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Just a summary, hope I didn't miss something:


Ingame: "Please remain calm, you may notice a slight change in environjment, fear not, it's all part of the plan" (4:57)

Ingame: "Earth is the melting pot of the universe" (12:40)

Presenter: "We get to see how the UAC evolved" (shows UAC worshipping a giant demon) (16:30)

Presenter: "We're building a Doom universe" (shows Sci-Fi like ancient Alien architecture) (17:08)

Ingame: "[...] says we should let them through" (18:18)

Ingame: "Warning, the Slayer has entered the facility" (19:22)

Ingame: "Warning, the Slayer aquired [?] accesss" (21:03)


For me it looks like the Earth and Phobos invasion are actually part of the plan of more people than just Hayden and the Slayer is considered a threat.


In addition the story seems to evolve into a much larger scope, especially when the presenter is referring to a Doom universe while showing another Alien world. Maybe Slayer is looking for the Alien origin of certain artefacts which are not from Earth, although Earth is "the melting pot of the universe".

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For me it looks like the Earth and Phobos invasion are actually part of the plan of more people than just Hayden and the Slayer is considered a threat.


The Blind Council?

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8 hours ago, igg said:

Ingame: "[...] says we should let them through" (18:18)


Sounds like "Corporate says..."


8 hours ago, igg said:

Ingame: "Warning, the Slayer aquired [?] accesss" (21:03)


Sounds like "Warning, Slayer threat level at maximum."

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My initial impression is that you start the game back on Mars, or more likely, on Phobos. My guess based on first impressions is that Phobos (and perhaps Deimos?) make up the first level of the game (this is corroborated by the one special teleporter in the gameplay demo, which might be a long-distance one to send you to the Deimos facility, who knows), with the Doom Slayer picking up where he left off not long after Doom 2016 ends. I think the walking through the scared employees is a cutscene at the very beginning of the game, with the rest of the first level being a bombastic romp through the Phobos station and it ending with you defeating whatever threat is there and ending up being teleported back to Earth, which is where the game starts for real.

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Here is my theory how the Game goes. 


1. DS wakes up on Mars, where he slays some small amounts of Demons, as most of the Hell's Forces are concentrated on the Invasion of Earth and Phobos. And then the Slayer meets Samuel, The One who likely woke DS up, as ge thought DS would help him. DS fights Hayden, who wields the Crucible. He disables The Praetor Suit, but the Hellwalker defeats him nonetheless. DS uses the Crucible to go to Earth, as he learn from Computer Terminals that The Earth is Under Attack.


2. It turns out that the Past Pockets of Resistance against Hell are futile, and, for the first time, DS is unable to do Much to stop it, Demons are too numerous and overwhelming for DS to stop the Full Invasion Fast Enough, wearing a manmade suit, not the Armor of the Old that empowered him. 


3. DS decides to go to Hell, as he remembers the Wretch, the Demon Traitor who created the Praetor Suit for DS. The Unchained Predator has to fight his way through Countless Demons, traverse Immeasurable Hellish Landscapes, and eventually "Hell Hives", where the Demon's Evil is at it's most Potent. There he meets the Wretch, who gives him the New Armor and Uprages/Upgrades his Arsenal. 


4. With New Powers Doom Slayer returns to Earth, slaying Demons easily. The Hell, Eternally Scared by this Revelation, decides that Something more Powerful must be created to combat the New DS. The Slayer, on the other hand, ensures that the Earth is safer, and can hold off the Demons. But then he encounters Marauders, Traitorous Argent D'Nur or Perhaps Something Else turned into Demons and given Praetor suits, as Hell found the Praetor suit of the Slayer on Mars, and decided to produce them for their Elite Forces. He defeats a couple of them, and maybe a Boss or Two, and then learns from UAC Men that Demons desperately try to gain their Footing on Phobos, a Place that could give them many Advantages, if they could control it.


5. He uses the Crucible to travel to Hell, where he doesn't spend much time, as he finds a Portal teleporting him to Phobos. He is Lucky enough to get Teleported into a Facility, a Command Center. There he fights some New Menacing Foes, like DoomHunters, designed specifically to kill him, Archviles, and then has a Boss Battle with a Giant Demon-Tentacle Thing, One of The Tentacle-Creatures that were sent to Earth, but regrouped to Invade Phobos.


6. With the defeat of such a Powerful Demon, Hell Forces cowardly retreat, but the Slayer uses the Crucible to catch up with them. There he slays hordes of Powerful demons and finds out that the Wretch was Brutally killed for his many traitorous acts against Hell. After that he stumbles upon a Unique and Unexpected Location, a Portal to a New Dimension, the Place where some of the Argent D'Nur survivors remained hidden and safe. There he reunites with them, and then decides to End Hell once and For All, for What they have done to Him, His Race and Everyone Else.


7.  Doom Slayer fights through Hundreds of Demons, from Imps to DoomHunters, and eventually enters What looks like a Giant Castle-like Structure. There he battles with the Main Demon, the Hell Lord resembling the Icon of Sin. Despite The Fight being Brutal, The Slayer defeats the Hell Lord, thinks about returning to the Dimension which bacame the New Home of Argent D'Nur, standing right next to the Portal, but doesn't do that, and instead destroys it by punching it. Deep down he knows that he Saved His People, that His Onslaught is Eternal, and that They Always Come Back.

Edited by DoomMan777

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3 hours ago, Linguica said:


Sounds like "Corporate says..."



Sounds like "Warning, Slayer threat level at maximum."


I heard 'Mordred says let 'em through.'


Which could be interesting if we get some Arthurian myth stuffed in there somehow.

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Well, we know that the UAC is at least partially under the control of a demonic death cult, and as mentioned in the OP it seems like we're going to see secret UAC facilities with demon worshiping and so forth, so it would at least make sense for "corporate" to be telling these UAC mooks to just give up and let the invasion happen.

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