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Original Doom songs you want to see return


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What Doom songs do you wanna see remixed/redone for Doom Eternal?  From recollection, bits and pieces of Suspense, They're going to get you, The imp's song, Hangar, and a few more I'm probably missing were in Doom 2016.  Personally I would love to see Dark Halls, Sinister, Donna to the rescue, and Waiting for Romero to play make returns in some form or another.

Edited by STILES

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Dark Halls, Sign of Evil, I Sawed the Demons, The Demons from Adrian's Pen, Waltz of the Demons, Donna to the Rescue.


But I wouldn't mind if none of them return, there's classic Doom to hear them.

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Doom 1:

Dark Halls

On The Hunt

They Are Going To Get You


Waltz Of The Demons



Doom 2:

Countdown To Death


The Dave D. Taylor Blues

Into Sandy's City

The Demon's Dead

Getting Too Tense


Final Doom


Death's Bells


Agony Rhapsody

Let's Kill At Will

Aim Shoot Kill

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shawn's Got the Shotgun, Into Sandy's City, Death's Bells, Sadistic, and it's a stretch, but I'd love to see songs based on some of the Plutonia MIDI pack tracks (especially Sepulchral,  Infimum and Blood Rush) - that is, if Mick and id are in touch enough to know about it.

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The Bunny/EndGame song, not necessarily the happy part but the sick ass motoric at 0:24 its got a bit of a death'n'roll vibe. I also just fucking hope there's acoustic guitar somewhere in the OST like even as a small stinger that was the ONE THING THAT THE HELL LEVELS LACKED IN DOOM16 WAS EVIL SOUNDING ACOUSTIC GUITAR FINGERPICKING


Edited by CreamCheese

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15 hours ago, CreamCheese said:


I don't think Matt Uelmen is doing the rounds this time Philadelphia Spread.

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I need to hear the majesty of Into Sandy's City again. It's just a damn catchy song of Doom II that I never get bored hearing again and again.

Maybe have that song in the Hell City level. Would fit so damn well.

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While not original in the sense of Doom 1+2, I was a bit disappointed what Mick did to the main title of Doom 3 by Tweaker. Whenever I hear Micks interpretation, my head just want's to continue the song but is immediately disappointed when the melody suddenly stops and repeats itself, over and over again. I just want him to "fix" that :)

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I'd love to hear a few classic Doom melodies return, that'd give me ASMR as they say. Any of them would do, I'll say like the OP here Imp's Song comes to mind, In The Dark etc, and for boss fights or other key moments some of the more up-tempto shredders like At Doom's Gate would be cool.

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For those who haven't seen it there's a great video pointing out which themes are in the DOOM4 soundtrack, it's a really interesting watch.

The guy really does his research and even finds some things on his own.

Edited by Michniko

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