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The Secret Energy (Boom level, /idgames)

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Good work, traditionally cool! I dig the most of it also easier than Blackroom on UV. Probable question for me, I need to say that the composite secret was troublesome to find considering the switch remote action sound. I had to return from the exit place to the starting area and search for it for a max. Saw some missing blackwalls sidedefs of the up moving sector in the final encounter. That's some flaw but nothing more. I'll give it another go sometime later.    

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looks excellent. I am a big fan of your maps in terms of both visuals and gameplay, can't wait so give this one a go!

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Just tackled the map on HMP and saves pre-setpieces. It took me a few tries to get in the mood (=not bonered, against my will), and then it went smoother, tense and satisfying to figure the gameplay. Superb monster placement, each specie used for varied purposes, either threats or helpers, sometimes both, others as obstacles to prevent an easy escape, basically no repetitive ideas. I would have try it back to analyze better each encounter as I beat some of them without giving myself time to see what was going on, like the BFG setup in particular, since the pain elemental looked stuck on the most distant platform but seconds later it floated close to my spot. Clean visuals, I dig in particular the way you generally use the black square texture to simulate boxes, the floating compblu was neat too. Even though this is the first map of yours I tried, you really nail that tech-natural mishmash style. Found all the secrets without problems, no bugs or glitches that I could see. Yeah this map was dope and fun on these settings, so thanks for sharing!

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Are you @Death-Destiny's alt? Your maps have a lot of his influence ;)

So, um, i haven't finish it yet :P Though i do have this awkward complication of failures (UV): energycat.zip (mouse related issues + an amazing knack for dying)

More of your favorite zimmer and shiny silver combo, the classic "Mucus Flow" aesthetic, with some cutesy lighting and sector wires here and there, all very good-looking. Got to the yellow glowstone cave area, and it's also one of the best looking places so far. Cool and well thought out encounters, like what Galileo said.

Gotta wrap this up later. So far so gud


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7 hours ago, Catpho said:

Are you @Death-Destiny's alt? Your maps have a lot of his influence ;)


No I'm not :p. The tech-base in the natural environment theme of some of his maps and the ones from Darkwave0000, is my favourite; I also really like more abstract stuff like Miasma, Stardate20x7, Magnolia and Sunlust map 29 aswell.

Thanks for the demo :)

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Here's a failed fda on UV: energy_gaspe_fda.zip

I was able to get the YK and at the BK trap I was so focused on one arch-vile that I didn't notice the second one in the corner. I'm surprised that I was able to pass the first part without so many tries, I usually suck at punching stuff. Cool theme and visuals, maybe this last map is a bit better than the previous (at least from what I recall), here there are some more nice details and lighting. I really liked that transparent door. Oh and the music choice was very good ;)

Edited by gaspe

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Nice playing gaspe, you are a good player :) Yeah the midi as a standalone is a good one for me too, but for this map I'm not 100% sure it is fitting, prolly an ambient midi would be better ^ I'm open for tips :p

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Fun Map, I played it pretty slow/safe as I was trying to one shot it but at the very end I decided to throw down a save in case I died to what looked like was going to be the last encounter and well what do you know.. i died to the last encounter because of poor play ;p (the encounter it self wasn't that hard) heres a FDA with that 1 death at the end but since i had just saved i continued it to the end. Visually it was good and the gameplay was challenging but everything was doable in a blind play through first attempt I'd say. Probably the yellow key pick up is the most deadly encounter, not sure how I survived that tbh. The little encounter before that you can just kind of use the monster block line and cheese/kill everything, not sure if you wanted that to be intended/aloud. 


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Very cool demo Bdubzzz, you did the BK the 'intended way' :p and nice dodges there plus on other areas. Probably skilled/speedrunner players will not find this map so difficult on uv, but, aside from some little changes I saw (possibly even the yk area encounter you mentioned) I'm not sure to increase so much the difficult of this map 

Edited by Paul977

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I'm a mid-tier player at best, but I love your style man. Still haven't beaten this sucker, but I just got damn close: bob_energy.zip


I've been grinding on this on HMP for the past week or so, making a little more progress each time, and it's been fun trying to figure out each encounter and get closer and closer to that exit sign each time. It kinda put me in that old-school NES Ghost 'n' Goblins / Ninja Gaiden zone where it was just about gradual improvement in the face of harsh-but-fair difficulty. I'd say it's a good sign when a weaker player can have a good time like that, so kudos!


Edited by Big Ol Billy

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  • 1 month later...

Final version:


- Title screen, intermission screen

- Multiplayer starts

- More difficult to leave the blue key area


Links updated in the OP,


kind regards

Edited by Paul977

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  • 3 weeks later...

late to the party, but finally got around to playing this. loved it. really enjoyed the environment and all the battles. and all the FF7 midis make it that much better :D

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Hmm, I'm also very late to the party but sure glad i lately played this map. I picked HMP due to being rather rusty these days, probably a wise decision. In my opinion it's your best work up to this date, the whole place is oozing with atmosphere and mystery wrapped into D_D style stock texture glamour and flavored with moody lighting. I appreciate simple details like floating mid-textures or the transparent doors, also the midi is a very suitable pick. Fights were thoroughly fun and enjoyable despite me dying quite a bunch of times. Personal favorite encounters were the initial one, the underground cavern area and the final one. Wonderful map

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  • 4 years later...

This is a very beautiful map with a very high attention to detail.  I like the flow of the map, but to me (in the end) it's just yet another map with section after section of traps, with hordes of revenants and the customary release of arch-viles.  These types of maps always make me wonder what such a talented map architect could come up with in a more story-driven map.  This giant ...citadel? would be a cool setting for something more than just a trap-fest.

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