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Community Chest 64

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1 hour ago, Da Werecat said:

Judging by the shots, there are a lot of moments when the lighting is complicated, but not pretty at all.

The shots are actually *really* misleading, I don't know why he post processed them.  It looks a lot better in game

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If I post them as is, they're super dark and over-saturated...I don't know why, but they look different when I bring them into Photoshop, then look different again when posted...

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3 hours ago, Nevander said:

With the current deadline and plans I had for it, there was no way I could finish it in time.

I was looking forward to it as well.  Maybe you could make it one of the Bonus Fun Maps for n D64R 2.0?

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5 hours ago, guitardz said:

I was looking forward to it as well.  Maybe you could make it one of the Bonus Fun Maps for n D64R 2.0?

Maybe I can still make it, even if not for this project. I would love to put my idea to the test.

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11 hours ago, Nevander said:

With the current deadline and plans I had for it, there was no way I could finish it in time.

I kinda have a feeling that the deadline will be pushed out, as not all map slots are filled yet and only 1 map that is 100% submitted and mine which is 85-90% balanced and tested.

Whatever you have done you should hold on to, because you may get to finish Map32. Don't hold me on that though, Steven may just cut it off at the deadline and that's that.

Edited by Bob9001

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An extension is probably necessary at this point, unless some of us volunteer more maps. I'm tempted because I have a lot of free time.

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10 hours ago, StevenC21 said:

@Bob9001 @Nevander If you guys want/need more time then I can extend it of course!

I should be ok for time, just waiting for someone to help me with the switch thats left and maybe some more feedback then it's pretty much a finished map.


@Nevander you should finish Map32 though!!!! :D

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3 hours ago, tempdecal.wad said:

How are you guys able to do that Colormap / Fog effect?

It's in the skydefs lump.  Here's what that one looks like:



sky "F_SKYH"
    fogcolor = 0 40 40
    basecolor = 0 38 38
    highcolor = 0 0 0
    lowcolor = 0 0 0
    fogfactor = 975


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@StevenC21 my map is ready.

Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k0ww3fasd3ac2vv/hzlkeep.zip



"Hazel Keep" by riderr3
For Community Chest 64

Advanced engine needed: Doom 64 Ex
Other files required: d64ex_dwcmp_resources.wad
Map slot: MAP15
Single Player: Designed for
Cooperative: Yes
Deathmatch: Player starts only
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: 27 days
Editor(s) used: Doom 64 Builder
Tested With: Doom 64 Ex
Comment: A castle-themed level with many pathways to choose.






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Another small update, layout is almost finished and now, i used some small parts of a previous unused map, but i hope that's not a problem. All is left is detailing, and monster placement

Map should be done by this weekend




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Sorry guys, I remember that I've taken the slot here, I just don't have a time for anything due to a hardjob without days off.


My map will be like this:



I hope I'll finish it somehow near the deadline. But I'm not sure, just because I have a little time for this

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On 11/10/2018 at 11:20 AM, riderr3 said:


Overall, this is a pretty interesting map.  It almost has a Map12 feel to the layout- It's big enough to explore but not so big that I felt overwhelmed.  The layout and theme is pretty solid.


Your texture choices are excellent.


Enemy placement was also pretty great.  My only gripe here is that the map does have a fair bit of backtracking, so I think it could use some backtracking encounters to keep things fresh.


Health/armor/ammo placement is solid.  Weapons- you do know there's a few duplicate pickups right?  I think there was two super shotguns and two chainguns.  Not a huge deal.




Your color choices are mostly pretty good, but there's a few gripes I have.  As a whole, I don't think I saw a single use of gradients in the entire map.  This gives it a sort of PSXDoom look to it, which would be fine if it was designed for that.  But, D64's signature look is very gradienty, so I feel it needs to be mentioned.   You could reduce the brightness of the upper wall color in the outside areas (I know that sounds counterintuitive, but it gives a nice contrast with the sky and makes it "pop").


I would also reduce the saturation of the Thing color in almost all cases- this really gives life and depth to the map.  You could also take a look at changing the floor/ceiling saturations as well.


This hallway struck me as a bit jarring.  The blue seems out of place, at such intensity.  Maybe make it darker, so it's more like a shadow?



This area has a lot of colors going on all at once- I did like the fullblack "ring" though.  Neat concept.  Personally I would reduce the upper wall and ceiling color to almost black in the blood area, it would blend really nicely with the fullblack ring.



I feel like this secret could be a bit more subtle.




I think this is a great map gameplay-wise, it just needs some tweaking to the lighting and colors.  Good work!


Edited by Antnee

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@riderr3, I'll be taking your map for a spin soon and offer some feedback. @Antnee, I played your MAP13 awhile back and have revisited it multiple times. It's really solid. It really sets the bar for the rest of us! As for me, I'm setting difficulty levels and smoothing everything out. I'll be ready to upload both maps in their final form in the next week. I'm also still thinking about volunteering a third map. If there are still unfilled slots by the time I upload my current maps, @StevenC21, then I'll take one additional slot.

Edited by GoatLord

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7 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

@Antnee, I played your MAP13 awhile back and have revisited it multiple times. It's really solid. It really sets the bar for the rest of us!

Aw thanks man.  I feel like I'm cheating because it's basically the only format I do any serious mapping in.

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10 hours ago, Antnee said:

Aw thanks man.  I feel like I'm cheating because it's basically the only format I do any serious mapping in.

Where's your map on here?  I can't find it

Edited by STILES

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1 minute ago, riderr3 said:

The OP needs to be updated with links to completed maps, otherwise it's turns to jumble.

Yeah, I agree.  May be a bit of work but it makes life easier for everyone working on the project, as well as people who might wander in for the first time and want to try what we're all working on.

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On 10/23/2018 at 12:40 PM, Bob9001 said:

Here is my finished Map31.


Few notes:


1. I've decided to change the name of my map to fit the theme of it better. So the new name is: Ancient Dimension.


2. I've left most of the outdoor areas default lighting because I like the way it blends in with the areas that have lighting.


3. Secret exit goes to Map 32, Normal exit goes to Map 04.


4. Screenshots have been updated to show the colour in them.


5. This map is pretty much done just need other people to test it :D


Please test the map and let me know if there is anything that can be changed. Deadline is still a month and a bit away yet, plenty of time to make changes.




  Reveal hidden contents












Map Title: Ancient Dimension


PWAD: d64ex_dwcmp_resources.wad

Music: Default Map31 Music.

Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard.

Compatibility: Doom 64.

Map: Map 31


Monster Count: Unknown

Secret Count: 3


Download: Ancient_Dimension v1.1.zip


 @StevenC21 Page 13, half way down the page.


It's 90% finished just waiting on one more final playtest from someone and their feedback and gotta fix one switch and then it will be 100% complete.

Edited by Bob9001

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Some w.i.p. screenshots right from the builder, because I did nothing except geometry and some texturing (no lighting):








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6 minutes ago, Antnee said:

Looks like you may have some hard water, might wanna get a softener installed.


I don't get it. What do you mean?

It's not the GZDoom engine where you can do unsolid transparent water.

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1 minute ago, Đeⓧiaz said:


I don't get it. What do you mean?

It's not the GZDoom engine where you can do unsolid transparent water.


Heh, sorry.


"Hard water" is like, full of iron and minerals that causes a buildup on your showers/sinks.  Sometimes it makes the water reddish.

A softener is a tank full of chemicals and salts that removes the minerals, making the water "soft"

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