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LZDoom 3.88b released


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Nice, I had had to drop back to 3.3.2 on my old crap ass computer just a couple days ago cuz I ran into a crash entering Plutonia level 8 that I just could not figure out. Thanks for this, I'll be following

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So I just realized that the Unholy Massacre difficulty wasn't a part of the wad I was playing and is something added to LZ. What's the gimmick there?

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 That's one of the silly features i mentioned. Another obvious one is the mugshot in the HUD.

 It's a standard difficulty setting, you take double damage and get half the ammo, it's the opposite as ITYTD.

 There's a new one for Heretic too and i added respawning to Black Plague. I now all this is Heresy. :lol:

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What did you do to doomguys face? I have to cop to not spending much time at his pain faces while I'm playing

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i decided to play Unholy Massacre with Map 32: Go2It.... After over 100 deaths, an insane amount of saving and reloading spam, I did complete the map, albeit without 100% kills, items and secrets


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3 hours ago, drfrag said:

Nothing. It's exactly the same as in the status bar. For me everything is normal.

Oh sorry, you said the mugshot in the hud, I thought you were referring to the doomguy face

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  • 5 weeks later...

 I've just released a new beta, i planned to do it a few days ago but i was busy with other stuff. It's the beta 2 from OCT 31 aka Helloween Edition.
The dither shader is a half-assed feature in LZDoom and needs testing on Intel cards, it should be fast with it disabled and i expect it to be slow when enabled. Also the softpoly renderer crashed at high resolutions, it's fixed now.

Have fun!

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I've tried the beta myself on intel (i've been fixing office 365 on my sister in law's laptop with an i3 6006u, it's systematically screwed after every win 10 upgrade) and...
WOW! Severe performance regression with that GL dither half-assed feature. The matrix is being created on every frame even when it's not used and i get one third of the performance, disabling gl_dither has no effect. On nvidia there's only a slight performance penalty when enabled.

I've released a fixed beta for intel with a simplified present shader, of course dither won't work in the intel version. I will revert that thing for the next release.
Sorry but if you're on intel it's time to re-redownload, see links in the first post.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've released a new beta (see first post). Of course the dither shader had to go so no more intel fixed versions (not needed anymore).
This delayed beta is in sync (is that term even correct?) with GZDoom master as of 11/29 to clarify things.


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  • 5 weeks later...

You're welcome. That build was pretty stable right before the asmjit and weapon scriptification merge.

Unfortunately i've suffered an accident and i don't know what will happen with the project and even with myself. :(

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Oh no, as a old user of some old versition of this fork of GZDoom, i thanks you for creating this a let my Potao play. I hope you feel better and nobody bad happens to you.

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  • 4 months later...

 I'm going to release a huge update very soon, for the time being i've uploaded a couple of rogue test builds to the gzdoom-vintage folder at DRD Team so please report any problems you may find.

 Unfortunately i had an accident but thanks to the people at zdoom.org i've been able to continue working on my ports (both the GZDoom vintage build and LZDoom).
 I asked for help to pay last month's mortgage (i started a GoFundMe campaign) and i still need a bit more to pay some important bills this month, in return i were working on my ports nearly full time forcing myself to do it.
 Long story short i was trapped inside an elevator for half an hour near a fire alarm and my inner ear sustained some damage so now i suffer tinnitus (buzzing and hissing sounds and whistles inside my head). According to some tests it's severe and disabling but now seems it's getting better but very slowly (i guess also i'm starting to get used to it).
 This still makes me feel very depressed and desperate sometimes, due to the anguish i need to take pills to sleep (not all nights now thankfully but i need to sleep with a cushion to avoid laying on my left side). The've sent me to the psychiatrist for an evaluation (may be i haven't mentioned it but i even started considering killing myself, hope those terrible days won't come back).
 So if someone wants to help i'd be really grateful, i'm very close to meet the target for the campaign. Of course i attached some medical reports albeit in spanish. I also need suggestions to get a telework as i need to avoid noisy environments.
 Thanks guys!  For more details please see the thread at zdoom.org.


Edited by drfrag

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oh jesus, that sounds awful. i'm sorry :( but i'm glad it sounds like you're getting better, i hope your recovery goes well!

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I went to the psychiatrist a couple of days ago and he saw me in really bad shape so he has prescribed stronger medication. He even tought i was ten years older than my real age.

I've received more donations. Thanks very much! I didn't expect this. Someone very generous has even donated another 300€, i feel really moved. Thanks, i'm really grateful. So the target has been met now.


On LZDoom Tormentor667 has made a new great icon for the app. Expect a new release very soon.


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  • 1 month later...

Finally i've released this. Thanks to all who made it possible, specially those who made some donations.

I still suffer tinnitus, i think i'm getting better but recovery is very slow. Hope it's not permanent, getting used to it is very hard.

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Fake split-screen, eh?


Does it support multiple controllers and/or more than two players? Granted, even if it doesn't, I'd argue that this is better than SSZDoom which despite having actual split screen has (IIRC) the "p1 is keyboard/mouse p2 is joystick" problem... not to mention being more out of date by being based off zdoom 2.8.1

edit: Nevermind. Can confirm that LZDoom doesn't allow choosing which controller goes to what player.

Edited by Danfun64

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 It doesn't work like that, it's not real splitscreen. There's only one player per instance. This also works with some modern games.

 I just ported the video active in background feature from GZDoom and allowed joystick input in the background as well.

 In theory four players should be possible on a quad core cpu with three controllers. You'd need to configure the controllers and the player controls accordingly to assign the right controller to each player, that means setting the axes for the other controllers to none.


BTW now it's on the zdoom.org download page. :D

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Been playing other games for a bit so I missed this. Just wanted to say thank you for the continued development and support of this project, I very much appreciate it!

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On 5/31/2019 at 2:25 PM, drfrag said:


I went to the psychiatrist a couple of days ago and he saw me in really bad shape so he has prescribed stronger medication. He even tought i was ten years older than my real age.

I really sorry for what you're going through, and I'm hoping and praying for a quick full recovery.


Please let me offer a thought: Please trust your doctors, but also trust your instincts. Doctors usually mean well, and they're supposed to know exactly how to treat their patients. But, they don't...not completely. I lot of it is based on averages, and experience-driven educated guesses. What I mean is that, you, and you alone, know how you feel, and if treatment is working and helping you. Please be careful with stronger meds. I've seen doctors do great things, and I've also seen them when their patient's needs are over their heads, when they sometimes end up causing harm, when their patients trusted them completely.


Those meds can work miracles at first, but become huge burdens later. Always take as prescribed, never more. And remember: In a perfect world, the meds should only be needed temporarily. I am not trying to frighten you - instead I'm hoping to encourage a safe, speedy, physical and mental recovery.


Best wishes!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/31/2019 at 3:25 PM, drfrag said:



i'm really glad that you released this fork, Drfrag. Now my low end PC can run every mod i have without framedrop. I hope you get better from your condition. Your efforts in this fork are really appreciated!

I realiced that the .ini file in LZdoom, as in the last releases of GZdoom, shows like a simple text when opened with notepad, making a hassle to find the autoload section a add the differents mod. Any way to solve this so it comes ordered like the .ini file in gzdoom 3.3.2?

Edited by P41R47

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 Thanks guys! Sorry i've lost my internet connection again so i must be brief now. The problem is Notepad itself, you need to use a real editor such as Notepad++.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As of now, i changes my beloved GZdoom 3.3.2 to LZddom 3.82 as my port of choice. I hope you had the time to properly recover from your condition and to continue working on this fork, Drfrag.

i haven't found any bug or problem. Only thing i found is the same as any other GZdoom release until now, but that surely is my potato pc running monster wads with a lot of effects like Winter's Fury (totally lagged from first map) and Eviternity (lags in the winter levels). So, after that i concluded that the particle effect used to simulated the snow is a major lagger for my PC. But i suppose it is also for every mid-low end computer.
Taking this in consideration, and hoping that differents map developers read this message, i suggest to, instead of the particle effect, use an animated texture like Thomas van der Velden do to simulate the rain in Revolution! Map02. That effect is unintrusive and, properly made, totally resembles rain. I tried using that texture in some test maps to see when it lags and, to my surprise, it needed a lot (really lot) of them to make it lag a little, while the particle effect, althought better looking, when bodies start to pile, it start to lag greatly.


09/11/19 EDIT: I was recently testing LZDoom with different iwads, and i found a little glitch in the software mode while playing Hexen. Check this screenshot:


I was playing in 320x240 vid resolution for a retro feel... I tried it in hardware mode and it just play as normal.

As of now, Hexen is the only one that offer this graphical glitch; Harmony, Heretic, Chex, Chex3, Strife and Hacx all play pretty good with no problem at all, even both Woolball games, Adventures of Square and Rekker as iwad plays perfectly in software mode.Screenshot_Hexen_20190911_233410.png.3d1590f572786de6b57adef529d175b2.png

This glitch appears in all resolutions of software mode.

Edited by P41R47

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