination.


Lost Souls: The name and the fact that they are floating large burning human skulls with horns.



Edited by Solmyr

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The only reason why the mancubus is my favorite Doom enemy is because of how easy it is to avoid its attack: Just simply step to the left, then the right, and then the left again. Also, its pain sound is kinda funny.

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The Archvile is my favorite monster from Doom. It  has earned my respect because I know how powerful it is.


-Your in trouble once the Archvile sets it's sights on you. It can set you ablaze in a heartbeat!


-It can resurrect fallen demons that you just killed, undoing all your hard work. Under certain circumstances the Archvile can create ghost monsters


-Should friendly-fire occur, it will turn it's rage on the offending monster. And they wont fight back! What the vile giveth, the vile taketh.


-I am convinced the creature design was inspired by the 1988 monster flick Pumpkinhead. Especially the Doom 3 Archvile.

Edited by Ex Oblivione

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BARON OF HELL AND CYBERDEMON because are the more similar to the demons of the bible :U



Edited by Gaia74

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11 minutes ago, Gaia74 said:

BARON OF HELL AND CYBERDEMON because are the more similar to the demons of the bible 

I personally don't care for the Bible

but I'm an atheist which explains that

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7 minutes ago, SuperPCGamer said:

Personalmente no me importa la Biblia,

pero soy un ateo que explica que

i dont have problem with that because I'm not too Christian to say xD


but the thing I love more of the bible and my religion, is the angeology and the demonology


that explain why that monsters are my favorite

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3 hours ago, Ex Oblivione said:

-Should friendly-fire occur, it will turn it's rage on the offending monster. And they wont fight back! What the vile giveth, the vile taketh.

And then he resurrects them again to attack you!


I love all the enemies of Doom and all about them so i dont know what to say lol, i love their design and animations and sounds.

Also, it took me forever to realize that the Cyberdemon demon had red eyes in tehsideso f his head.

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1 hour ago, D88M said:

it took me forever to realize that the Cyberdemon demon had red eyes in tehsideso f his head.

...Did you not see the DooM II cover art?

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When a pain elemental is destroyed near a wall, it may eject one or more lost souls through the wall, who then become trapped outside the map.
A lost soul outside the level can still open a door, if the appropriate linedef is between it and the player.

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Mancubus - That satisfying death sound and animation.

Arch-Vile  - Their appearance and how nobody dare attacking them else they get their face burnt off.

Revenant - *Melee sound goes here*

Cyberdemon - Imposing and badass looking.

Pain Elemental - Their stubby little arms

Cacodemon - Just an awesome monster all around, from colours to his appearance.

Hellknight/Baron of Hell - Always fun to fight, especially the former with an SSG. Also outstanding design!

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Cyberdemon- Strongest and most badass of all demons!


Cacodemon - So cute that I don't like firing on them, but unluckily I have no choice.


Archvile: Their flame attack.


Baron of Hell: Most fun to fight with!

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Cyberdemon - kills a full health player in one hit. I mean, monsters that don't kill the player in one hit are great to use in regular gameplay most of the time, but from a mapper's standpoint / game-design-wise, it's also nice to have a one-hit-killing monster available for specific scenarios, whether actual battles, traps, or even "puzzles".


Archvile - long attack preparation delay, then instant hit unless out of sight. Similar reason as above - the potential for interesting usage. Resurrecting monsters in its path or launching the player into the air along with dealing damage are interesting too, but difficult to control.


Pain Elemental - fills the whole area with monsters that naturally infight. Like above, good only in specific setups, appreciating the potential anyway.


Demon - easily manipulated to walk where the player needs him to without endangering the player too much. Take cover behind him, make him activate doors or lifts for you, fun exploits.


Revenant - homing missiles. Mancubus - spreading missiles. Arachnotron - stream of missiles. Cacodemon - flight and missiles. Icon of Sin - monster missiles. Obvious reasons.


Shotgunner and chaingunner - their hitscans pose a decent threat.


Imp - weak, predictable, versatile, overusable, classic. (Yes, this is one favorite thing, not multiple favorite things - I just don't know how to express it in one word or phrase.)


The rest - just for completion - can't really decide what's my favorite thing about them. :)

Edited by scifista42

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4 hours ago, scifista42 said:

Yes, this is one favorite thing, not multiple favorite things - I just don't know how to express it in one word or phrase.

Oh, no, I don't care how many things you have to say about Imps. just say it all when you can

Edited by SuperPCGamer

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Cacodemon/Pain Elemental: 

Floating balls of cute. 


Baron of Hell/Hell Knight:

Awesome and satisfying detection and death screams.


Revenant: Gangly Mr. Bones with a rocket launcher shirt and bloody shorts, nuff said. 




Cyberdemon: Your feared Doom monster, awesome mechanical and cybernetic design, and hurts a lot.


Spider Mastermind: Giant robot brain with a shotgun sounding chaingun.


Archvile: Resurrection and fiery blasts. 


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On 8/11/2018 at 5:27 AM, geo said:

@Maes favorite thing about a Cyberdemon is its butt.

Good taste.


I like the Mancubus death animation. The way the flesh melts off the bones is beautifully gory.

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On 8/13/2018 at 2:35 AM, SuperPCGamer said:

...Did you not see the DooM II cover art?

Yeah, but they are not as much on the sides of the head as in the game :/

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On 8/16/2018 at 8:36 PM, SuperPCGamer said:

...Dude, that's EXACTLY where they are ingame.

No, in teh cover art they are near the middle of teh head, in the game they are very at the sides :P 

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3 hours ago, D88M said:

No, in teh cover art they are near the middle of teh head, in the game they are very at the sides :P 

check eyesight please

They are at the exact place ingame and on the cover

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