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Classic Doom on an ultra wide/triple monitor setup

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So I finally got three matching monitors for my PC and have been having a great time playing games on them in Nvidia surround mode. Doom is awesome on them. I love it. But I can't help but wonder if it's kinda breaking the way the maps are intended to be played in a way by seeing too much of it. Just wondering if anyone had an opinion on this. Am I ruining some of these maps by seeing too much on the screen? Feels like I'm getting a bit of an advantage seeing enemies that maybe should not be seen right away. Might be a silly question but figured I'd ask :)

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Seing how the game originally shipped with a 270" 3-monitor mode, I don't think it can be considered game breaking, at least not the original game. It wasn't available in version 1.2+ after the new network protocol stuff was written with the input from John Cash, but I don't think it was broken on purpose.

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I guess I'm mostly referring to pwads when I ask this. I wonder if any mappers make maps with this aspect ratio in mind? Would be pretty neat to find a mapset made with that factoring into the way the maps were intended to be played. Also, I didn't know about the game originally shipping with a three monitor mode :D

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I would assume only the map opener is designed with a certain viewing angle in mind. Other than that and thanks to mouselook it shouldn't matter so much.

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Nah - you have to choose which monitor to look at anyway. It's kinda like strafing, if you're moving forward, but looking at, say, the left monitor. I am jealous of your setup. And, if it is cheating, so what? :) It seems like it kicks ass! Go for it.

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