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Doom 3 running on Windows 98 with a 12MB 3dfx Voodoo 2


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I remember playing D3 with this pottato settings on netbook long time ago. it was the first time i played D3 without lag. What a time this was.

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I ran DOOM 3 on sis integrated card with sempron cpu. Each model in a game has been splitted for green and red half. I got about 5 fps, and of course it was unplayable until I bought radeon 9600. Voodoo 2 D3 looks much more better than that integrated sis.

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I can't remember what kind of computer it was, but I remember trying the leaked Doom 3 alpha on a computer that could barely run Return To Castle Wolfenstein.

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I remember how revolutionary and jawdropping the game looked when it came out and in fact, the game has aged very gracefully. 


When it came out I was 13 and had a shitty GeForce 4 that could barely run it. The game was practically a slideshow but that didn't stop me from playing it. A year or two later I got an ATI 9600 PRO and was finally able to enjoy it at medium settings. 


...man, what a time and how fast time flies. I can't believe it's been 14 years since it came out. The game is now older than Doom 1 was when Doom 3 came out. Kind of crazy when you think about it.


I knew about the Voodoo 2 hack even back then but you'd have to pay me to play it like that. Still quite an impressive feat though!

Edited by DooM_RO

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1 hour ago, DooM_RO said:

I remember how revolutionary and jawdropping the game looked when it came out and in fact, the game has aged very gracefully. 


When it came out I was 13 and had a shitty GeForce 4 that could barely run it. The game was practically a slideshow but that didn't stop me from playing it. A year or two later I got an ATI 9600 PRO and was finally able to enjoy it at medium settings. 


...man, what a time and how fast time flies. I can't believe it's been 14 years since it came out. The game is now older than Doom 1 was when Doom 3 came out. Kind of crazy when you think about it.


I knew about the Voodoo 2 hack even back then but you'd have to pay me to play it like that. Still quite an impressive feat though!

Time flies. I wonder what future DOOM will be like after 2016 and Eternal. We'll be repeating this. :P

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