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WAD that changes the sprites and sounds of weapons?

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Does anyone know of any wads that just change the sprites and sounds of the weapons? Monster changes would be cool too.


Are there any wads like this?

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You mean without changing the behavior? Here is one I compiled before I started writing code for Doom mods (and before I started giving proper credits for where stuff comes from, but I do not claim to have made any of it): gothmod13 It replaces the sprites and sounds for weapons and monsters and pick-ups.

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Yes, that's exactly what I mean.


I would like to try your mod but the website told me downloading was disabled. :(

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1 hour ago, Akenore said:

Yes, that's exactly what I mean.


I would like to try your mod but the website told me downloading was disabled. :(

That's weird. OK, here it is on another site: gothmod13.wad

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Here's the two wads I have set to autoload for PRBoom.

https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/blakglov - Black gloves, affects the weapons only

https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/58879-the-hi-res-doom-sound-pack-is-updated/ - Perkristian's hi-resolution sound pack, changes all sounds in the game

I don't have any that change the monster sprites, though.

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I assume you mean changes sounds and sprites without affecting behaviours or stats?


For monsters, you can use Shades of Doom:


All the classic monsters are kept, but their sprites/sounds get changed randomly from a huge selection each level (or with each spawn, if you activate chaos mode).


Smooth Doom or Beautiful Doom are the other options, just improving the Vanilla sprites and appearances:



Beautiful Doom (the bottom one) also has an upgraded arsenal by default with secondary fires, but you can switch it off in options.


If you're okay with some minor alterations to stats, a few new ammo types, an extra assault rifle, etc., then Weapons of Saturn also works:


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