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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 39 - oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer

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32 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

I was thinking much more on how a rocket jump map will work on boom-compatible wads... I think it could work better on a zdoom map or a port where the player can look up or down.


Hence why I added the little caveat. Remember how you get to the secret level in E3 of the original Doom? That's something along the lines of what I'm talking about when I say Doom style.

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Alright, less than 24 hours before we kick off! Here's a link to the Discord server where things go down: we usually tend to chat while we're mapping, but I'll also be posting the theme and start time here when the time comes if you ain't Discordin'.

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Title: Is 2:30 AM and i don't have any decent title in my mind, shut up!

Theme: light changes of 64 unit between them

Build Time: 1 hour and half

Music: What's behind the corner? by Paul Corfiatis

New Textures: Yes, from here: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/graphics/mek-cr8x

Description: Do you like dark maps and spectres behind the corner? No? Well, f*** you, you've got it now! Now make me sleep, good night you all.

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On 9/22/2018 at 9:36 PM, Walter confetti said:


Description: Do you like dark maps and spectres behind the corner? No? Well, f*** you, you've got it now! Now make me sleep, good night you all.

nifty description

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I hope there were more than just the 3 maps submitted. I can only assume that the rest (along with the theme) were posted exclusively on the Discord. Since I was traveling during the time the Discord was active, I don't know since the invite has expired. Oh well. I assume the theme was stark lighting differences. I'm interested to see what comes out whenever the compilation is posted here.

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*Flounces in*




On a side note, here's the first beta for anyone who wants to test or stream the maps. Map order isn't final, but I've named the maps in MAPINFO after their respective authors for convenience.



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Why my map isn't here? It wasn't accepted?

Anyway quite a lot of cool maps here, i liked especially yours, obsidian and pinchy map.

Fuzzball and TMD map are pretty funny.

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48 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Why my map isn't here? It wasn't accepted?


...I done goofed. I could've sworn I saw you on Discord and I figured you'd upload to the server like everyone else. D: I'll update the wad.

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I'll be streaming a playtest for this around 11 a.m.-12 Central tomorrow, should anyone be around to watch. If not, I'll be sure to post the highlight here once the stream is done.

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18 hours ago, Obsidian said:


...I done goofed. I could've sworn I saw you on Discord and I figured you'd upload to the server like everyone else. D: I'll update the wad.

Yeah, i've uploaded my map on discord, but on the general chat instead of map submission... My fault.

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And here's the video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/314252772?t=00h07m55s


Only real bugs I noticed outside of a couple texture misalignments here and there were a couple of monster closets that didn't wake up in TMD's map, and a linedef in the chaingunner cage in my map that I forgot to set to impassible. Other than that, a fine collection of maps this month, with minimal bullshit.



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Alrighty, here's a completed compilation! If there's nothing too big that needs taking care of, I'll be uploading this puppy to Incoming at the end of the day.

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