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My Question 4.



Hi, I'm doing a wad of terror, I wanted to know 2 things.

1- How to make the monster chase the player

2- How to make the monster kill the player


Edited by birb.

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I think you're going to need to be more specific about your request. What you've asked for is the default behaviour of every monster, but since you're asking it, I assume you mean something more complicated / scripted?

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2 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Eu acho que você vai precisar ser mais específico sobre o seu pedido. O que você pediu é o comportamento padrão de cada monstro, mas desde que você está perguntando, eu suponho que você quer dizer algo mais complicado / script?

I want to make a wad of terror, that neither lighting lights (i forget the name) that the monster chases you to kill you

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These really sound like broad questions you could easily google yourself. If you still don't understand or can't find what you're googling for, then that's when you come back with questions about specific issues, so that you can be helped directly.

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not exactly an expert, but Hexen uses scripts for customized events. either that or actor properties would probably be helpful to you.

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As Dragonfly said, every monster's default action is to chase/hunt the player upon activation. If you want a monster to start to hunt the player as soon as the map starts, how you do it will depend on your setup. Keep in mind, that the default hunting is not that refined--while they will navigate corridors to get to the player, don't count on them traversing the entire map smoothly in search for you.


  • Is your monster in the same general area and can see the player upon the start (e.g., they're on the other side of a ravine or on the other side of a long room)? Then no problem, the chase will start immediately.
  • Is your monster on the other side of the map? Then you have 2 options.
    • One, write a script to wake up the monster at the beginning of the level (sorry, I can't help you, but there should be plenty of people here that can).
    • Or two, define some part of the area you start in and some part of the area the monster starts in to be the same sector. Put a shootable switch in the area you're in. Then, when you shoot the switch, the monster will wake up and the chase will begin.

With regard to the monster killing the player, the default monster action is to try to kill the player. I suppose if you defined the damage done per attack to be ridiculously high, it would be an instant kill. As much as hate to advertise them, there are a number of terry wads with custom monsters that are virtually impossible to kill and essentially instantly kill the player. You can look at what those authors did with those monsters and emulate it (minus all the other aspects that make terry wads so bad).

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What Pegleg said is solid, but this sort of thing has been done before with the Ghoul's Forest series.

I cut down the DECORATE code to a few lines here:

ACTOR Sjasface
Speed 21
meleedamage 255

This speed isn't quite fast enough to outrun the player if they strafe-run, and the meleedamage will kill the player instantly unless they have a megasphere.

This monster will chase the player and attempt to attack in melee by default.

There's also a way to make this monster attempt to attack the player without it seeing them.

Script 1 OPEN
Spawnspot("Sjasface", random(2,5), 1, 0);
Thing_Hate(1, 6, 4);

Here, Thing_Hate has the last integer as 4, which means it will chase its target (here, the thing tagged 6) without seeing it first, so it will immediately begin its pursuit.

This is only good for the Z-family, though. Boom, for example, will require some creativity.

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