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Secrets That Are More Effort Than They're Worth


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I've just been testing my compilation of Persephone Volumes 1 and 2 (have I mentioned them enough, yet?*) and got up to The Metal (MAP17 - previously MAYhem 2012 MAP06), where I ran into an issue that I thought I'd ask about. Basically, the secret BFG in that map can be gotten to by either doing some really fiddly SR40 platforming across 32-unit detail sectors, or once you're at the end of the map it's an easy jump. Of course, once you're at the right sector, you have to know to press the different METAL texture to gain access. The thing is, in Persephone Vol. 2, you get reset to a pistol start every map because it's a compilation of maps that have nothing to do with each other, so that BFG is, at best, for about 70 monsters. In MAYhem it's a bit more useful, as there's harder maps that follow it.


My thoughts were, aside from that lovely sensation of 100% secrets, is it worth it?


Have you see any secrets where you either have to work so hard for relatively little reward, or, worse, you get done over Serious Sam style for the tiniest of benefits? Name and shame! You know you love a good bitching session. I certainly do.


*Play my stuff!

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The most obvious one is the 'NIN room' in Ultimate Doom's E4M1. Activate the secret and your 'reward' is four Barons of Hell in your face. The only possible reasons to activate this are a) You're a hardcore Nine Inch Nails fan, and absolutely MUST interact with the logo, b) you are a masochist. c) you are like me and OCD about getting 100% kills.

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For some people the hunt for secrets, the tricky movement, and interesting world interactions, the puzzles, etc ARE the reward. That's just a key part of Doom, and while sometimes, yes, the end result is quite possibly a negative to one's health & ammo, etc, finding the secret can be enough to please the player.

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I  recently played Degrassi and some other Tod's maps.  He put many secrets just to improve your platforming skills so they are completly useless for the average player.



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There is a secret in Real World (rw.wad) that requires to SR50 or super precise SR40, one of them, to cross a series of platforms and get a blur sphere at the end. Because it was taking me so long to get the right angle, I ignored it and left the map. 


Eternal Doom had many of those too, the secret SSG in map 20 that you have to blind fall on a stick to platform over more sticks so close to the wall but you can't see where you're standing and you fail again and again OMG WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE ME THE FREAKING WEAPON AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Any secret, that gives you a weapon you need, but it's at the end of the map behind a wall indistinguishable from the rest. I guess it works for continuous play, but other than that it annoys me.

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The first thing that came to mind are Matthias Worch maps from Memento Mori 2.  Open wall, find 64 by 64 unit cubbyhole with a single clip, 4 shells, or a stimpack.  I find these to be a piddly reward.  Moreso when it's a bullet clip and I haven't found a chaingun.


Map 18 in Japanese Community Project had a secret with nothing but a hellknight.  Sticks out more due to the overall quality of the set.


Map 2 of A.L.T has some secrets that require jumping down from a high place.  Not a problem except that it's a long hike to return to the part where one jumps off.  Really slows down the pacing.


Concur on SSG from Eternal Doom map 20.  If I miss getting on the stick as it rises, it's really difficult for me to land on it afterwards.

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Secrets which do not provide anything beneficial for the effort to find them can still be found for completion purposes.

Edited by Avoozl

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Why on earth the secrets should contain closet with goodies every time? As opposite way, the secret can contain switch which activate map shortcut nearby. Or as example provide path to window where you can see exit through it, to know which path to pick to finish map faster.

Edited by riderr3

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That one secret area in MAP04 of Plutonia that only gives a few health bonuses.

Edited by Novaseer
I played through MAP04 and counted: fourteen health bonuses.

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