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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 39 - oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer

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The father of this session.


Alrighty ladies and gents, the next session will touch down on the 22nd of September, 7PM Eastern Standard Time. As ever, a link to the ASScord will be made available to the public 24 hours before we start and there'll be a second session 12 hours later if Jimmy's agreeable: seriously, dude's a legend. Theme suggestions are always appreciated for the list of Potential Ten and I look forward to catching y'all when the time comes.



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Hope I'll get to partake!

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I should be able to partake, considering how the session's on a weekend. Whether I will or not is another matter.

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mayhaps, now that i'm done moving and all that jazz it's probably been long enough to give this mapping thing another whirl


thanks for continuing to put these on regularly, obsidian! :)

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Since there won't be a second session on the 23rd, I won't be able to participate in ASS 39. As usual, I won't be able to attend during the session on the 22nd.


I may just make a speedmap (using the theme) during the time when the second session would be, in an attempt to improve enough to actually finish in the allotted time for next month.

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Should be around... I actually started doing a map last time out, dedicated to the Lite-Amp powerup, but I hit a mapper's block which I'm still battling. I hope I'll get to finish the map this time around!

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Pencil me in as a mayyyybeeeeeeeee. I think I'm likely to have the time. Hopefully the theme allows me to make a more... serious attempt this month. :P

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22 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Pencil me in as a mayyyybeeeeeeeee. I think I'm likely to have the time. Hopefully the theme allows me to make a more... serious attempt this month. :P

I assume you'll not be streaming it this month.


Incidentally, while I didn't watch it live, I did watch about half of that stream (video?) about a week later. And I chuckled when you asked if anyone was actually watching the stream.

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Heh, I was in a very sour mood that day, not going to lie! I plan on doing a 'soft return' to streaming tomorrow with some Eviternity mapping. If this goes well I'll probably start getting back into it again, which means I may well stream ASS. :)

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Behold, the List of Ten!


1. Reality maps: start with 1 health and cannot gain more

2. Stark lighting: light differences must be at least 64 in value

3. 384x384

4. 100 lines

5. Minimum of 100 monsters

6. Telefragging as main method of killing enemies

7. Exclusively animated textures: custom animated textures are allowed

8. Rocket jumping, Doom style!

9. Heavy usage of Boom action 242: Transfer Sector Heights

10. W1 and WR actions only


Hopefully nothing on here's too offensive. :P Feel free to share your thoughts.

Edited by Obsidian

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Um, these sessions are Boom format right? How would one start someone out with 1 health in a Boom map? Do you just crush the player until they have 1 health, or drop them in lava/nukage and expect them to run out or what?

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Dehacked allows you to change the player's starting health, as well as starting ammo, maximum ammo count, et cetera.


Also I hate the third theme and the seventh feels a little goofy. The rest of them are fine though, particularly fond of six and eight.

Edited by AD_79

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Personally, I'm not a big fan of the "reality" genre. To me, Doom has always been about being able to take inordinate amounts of damage from all manner of monsters and heal quickly with artifacts and medkits.


My thoughts (for anyone who cares to read them):

  • So, obviously, I don't like 1.
  • 6 and 8 seem gimmicky to me.
  • 4 would provide an interesting challenge (at least to me), if only for keeping track of linedef count and still having an interesting looking level at the end of 2 hours.
  • If past maps are any indication, 5 would provide absolutely heaping loads of archviles, cyberdemons, revanants, mancubi, and chaingunners--but maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps the higher monster counts would allow for more nuanced usage of monsters. I would hope I would be wrong.
  • 7 might create some odd looking levels.
  • 9 wouldn't be too bad.
  • Personally, I particularly like 2, 3, and 10.

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Honestly 1 is one of the themes that excite me the most! I find the way we'd be making challenging moments where your movement is of incredibly high-value. It could see interesting twists, too, such as an espionage type mission where being seen can easily result in death, or perhaps a puzzle or 'parkour' map as a way to not be affected by the 1hp limit.


Regardless of the theme, I'm up for the challenge it puts forward. ^^

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I hope to see 9, that would make for some truly amazing maps, I think. Fake floors and ceilings are among my favorite things in Boom.

Number 5 seems like it would be fun.

I'm not too crazy about the thought of 3, though it seems like it would be best paired with 7, 9, or 10.

Interested to see what we get.

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8 hours ago, Pegleg said:
  • 4 would provide an interesting challenge (at least to me), if only for keeping track of linedef count and still having an interesting looking level at the end of 2 hours.



Not that I am biased (I am totally biased), but I thoroughly enjoy line count limits on maps.  I'm not sure I can make this, but I've done five 100-line maps in the past, and it's a fun challenge if you really embrace it.


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On 9/16/2018 at 9:40 AM, therektafire said:

Um, these sessions are Boom format right? How would one start someone out with 1 health in a Boom map? Do you just crush the player until they have 1 health, or drop them in lava/nukage and expect them to run out or what?


Mmm... It could starts with a voodoo doll trickery or make start the player in a locked room with barrels or some other thing that make start the player with a 1 health...


Or this option must be changed to a no health map option (you have only your life bar and no health trought all the map)...


I was thinking much more on how a rocket jump map will work on boom-compatible wads... I think it could work better on a zdoom map or a port where the player can look up or down.

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