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Snapmap: Any way to make items fall?


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I am attempting to make it appear as though an item is falling out of a hole in the ceiling -- I can spawn item just fine, but is there a way to apply gravity to items spawned above the terrain such that they smoothly fall to the ground?

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@Lutz There is possibility to drop item. But you can't drop weapon/health/powerup. But for example you can spawn drop key and when you picked it up you can fire script that gives you whatever you want. Here are screenshots for standard Spawn Droppable:



Edited by Teder

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18 hours ago, Teder said:

There is possibility to drop item. But you can't drop weapon/health/powerup. But for example you can spawn drop key and when you picked it up you can fire script that give you whatever you want. Here are screenshots for standard Spawn Droppable:


Awesome, thanks!  I'll play around and see if I can't come up with something I like.

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