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Mac Doom on PC?


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Hello, when i was a kid i had a Mac and i used to play Wolfenstein, Dark Forces, Doom and Marathon Durandal among others, good old times. Now, i was wondering, is there something like a mod? Because i remember the Mac Doom sounding and looking better than the PC version, less pixelated, is there anyway other than getting an emulator to play this, or if i put a high resolution in ZDoom is enough?

Edited by D88M

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As far as I know, the Mac version uses the same graphics and sounds as the PC version (unlike the Mac port of Wolf3D which uses higher-res graphics) but a different format for music. In fact, the Mac demo uses the same IWAD as the PC shareware version 1.9.


You can take a look at some Mac screenshots at MobyGames. It appears that the game world was indeed rendered at a higher resolution, but any modern source port will give you better results if only by rendering at the correct aspect ratio.

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Oh, but i have 1360x768, what can i do? In fact i have the Mac yet and still works, but is at my ouncle house who is very neurotic and i think it would be hard to use it now, otherwise i could just download the ROMS. And what about the music? I use ZDoom but i dont know how faithful it is, i want as vainilla as possible but maybe with a higher resolution.

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if you really want the original experience, you need four things:

  • SheepShaver
  • A firmware ROM image (BIOS, basically) for a machine capable of running something between System 7 and Mac OS 9
  • A copy of one of the aforementioned OSes (a CD image will do if you can properly obtain one)
  • The Doom, Doom II, or Final Doom port(s) for Mac OS

Setting up SheepShaver is way more work than running the Doom port is. Once SheepShaver is working, the Doom port will "just work" inside it. SheepShaver is a Mac emulator, by the way. I took the pics of Mac Doom that are on the wiki using it.



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Yeah that was what i was trying to avoid, i wanted to install a Mac emulator for years but is quite journey. but i dont see any other option, thank you both!

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