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Your favourite (non-midi) Doom Remix/Cover Album or Single

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I've not seen this directly discussed, and doubtless I'll have some 'MIDIistheonlyfrackingwayyougodddddddaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnasssssshooooollllleeeRIPANDTEAR' comments, but hey I figured it might be nice for us to share our favourite awesome remixes and their talented musicians.


Personally, I feel Xeotroid deserves a big mention, mostly for being an ABSOLUTE MAD MAN and doing covers for Doom, Doom II, TNT, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and several popular megawads like AA, Plutonia 2 and Memento Mori:

Download his awesome shit here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=48937

I especially love the TNT rendition.


And of course, we would be remiss to not mention Andrew Hulshutt, whose IDKFA album is probably pretty well known:

After all, it got him commercial work on AMID EVIL and DUSK, the rather awesome recent Quake-engine-tribute games, and I believe he's also been hired to do more tracks for Quake Champions.


If you want something a bit different, there is OCRemix's The Dark Side of Phobos, which is rather electronic for my tastes, but undeniably pretty cool. I very much like the singing rendition of the text music though, and have that as my Title Music.


And finally, some honorable mentions to the Orchestral Rendition of Doom:

It sounds pretty goofy, especially Sign of Evil, but I can admire the dedication to change all the soundfonts and check them. XD


And finally, this Jazz Rendition of E1M1: At Jazz's Gate. This one has me cracking up every time. XD


Post your favourites, or just discuss them!

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Requiem Reimagined. I think there is clearly no contest. And I'm not saying this just because I'm a huge Requiem fanboy. I haven't encountered any other remasters of such high quality.

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Excuse the shameless self-promotion, but a few years back in college, I arranged, recorded, and performed a medley of the MIDI tracks from Episode 1 of Doom in a progressive/symphonic metal style. You'll find themes from almost all the tracks in E1, in addition to some original added parts. Was performed live with a speed-run video of E1 displayed behind on a screen. Was pretty cool to have music from Doom played in an academic recital setting. haha. Here's the track on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/charoneclipse7/the-phobos-reanimation





Edited by Odal

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I absolutely adore the music of Doom 3DO. Whenever I hear this track I like to imagine we got a Doom movie back in the 90's starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis among other big stars combating the forces of hell.



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That Andrew Hulshult Album is indeed very amazing. I love ever track on it, but "Sign of Evil" really, really takes the cake. Amazing stuff, gotta check out the rest in this thread.

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I think my absolute favorites are a couple of covers of MAP31's music from TNT:




Xeotroid's cover of Ivy from the Plutonia Revisited music cover is one of the more amazing renditions I've ever heard. I also very much enjoy his Memento Mori content including his cover of Slipper, Galaxy, DLA and Untitled 2 (MAP13's music). Also Mark Klem has posted the best versions of his songs like Anger, Dreadnaught, Organic Gods and Dredge. I also really love DeimosComaBlack's cover material - Slipper, Engine Core and Gresta.

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11 hours ago, Odal said:

Excuse the shameless self-promotion, but a few years back in college, I arranged, recorded, and performed a medley of the MIDI tracks from Episode 1 of Doom in a progressive/symphonic metal style. You'll find themes from almost all the tracks in E1, in addition to some original added parts. Was performed live with a speed-run video of E1 displayed behind on a screen. Was pretty cool to have music from Doom played in an academic recital setting. haha


Did you keep a recording? (Also there's a huge blank space for some reason on this post?)


13 hours ago, Roofi said:

I love the music of Doom 3DO.


10 hours ago, Ex Oblivione said:

I absolutely adore the music of Doom 3DO. Whenever I hear this track I like to imagine we got a Doom movie back in the 90's starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis among other big stars combating the forces of hell.


7 hours ago, Eric the Sandvich said:

IMO 3DO Doom has the best rendition of the soundtrack because it reflects Doom so well. It's rock, yea, but it's not so energetic that it over exaggerates and doesn't reflect the gameplay, and is calm but still upbeat enough for you to traverse levels with an attitude. The bonus is that the sound design reek the 90's.


The 3DO tracks are pretty good, yeah. They nail an interesting mid-point between midi and metal; and I guess that gathers alot of fans here. XD


8 hours ago, valkiriforce said:

I think my absolute favorites are a couple of covers of MAP31's music from TNT


Xeotroid's cover of Ivy from the Plutonia Revisited music cover is one of the more amazing renditions I've ever heard. I also very much enjoy his Memento Mori content including his cover of Slipper, Galaxy, DLA and Untitled 2 (MAP13's music). Also Mark Klem has posted the best versions of his songs like Anger, Dreadnaught, Organic Gods and Dredge. I also really love DeimosComaBlack's cover material - Slipper, Engine Core and Gresta.

I think the TNT music is really solid to begin with, so covers automatically become awesome. XD


Yes, you also pulled out some of my favourite Xeotroid tracks. Actually, his original Doom cover is probably one of his weaker pieces of work, so I felt a bit bad placing it on the first post, considering the amazing stuff he does in Plutonia Revisted and TNT. Not heard of DeimosComaBlack, so I'll check that one out.


8 hours ago, Polaris said:

Dimaension X


Yes, I really like Dimaension's covers as well. They just flat out re-metallicize Doom without any changes or fluff, which is real solid.


AH! I completely forgot about Nemistrade:

That's my favourite cover of Sandy's City.

Edited by eharper256

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+1 for Andrew Hulshult's IDKFA album.


As far as other favorites of mine go, I'd like to mention two in particular: "Doomed" by Rimco and "Purgatory" by none other than Mick Gordon (before he was famous).

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On 8/19/2018 at 3:58 AM, eharper256 said:

AH! I completely forgot about Nemistrade:

That's my favourite cover of Sandy's City.

i love his cover of the entryway theme

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11 hours ago, Novaseer said:

DAR Hell's Bell's

Its hard to make a terrible cover of Death's Bells, I'd say, but yes, this is a good one.


11 hours ago, Polaris said:

i love his cover of the entryway theme

Yup, all of his covers are great, I include them all in my music wad.

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