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Do You Like Doom 3?

A Nobody

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Hello everyone. I want to know how you feel about Doom 3. Do you like the game? Do you think it's a step backwards compared to Doom 1, 2, and 64? Do you think that Doom 64 is the real Doom 3? Please tell me if you want. c:

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I like Doom 3 as a game on its own. It's very atmospheric and easily one of the very few games to inspire a great sense of tension in me, the other being Amnesia TDD.


However, the gameplay lacks a lot. It's slow, sometimes awkward since the rooms are pretty cramped, and a large part of it literally takes place almost exclusively on corridors. UAC is a disturbing place to explore, but also bland. Luckily its slow merging with Hell spices up the things a little bit. Also, Hell in Doom 3 is incredible. It's a pretty nightmarish place because it doesn't just make you feel you're not supposed to be there nor does it try to scare you through more conventional means, but it's bizarre and the atmosphere is filled with sorrow, failure, disappointment, loneliness, anger, hatred, and despair.


It would've been a more enjoyable experience if it didn't sacrifice the gameplay for the atmosphere, which is why, yes, I do see Doom 64 as the real Doom 3. It struck a perfect balance between atmosphere and gameplay while also using the more limited bestiary very efficient so that you don't even miss the cut enemies while playing, or afterwards, as they had no place in the game anyway.

Edited by Agent6

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I personally love Doom 3 and have completed every chapter on Veteran (Doom 3, RoE and Lost Mission). Doom 3 is a solid atmospheric shooter much in the vein of FEAR or Quake 4 and will always be a favourite of mine.

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I've always really liked Doom 3. Sure it isn't nearly as good as the classic games but I still really enjoy it. It sucks it gets so much hate now but hey, opinions are opinions I guess.

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I've been a fan of Doom 3 when it was first released, still have my original copy. I like to turn off the lights and put on a good set of headphones. To me Doom 3 is like one of those carnival horror funhouses where scary monsters and super creeps pop out at you.It's a slow burning and meticulous survival horror shooter. And I love it. I still remember the first time I played the game, my heart was racing and I felt like I was going to succumb to the forces of darkness that permeated the offworld facility.

Edited by Ex Oblivione

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I like Doom 3 as a game on its own too.


In fact I like more Doom 3 than Doom 1 (maybe not more than Doom 1 episode 1) and Doom 2 but the games are totally different. So is just a personal opinion, its not based in facts.


Doom 3 was able to immerse you with his atmosphere. I love the map design, everything feels dynamic, in movement, alive. That helps to immerse you a lot in the atmosphere of the game and feel like you really are there. The marine being an "ordinary marine" (Not super-fast in contrast with classic doom games) helps a lot to that too. You're not a killing machine who can slaughter a lot of monsters easily, you're an ordinary marine and you feel in danger, afraid. Even some imps and zombies with shotgun can be a real threat.


Something I liked too was using the PDA to read emails, hear audios and watch videos. That immerse you even more in the game... this game was a masterpiece for me.


The only thing I don't like about Doom 3 (but also I don't like from Doom 2) is that it have a lot of maps and it can be somehow boring until you reach the intense gameplay (Delta labs sector 4 and further). That's why I like more Doom 3 ROE (and also why I like more Doom 1... in fact Doom 1 episode 1 is maybe the best gameplay experience I had in my life)


So yes,  I like Doom 3, it's my favorite doom game because it's a total different game.

Edited by Doommarine_maxi

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I love Doom 3 since the day it was released, a very atmospheric and tense shooter, i would not call it "scary" because actual fear is a very difficult concept to put in a survival horror let alone in a Doom game where you have means of defending yourself and thus some of the potential fear is reduced even more, but the tension and unease produced by the encroaching darkness, atmospheric sounds, slower movement of the marine, graphics and level design, all contribute to create a damn good survival horror shooter. 


I like to replay this game in a hot summer night in the dark to add to the tension, but only a couple of years after the last time, so i forgot most of the previous replay experience.

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I really enjoyed Doom 3 when it came out. I would crank the sound up, turn off all the lights and let it scare the shit out of me. There's a couple of bits that I remember very vividly because I was literally frozen with fear (this emotional state may have been assisted with a couple glasses of wine). It's definitely a different style of game to its predecessors. More brooding horror than fast paced slaughter with its cramped environments and almost nonexistent lighting. And I agree with @Agent6 the depiction of hell was amazing. Not just violent but strange, and terrifying in its strangeness. 


The only other game that scared me as much as Doom 3 was F.E.A.R

Edited by Bridgeburner56

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Yes, I liked it a lot...

...Until past the Plasma Rifle part, my PC reseted and my data was corrupted

Edited by Archanhell
Wrong word, Poi.

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I absolutely love it. DOOM4 might have the best movement/shooter mechanics but it'll never be perfect because it forgot how to Deimos Lab.

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Doom 3 is an okay game in my eyes. Really enjoyed playing the hell out of it (pun intended), now not so much.


It's good on it's own right as a horror title, but falls flat as a Doom game in the gameplay department. The intense and unnerving feeling off the great ambient sounds through the levels were the highlights of the game for me. I feel that Id overplayed on the monster closet idea and got old after a while. 


Doom has always been about fun  gameplay for me. But Doom 3 didn't rub that for me. Guns feel pitiful and lackluster, with the only one feeling awesome to use was the plasma rifle. The PDA is an interesting idea, but gets repetitive trying to search them all. And most of the time, it's incredibly tiring to fight the same old Imp's and Zombies throughout. 


TL;DR: Average game with some good ideas and neat technical quirks.

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Well I enjoyed it for what it is, of course I will always prefer the first two Doom's over the later incarnations.

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I never got to play the original D3 on its full fidelity, but seriously got hooked to it after I got the BFG Edition. I have played through all the campaigns, and it was a wild ride! Great gameplay, eerie atmosphere and a great emphasis on Hell, is what I love the most with this game. Truly nailed the horror subgenre of FPS! ROE might get some credit for being a bit paced and the Lost Mission was fine, as far as I'm concerned.


I have nothing to hate on this game, except the fact that it wasn't able to retain the fast arcade-style gameplay of the Originals. But that's still okay! 

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I definitely enjoyed DOOM 3. Kind of mind blowing (visually) when it came out, and gameplay-wise I think it works well on the higher difficulties. I personally play it pretty fast and so it's not really the survival-horror meshing for me that people often label it as, but that's not to say it never freaked me out. It's definitely one of the creepiest games I've ever played, when stuck in a dark room with the headphone volume blasting.

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Doom 64 is definitely my favorite of the series, but Doom 3 is not bad. I just felt the enemies in Doom 3 were like blobs fighting polygon limits.

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I love Doom 3, it's a rather flawed game, but i absolutely love it, that's why the mod im working on has a D3 look. During the long period of time between the game release and the first taste of Doom 2016 in the 2014 QuakeCon, the serious tone and the horror theme seemed natural to doom, and while i do love the new badass approach of the new games, i do miss the doom 3 horror tone.

The game had the core mechanics of classic doom, monsters more or less behaved the way you expected unlike the radical redesign of the new series, and while this was a mixed bag for some, i really love all of the monsters design (except for the imps... who look quite generic tbh), heck i might be the only person who really likes the doom 3 cacodemon design and sound, Hell knights had the strongest design and it's a good thing the design was reused instead of remaking the classic design. As for gameplay, despite having more or less the same core mechanics of classic doom, it behaved differently. People tend to forget this, but the game was supposed to be some kind of survival horror FPS for most of the game, you were helpless in the dark with a flashlight that you needed to switch off to attack, and ammo was reaally limited early on. This was a hit or miss for some people, but i appreciated how such gameplay design choices worked in favor of immersing the player into the environment of the game, by late game ammo would become common, and the game would throw you more variety of monsters, and rely less on darkness, so by that stage the game played more closely to classic doom.

That said, the game had some really big flaws, the game relied a lot on entering a new room, teleport some monsters or open a monster closet, rinse and repeat for the next room. Stamina was a bad design choice imo, even with the small survival horror design choices. But to me the biggest flaw doom 3 had was level design, it suffered from the enter room/spawn syndrome i mentioned before, but it had plenty of hallways and squared rooms that looked similar to one another, not to mention the game didn't had many interesting encounters, most of the monsters you were facing were in front of you instead of a more dynamic approach and for most of the game you would face a single enemy type encounter (here come a couple of imps... here come a couple of cacodemons) without varying multiple monsters to create some more interesting combat, the game had the core mechanics of doom monsters there, and from what i understand it also had some really smart ai in terms of pathfinding, but level design really worked against this. Also the cyberdemon while it had an awesome design and sounded great was a joke, a shame since the cyberdemon is my favorite monster :(

Also the game was more or less botched on the BFG edition, sounds were changed, the flashlight worked differently and worst of all, ammo was doubled, ruining the slow and careful approach of the early game, but even so i liked the lost mission campaign, some maps were recycled from the core game, and it kinda felt like a mapset from a fan instead of an official product, but even so by the time you reach hell, the starts playing a bit differently... suddenly levels felt more open and you would had enemies attacking from different leveled floors, not to mention the game would throw you different enemy types and not just the usual imps and maggots, heck it even has multiple crushers. In a way, it's kinda like a proto doom 2016 since there were plenty of arena combat areas were you had to clear the arena to continue. It wasn't something too drastic, but a few changes here and there did made an impression on me.

Phew, didn't meant to write a wall of text there!, but i guess i really had a lot to say of doom 3 haha
TL;DR I love doom 3 it was its own beast despite some huge flaws, i didn't liked most of the changes doom 3 bfg did, but i liked the lost missions campaign

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Personally I love Doom 3 as a Fps game, a Horror game and as a doom game. I don't know why but there's something about it that just really sticks with me.

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  On 8/12/2018 at 12:49 PM, The-Heretic-Assassin said:

Do you like the game?



Yes and no. It's a fun enough game on its own merits, if with a few quite glaring flaws, but as a Doom game, I think it doesn't do the franchise the same amount of justice that RoE does.

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I like Doom 3, the originals will always be my favorite. Though I might have liked it better if it hadn't used the monster closet so much.

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I think Doom 3 is great early and late in the campaign, particularly the Mars City, Hell and cavern levels, but suffers from repetitive gameplay, too many similar looking environments and overuse of monster closets in the middle part of the campaign.  The modding tools also proved difficult to get to grips with and the mod community mostly fizzled out after a few years.

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Simple answer is yes


Doom 3 was actually how I got into the series seriously as a fan so it holds a bit of a soft spot for me.  2004-2005 was a great time in my life and Doom 3 brings back memories on the rare session I play it.


If I were to rank the games it would go like this


1.Doom 2 (because of mods)

2.Doom 1

3.Doom 2016/Doom 3

4.Doom 64 (still a great game)

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Yes I like it, I think my only real complaint about Doom 3 is how it gets too repetitive middle of the game, the levels feel too similar, bit of environment and gameplay variety could have helped, I still think the visuals hold up very well, eventhough the models look dated by today's standards.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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  On 8/19/2018 at 10:52 AM, tempdecal.wad said:

Yes I like it, I think my only real complaint about Doom 3 is how it gets too repetitive middle of the game, the levels feel too similar, bit of environment and gameplay variety could have helped, I still think the visuals hold up very well, eventhough the models look dated by today's standards.


Nothing is outdated. If you like how the models look, be proud of it! :)

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I love Doom 3. As someone who is a fan of the more Horror-focused approach the post-Doom II/Pre-Doom '16 games (Aside from Final Doom) took, I believe the darker approach taken by Doom 3 was the natural course for the series at that point. And it works pretty well. In fact, in terms of plot, it's much better than the 2005 movie based on THIS game.


When it comes to Doom, though, You can't beat Doom 64.

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