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MIDIs in IWADs/megaWADs that, in your opinion, don't fit the level


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To the denizens of Doomworld, in your opinions, what MIDI tracks used in Doom levels don't fit one, if not more, of the levels they're played on?


To begin with: As much as I love MAP07 of Doom II, and as much as I love Shawn's Got the Shotgun, the two don't seem to fit together. In my opinion, Shawn's Got the Shotgun fits better for large, intimidating areas and structures, which makes it fit perfectly for maps 19 and 29, but the raw action within the relatively enclosed arena of Dead Simple doesn't suit the track. I reckon a track similar to Doom's On The Hunt would work better for the level, with a suspenseful beginning as the walls lower and reveal the Mancubi, then a relatively fast-paced track for the rest.

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Into the Beast's Belly whenever it's used, especially for MAP30 of TNT.


I don't like any of the IWAD music tracks anymore so I don't really care about any of the other ones, but Into the Beast's Belly is just so bad.

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I gotta agree on ItBB, it not only feels out of place, but also somewhat unfinished due to its short duration and thus how often it loops. As far as I recall, none of those levels are short enough not to get tired of the track way too soon.

What truly stinks, however, and I've already fleshed this out a bit more times than actually necessary, is D_AMPIE. It does fit the original MAP23 with all those barrels and huge, unbarren areas, but certainly doesn't neither "Tombstone", nor "Lunar Mining Project". Those levels are just not joke-y enough for that midi to play in.

Edited by Cell

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I love beastbelly.mid but I just wish it was longer. It totally gets me pumped up for a boss fight though.


d_runnin and d_stalks are both extremely unfitting for Doom as a whole imo, I like them both but d_runnin sounds like the theme to a movie about spies, maybe a cheap James Bond knockoff or something, and d_stalks is salsa which is obviously about as unfitting as it gets.


In terms of megawads, there are countless unfitting midis in the DWANGO series, but I feel there's something oddly charming about having a fast paced deathmatch while 80s pop instrumentals play in the background.

Edited by Doomkid

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Literally any of the tracks from EARTH.wad are hilarious in how unfitting they are.


Not really a megawad but the point still stands.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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D_STALKS.... i mean i can't think of a single map where D_STALKS could fit. I don't think it even fits on the maps it was originally used on Doom 2. D_BETWEE also is... odd, i think it fits Wolfenstein 3d better, but sounds too upbeat for doom imo

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D_COUNTD sounds so boring whenever it's used. I don't know on which kind of level this music could fit well seriously...

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Serenity/Eternity. Included are

  • Bad (M. Jackson) 
  • a theme for a sitcom iirc
  • Eye of the Tiger
  • Axel F
  • Das Boot - U96 (Galaxia too) 
  • Some crazy smooth jazz, especially in Serenity

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man I adore the top 40/any MIDI you could get your hands on era of mapping. hearing JMJ and Tubular Bells everywhere owned, way better than actual doom midis >:)

eternal doom's music doesn't fit because each piece has a single idea and the maps go on for hours unless you're already a doctor of the level set

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I'll go for the easy answer and say that e3m9 has an awful music choice (Hiding the Secrets)


Also, Dimensions of Time has an unironic use of CANYON.MID.

Edited by Spie812

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The infamous use of D_BUNNY on Plutonia's "Hunted". That ditty really wasn't meant for use as level music; it's too short, loops terribly and ruins the maze's mysterious mood (it's either too whimsical or too fast-paced).

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Guest Unregistered account
29 minutes ago, JudgeDeadd said:

The infamous use of D_BUNNY on Plutonia's "Hunted". That ditty really wasn't meant for use as level music; it's too short, loops terribly and ruins the maze's mysterious mood (it's either too whimsical or too fast-paced).

I think it fits perfectly. Has an eerie quality at the start, when the wall opens up and you see all those Archviles, then gets super tense and evil when they're all released into the maze with you.

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1 minute ago, Kapanyo said:

I think it fits perfectly. Has an eerie quality at the start, when the wall opens up and you see all those Archviles, then gets super tense and evil when they're all released into the maze with you.

It would if the 'super tense and evil' section lasted longer than about fifteen seconds.


Also, something off topic, but at one point the Viles failed to release for me, and I got murdered by about 15 Arch-Viles in the spawn room. Fun!

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Map 01 from Plutonia, The music is better suited for a techbase map, but they put it in a Jungle map, there are some other musics that didn't fit the maps in Plutonia.

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Guest Unregistered account
Just now, sincity2100 said:

Map 01 from Plutonia, The music is better suited for a techbase map, but they put it in a Jungle map, there are some other musics that didn't fit the maps in Plutonia.

Strangely, again, I always thought that was a perfect choice. Ever since I played Doom on the GBA and heard The Imp's Dance I always thought it sounded kinda jungle-y. Must be that bass.

Maybe it's the impression of hearing it with those E1 mountains in the background.

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23 hours ago, Spie812 said:

I'll go for the easy answer and say that e3m9 has an awful music choice (Hiding the Secrets)

>Hiding the Secrets


kk my friend


Btw, @Jimmy, is there any WAD that replaces the original version with yours?

Edited by elarmadillo3

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Death Bells (TNT04-13-29) only fits in night or, to some extent, full hot red maps. Therefore, it doesn't sound right in map29 of TNT imo, only maybe during the initial cave. Speed of Doom's map02 has a track from Resident Evil, despite never played that game, I thought the midi could only fit in a map of that mint-chocolate or icy dark cavern style, so when I heard it back in Vae Victus (an older wad) in a hellish orange-brown map, it didn't work for me. 


I always relate D_BETWEE to TNT, it's a midi that sounds out of place in Doom 2 compared to the rest, and gives me more TNT vibes than anything. It's fine in map04, but that's about it. 


Every Doom I wad that follows the original theme has to have the Doom iwad midis or very similar, otherwise I don't find anything else to fit them. On another case, I do like the way Plutonia features most of the Doom tracks, same in the sequel and revisited. I'm one of those who don't mind recycling old wad tracks in mapsets that lack custom music, or playing wads somewhat inspired by iwads that include og midis, like Good Morning Phobos. In fact, when I played Newdoom CP I added music from Requiem, Memento Mori(s), STRAIN, iwads, etc, they're just very usable, ya know. Also, Heretic midis in Doom work great in some cases, and viceversa.


On 9/2/2018 at 12:37 AM, DMPhobos said:

D_STALKS.... i mean i can't think of a single map where D_STALKS could fit.


This one's hard. It gives me city vibes, I can hear it in maps inspired by Downtown or The Citadel, mostly if exploration is outdoors at daytime. But D_DOOM or others fit better in that environment too, so yeah D_STALKS is an odd one.  

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5 minutes ago, diosoth said:

Doom II map02


It sounds like it belongs in the lounge of a cruise ship, not Doom

*imagines a map with a ship*


Anyways, I feel that the music for The Citadel doesn't really fit it.

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