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Tutorial: Making Fluidsynth Read Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth

A Nobody

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I wanted to bring the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth back into GZDoom as the default midi when using Fluidsynth. Well I thought of a great way. I just tried this today on Delta Touch.


So what you'll need is a copy of the gm.sf2 file. If you already own one, you're ready. If not, I'll leave a link on where to get one bellow this sentence.



I got mine from a different site, but here's the file in Doomworld itself.


Next you rename gm.sf2 to fluidsynth.sf2






After that, take out the original fluidsynth file from the snd_fluidsynth folder in your audiopack of GZDoom.



(The original file. Note the file size.)


Then put your renamed gm in its place.





(Where it should go.)



(Renamed file.)


GZ will read the file as Fluidsynth, and it'll play it as gm.sf2. There you go, you now have the Microsoft GS Wavetable playing in the Fluidsynth midi device. No need to type anything in advanced sound options, just rename the file and you're all set. Hope this helps out.

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