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Doom Clone "Gloom" Source Code Available!


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Thought some of you might be interested in this,


The Commodore Amiga Doom clone Gloom just had it's source code released recently, so now it may be possible for people to port the game over to modern PCs,

(NOTE: there is no guarantee that it is the final version of Gloom, )

Here is the zip file from Github,


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I watched a youtube video of it, the engine looks like of a Wolf3d-style engine using raycasting and block-based maps, though there were a few diagonal walls and a few non-aligned walls too.


Might be interesting to convert the maps and assets and run the game in a DOOM engine, possibly modified for the sliding doors etc.

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Gloom Deluxe was more of a re-release of the original Gloom, though it has some extra content and generally ran better than the original.


However, there was another Commodore Amiga Doom clone I thought was a bit more interesting, that being Alien Breed 3D and its sequel, Alien Breed 3D 2.

unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the source code for both games is extremely rare to come across, as they were released on a CD by Team17, the company that made the games, 


AB3D does look a lot more like Doom than any of the Gloom games, (there were 3 games)


And since I see other people on the Doomworld forums wanting to use the code and graphics of AB3D, I did some searching, and it turns out the source code for both of these games were released!...on a cover CD for Amiga Format Magazine Issue#95, I tried looking some more to see if there was a download for the CD's content, but it appears that it was only released on this cover CD.


Team17 is still around today, so feel free to contact them if you wish.


Anyway, if you want to look for more Doom clones on the Amiga, then go here: http://www.amigahistory.plus.com/doomclone.html


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/29/2018 at 8:42 PM, AJOgames said:

However, there was another Commodore Amiga Doom clone I thought was a bit more interesting, that being Alien Breed 3D and its sequel, Alien Breed 3D 2.

unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the source code for both games is extremely rare to come across, as they were released on a CD by Team17, the company that made the games, 





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  • 2 weeks later...

I discovered this thread by accident. I was a big fan of "Gloom" back then, when I was still playing with my Amiga. It's nice to see, that the assets got dumped, even though they are quite low-res and don't feature much variety to begin with.


Whilst digging deeper I discovered, that someone is already working on a Gloom TC for GzDoom. You can find it here: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=88776 I hope the project is not abandoned and still being worked on.





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Cool stuff! Gloom, Fears and Cytadela 3d were most interesting Doom clones for amiga for me. It will be fun to play it under gzdoom.

Edited by Teder

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  • 3 weeks later...

IMO Alien Breed 3D (the first one) is the only one of the Amiga "Doom clones" which is actually a good game, at least of the ones I've tried which include Gloom, AB3D, AB3D2, Fears and Breathless. It is at least somewhat entertaining to play, I really liked it the first time I tried it in my life (this was well into the 2010s already), I was visiting a friend of mine who was just bought an A1200 with an upgraded CPU and thought we should try some games on it that never worked on a 500 or 600, and yeah he almost had to make me leave the house that evening. Some months later I almost played it to completion on UAE.


IIRC some reviewer once wrote that it is the most "Doom-like" of them in gameplay. Maybe that's why?

Too bad that it only supports one extremely low resolution graphics mode intended to run acceptably on A1200s without a beefy CPU or video upgrade. Source code (at least partial?) was released alongside AB3D2's sources but it is written 100% in M68K assembly. Apparently, in the 1990s the author originally planned to release an updated version using AB3D2's engine which supports high resolution video modes but unfortunately that never came to pass.


(first post in a long while!)

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Hello. Author of the Gloom TC linked above here. The uploaded version is not the most recent one, as I have one that is more advanced on my PC, with player sprites and the first of the Hell levels finished, as well as all enemies (though the Beholder type still needs some custom scripting for it's special attack type). I haven't worked on it for a long time but some day when I find the time I do want to finish it.

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Glad to see that people have already started to take the assets of these games and try to recreate them in the ZDoom/GZDoom engine, it makes it a LOT easier for people to play these games without having to use WinUAE, which is quite buggy and difficult to use.


Good luck to those who are working to bring these games to a modern audience. GZDoom port or otherwise. :)

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On 12/1/2018 at 4:35 PM, Cherno said:

Hello. Author of the Gloom TC linked above here. The uploaded version is not the most recent one, as I have one that is more advanced on my PC, with player sprites and the first of the Hell levels finished, as well as all enemies (though the Beholder type still needs some custom scripting for it's special attack type). I haven't worked on it for a long time but some day when I find the time I do want to finish it.

Ooooh, hopefully you finish it sometime in the future. I can't imagine just how badass it'd feel like playing Gloom TC on GZDOOM.

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