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The DWIronman League dies to: Doom 64 for Doom 2

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13 minutes ago, Catpho said:

Oh wow there is some cult worshiping the Keyboard Kup? I'm joining next Ironman!


Yes, at night we practice strange rituals in worship of The Almighty Keyboard. We look forward to seeing you at our next unholy gathering. ;)

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Dang. I know I said I don't really care, and I 100% meant it for category, but with the DNF ruling, I've kinda self-imposed a score goal here...


muh score

7 hours ago, Pegleg said:

I suppose all Ironmans could be undertaken with a UPS, but that seems a bit extreme. Oh well. C'est la vie.

The thing here is. I had an UPS. But recently a friend asked if he could borrow it for his computer in his house in the countryside with shitty ass faulty power lines and no surge protection or however that's actually called, and I thought, like, I'm in the middle of the city, the last power outage was years ago, paranoia has limits, yah?


And then two power outages happened in the same day. The first one happened before the Ironman, and I suppose I should have taken it as a Sign, but I've already had postponed my run from the announced date due to personal reasons, and I thought it would be dumb to postpone it even further because "lol hexa scared of a power outage". I ain't living in some backwater, these things don't come twice in a row, right?!




This run was educational, if nothing else.


also even with the dnf I still beat NaZa, HA!

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3 hours ago, Steve D said:

I like seeing keyboarders do well, and Hexa's calm performance in the Horrific Floating Ring Double-Cyb Fight is why I now refer to my esteemed opponent as Cool Hand Hexa. Absolutely unflappable.

Go watch the end of my second VOD and observe me getting Absolutely Flapped by the cyberdemon I knew was there but simply arrived in too foggy state of a mind to adequately deal with.


Endurance runs are not my thing, natch.

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4 hours ago, Steve D said:

Beginner, though not officially in the KK

I can start submitting only "KB only" runs to DWIL just for this "bowl" of yours ;)


Fun fact: my submission for this month is also keyboard only.


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Finally got some time to do my run today and made it to map 31.  Besides almost getting slow crushered to death and nearly dying to the arachnotron trap, I joined Bashe in the "Marines who died to the BSK Hell Knight trap" crowd.  At least I didn't die a stupid death, heh.


Edited by Anima Zero

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Another blind conquest in 3:22:53, twice in a row, this is getting serious!




Category 1 as I've never played Doom 64 for Doom II before, but I have played the original via Doom 64 EX once, that's what the OP means right? Or does it mean if you've played the original Doom 64 before then your considered Category 2, it's misleading as fuck, also MAP33 was played for 50 Monsters Ironman; so what the hell xD


Some periods of getting dumbstruck at where to go arise and the endurance starts to buckle on the home stretch from the long playing time. What a dirty fucking trick with the three Cybers on 29, fuck you mapping duo :< Your sneaky, devious and underhanded scheme failed to decimate me however! ;D


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Well, here you have another survivor of this freaking wad. 

Survived in 4:36:04, GLBoom+, cat 2 since, as established in the rules, I played Doom 64 and I have knowledge of that technically. For the demo, I used the .deh file.

Fuck maps 29 and 30!!!

Kinda share the same feeling as Krypto lol...



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I was attempting a stream yesterday, but it was such a train wreck due to early thanks giving day celebration on friday lol going to attempt very shortly.

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7 hours ago, Beginner said:

I can start submitting only "KB only" runs to DWIL just for this "bowl" of yours ;)

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Fun fact: my submission for this month is also keyboard only.



Well, there goes my Keyboard Kup. ;D


Welcome to the cult, Beginner. :) 


Btw, my blind practice run suffered its first, foolish death on Map05 at the Rocket Launcher Fight. I'm currently suffering from that insane progression puzzle on Map06. Curse you, dt_!!!!!!

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8 hours ago, HexaDoken said:

Go watch the end of my second VOD and observe me getting Absolutely Flapped by the cyberdemon I knew was there but simply arrived in too foggy state of a mind to adequately deal with.


Endurance runs are not my thing, natch.


LOL at "Absolutely Flapped." I will definitely check this out. You're fun to watch, plus I need help figuring out Map06. ;)

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5 hours ago, Da Werecat said:

Oh nice, I've been wondering what movie I should watch tonight.


I know what you mean.


Looking at the three survivors coming in at 3.5 - 4.5 hours, I can say that, even if I were able to stay alive through that many maps, there's virtually no way I would be able to find the time to play it all, given the current rate I'm moving through the maps. I decided to play through and have made it up to Map 04, thus far, but my average time through the first 2 maps is solidly sitting at over 20 minutes (the first time through was 40). I like this mapset, but extrapolating out, I think it would be generous to say I would finish in 5 or 6 hours. I would fully expect it to take much longer.


Not that I expect to last that long, although I could easily see myself clocking it at an hour long demo with me dying in Map 04. And Naza says he's not good, ha!


Like I said, I like these maps so far, but this month, compared to the last few months, seems like much more of a test of endurance on top of a test of skill.

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9 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

Category 1 as I've never played Doom 64 for Doom II before, but I have played the original via Doom 64 EX once, that's what the OP means right? Or does it mean if you've played the original Doom 64 before then your considered Category 2, it's misleading as fuck


Sorry, yes, EX and Doom 64 are the same for our purposes, here. Will amend.


9 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

also MAP33 was played for 50 Monsters Ironman; so what the hell xD


It may not be sound reasoning but I figure that maps 33 through 35 are in most cases not essential to a megaWAD being considered "beaten" because they play like the bonus material they are. The inclusion of those two levels in 50 Monsters didn't round things out satisfactorily, I feel. I could do it on a case by case basis, perhaps? Simplicity is also key.


Two years later and the formats are still being tweaked and worked over. This is fine!

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5 hours ago, NaZa said:

Linking @Fiendzy's run here because it would be a shame if he weren't in the OP in the future (I remember Fonz saying runs must be linked from some point onward) - his run was pretty good!


I know you posted your summary



Thanks for linking the stream friend, I was meaning to link it, but the stream at the time wasn't finished processing (threes a grace period for me right when I finish streaming)



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Arch-viles seem to prefer not teleporting lately. There were two cases in Research Lab that I was gonna attribute to whatever mod is used, but then there's Final Outpost which also failed in the Bloodite Krypto run.

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Dead on MAP22, Cat 2. Spawned Stupidity :)




Pillared arch-vile trap area. Stepped out at the wrong moment hoping to sink the bastards with the BFG and got blasted for my insolence. I was actually running out of time, on the other hand, and wouldn't have been able to leg it to map30 in time, so it's just as well.



MAP22 is also the first map I was basically blind to (or would have been had I not played the D64 equivalent), and I can definitely see a few spots where truly unknowing players are likely to be caught with their pants down. That MAP06 ambush, for example.


As a side note, hot damn are there a lot of lost souls in this WAD. I had completely forgotten! And those nightmare imps scratch you up something fierce.

Edited by Alfonzo
Forgot the attachment

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I'm surprised Cat and Mouse didn't fuck up more players by now. It was kinda designed to be unfair and WTF.


Didn't expect MAP04 to agitate that much either.

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@AlfonzoThat archie trap also surprised me since they are behind those walls. Good thing that there's enough cover to kill them quite easily. The other thing that I was afraid was the pit near the yellow key...I thought that I was trapped XD


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6 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

I was actually running out of time, on the other hand, and wouldn't have been able to leg it to map30 in time, so it's just as well.


This brings up an interesting question. It may have already been addressed somewhere, but I don't know if it was quite clear in the OP.


So, saving a game and then playing further, having a technical problem, and ending up reloading the saved game automatically means you have a DNF at wherever you had the technical issue.


However, let's say you decide to start playing. You only have a 2 hour window, but that's OK, because you expect to die early. Let's say you're doing much better than expected and are cruising along when you start to reach your 2 hour limit. Can you save and quit immediately and then reload from that exact spot later and finish your run?

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5 hours ago, Da Werecat said:

I'm surprised Cat and Mouse didn't fuck up more players by now. It was kinda designed to be unfair and WTF.


I think only a half dozen four players even reached far enough to be confronted by Cat and Mouse. Of course, all of them made it through that map, but it's still a relatively small sample set.


Besides, there's still 2/3 of the month to come.



Didn't expect MAP04 to agitate that much either.


I think the reasons for all the issues with Map 04 would be


the surprise chaingunners coming at you from 4 directions



the revenants that are unexpectedly in the room at the end, when there's nothing remotely like them anywhere else in the map. The encounter is complete with one teleporting behind you.


Both have done me in on various practice runs (not surprisingly), but it was the latter one that really caught me by surprise. I think the rest of Map 04 is actually rather reasonable.

Edited by Pegleg
I was wrong about the count, according to Naza's leaderboard.

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