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Community Chest 64

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Map 16 Done




"Lost courtyard" by thexgiddoomerx
For Community Chest 64


Technical info 




Map slot: MAP16

Music: Default Map16 Music

Other files required: none (textures are inside in the wad, SLADE is used)

Single Player: Designed for
Cooperative & Deathmatch: none
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Build Time: Worked "on and off" since early 2017,after a long hiatus,started again between last october to this week
Editor(s) used: Doom 64 Builder and SLADE
Tested With: Doom 64 Ex

Difficulty: Between Normal to Very Hard

Compatibility: Doom 64

Monster Count: between 380 to 600

Secret Count: 9

Comment:a very large castle with caves,halls and libraries,normal run is almost a hour to finish.


This map uses a custom sky F_SKYS (red sunset with red mountains)












Edited by thexgiddoomerx

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maybe we could do it as a final showdown, you have to single handedly take down of High tier enemies, in waves, theres 4 ways which increase in difficulty and finally after you defeat the last wave we could maybe add a new enemy as the boss? (if that's possible?)

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That's basically how the Final Boss of Doom 64 works, you take down waves of enemies, and then have to fight the Mother demon.

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1 minute ago, Thedoctor989 said:

then could we somehow make a new enemy? something far worse than the Mother demon?

(maybe a Father demon?)

Unfortunately not possible at the moment.  I believe Decorate support should be coming soon, at least from what I've seen in the chat.

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1 hour ago, Thedoctor989 said:

then could we change the sprites for the mother demon?

The Mother Demon is basically the IoS of Doom 64. No matter what you change visually, it will always play the same.

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I managed to finish the layout today, but i still need to polish gameplay and all the macros, so my map should be done soon




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there is 2 options we have:


1. Change the mother demon sprites to be some other custom enemy, but have it behave like the mother demon.


2. Don't include a bossfight and just have a bunch of custom levels.

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In anticipation of there not being enough mappers, I secretly started work on a third map, and I'll finish it if I can get the other two completely done, which I think is possible.


Edited by GoatLord

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Here's my submission for the map 11 slot, Doomsday Keep, difficulty settings are yet to be implemented, so i'll be rebalancing things up again. Let me know what you guys think









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I think its maybe a matter of having a december 3rd deadline and lack of mappers we have like 7-8 slots left to fill surely people out there would want to whip something up haha.


I unfortunately don't have much time to finish the last 10% AND I'm still waiting for someone to do some more feedback so if you're reading this and you have nothing to do, just try play through my map, it's on page 13 or on the first page thanks.



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@Bob9001 Alright, I felt sorry for you :P



I'm just going to point out a few things:


This series of rooms feel kinda empty. A few torches on the walls would be enough I think.




These hallways are really awkard to fight in, with the cacodemons being unable to come down and the player not being able to go forward due to infinite height. Maybe make them a little wider?




This switch isn't animated.




Now, this isn't a problem with the map itself since it's just because of how Doom 64 EX handles sound, but these bars are LOUD, it legitimately hurt my ears when I opened them. Maybe if there were fewer bars it wouldn't be as bad.


Also, the switch here on the right is floating. I understand that that's basically how they work, but I thought I'd point it out since it seems you found a way around it for the other switches. This affects both the blue and red key ones.




Is it really necessary to have an elevator here instead of some steps? It seems odd, considering the height.




Here, those arachnatrons would just end up grouping up at the bottom of the stairs, so I would just go to one of the sides of the stairs and take them out one by one, taking cover behind a pillar when needed. Not very fun.


And another thing: I had the game crash twice in that room, although I have no idea what could be causing it.




These rooms (that and one opposite to it) look too barren IMO, maybe you could modify their shapes a bit or add some decorations.




I did enjoy the map overall though! I know that there was some discussion about the lighting, but I think it looks good.


Oh, BTW, I got that MAP31 reference at the end ;) I almost thought you were going to put the secret exit in the same place haha. And just for the record, I didn't find a single secret because I suck :P


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For the bars being loud, simply join the sectors. If they are all the same height, colors, and floor/ceiling textures, there is not an issue and the sound will be played only once. I cannot stress enough how important it is to join like-sectors, even more so in Doom 64 due to the color properties. It makes changing things up a lot simpler, and will make it simpler to port the levels later if I do.

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Urm, I think I will fail the deadline, just because I'm really busy in real life. The funny thing that I have a vacation right after the 3rd December.


I should outsource my map to anyone who is interested, or it's better just to cross it out?

Edited by Đeⓧiaz

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11 hours ago, Đeⓧiaz said:

I should outsource my map to anyone who is interested, or it's better just to cross it out?

I could tinker if you decide that.

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On 11/22/2018 at 6:39 AM, KVELLER said:

@Bob9001 Alright, I felt sorry for you :P


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I'm just going to point out a few things:


This series of rooms feel kinda empty. A few torches on the walls would be enough I think.




These hallways are really awkard to fight in, with the cacodemons being unable to come down and the player not being able to go forward due to infinite height. Maybe make them a little wider?




This switch isn't animated.




Now, this isn't a problem with the map itself since it's just because of how Doom 64 EX handles sound, but these bars are LOUD, it legitimately hurt my ears when I opened them. Maybe if there were fewer bars it wouldn't be as bad.


Also, the switch here on the right is floating. I understand that that's basically how they work, but I thought I'd point it out since it seems you found a way around it for the other switches. This affects both the blue and red key ones.




Is it really necessary to have an elevator here instead of some steps? It seems odd, considering the height.




Here, those arachnatrons would just end up grouping up at the bottom of the stairs, so I would just go to one of the sides of the stairs and take them out one by one, taking cover behind a pillar when needed. Not very fun.


And another thing: I had the game crash twice in that room, although I have no idea what could be causing it.




These rooms (that and one opposite to it) look too barren IMO, maybe you could modify their shapes a bit or add some decorations.




I did enjoy the map overall though! I know that there was some discussion about the lighting, but I think it looks good.


Oh, BTW, I got that MAP31 reference at the end ;) I almost thought you were going to put the secret exit in the same place haha. And just for the record, I didn't find a single secret because I suck :P


Firstly thank you for going over my map again and picking out some things I'll give my answers below:


1. That's supposed to be the secret exit room, so yes I can add a few torches.


2. I designed that part on purpose as that is the route to the blue key in the middle of a mini castle area. Normally the cacos come in the other side where you pick up the SSG and press the switch to lower the key. But I'll leave that the way.


3. Ah this switch, I don't know if anyone reading this thread has seen but this is the only switch I've been having trouble with, in it's current state it plays the activation sound but it won't display the activated texture which is annoying me cause I can't seem to get it to work with both the sound and the texture changing dispite what I do, if I change any of the switch display it's just a black square lol. If someone can fix this for me and submit the method I'd be so happy.


4. To my knowledge and with playtesting they only float when viewed in the editor so it's weird that you have seen that happen while in DOOM64 ex. However going ingame myself they are not visable in the sky like in the editor so this is working as intended.


5. I had steps originally, but changed this because the textures wouldn't align and it didn't look as good as with the way this is now, so sorry but that's how it will be staying.


6a. You're not the first person to say that it crashed in that area, I have no clue as to why that is happening maybe something to do with ram and or a gfx card issue? I've never had it crash and my computer is pretty old (going on 6 years hardware age).


6b. Yes I know that happens but if I put monster blocks in people would say that they shouldn't be blocked in however I have an idea for this so I'll change it in the next release.


7. Yes I see, ok I'll have a play around with some designs and what not.


The lighting is supposed to be giving the player the feel that they're in another dimension, so a purpley hue light fits the level well I feel.


Yay someone got the reference ;). There's 3 secrets total plus the secret exit but I didn't mark that as a secret cause I've already ruined the surprise in this thread cause people stumble upon the secret exit and wonder why that room is empty haha.


Anyway thank you for the feedback, as I mentioned in an earlier post this map is 90% done just needs some polish really and fixing that DARN switch and then it will be ready for release.




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10 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

4. To my knowledge and with playtesting they only float when viewed in the editor so it's weird that you have seen that happen while in DOOM64 ex. However going ingame myself they are not visable in the sky like in the editor so this is working as intended.


Hm... maybe I didn't express myself properly. It's not in the sky, but floating in front of the piece of geometry that it's supposed to be attached to. Again, I know that that's basically how switches work in D64, but other switches on the map don't look like that.


10 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

6a. You're not the first person to say that it crashed in that area, I have no clue as to why that is happening maybe something to do with ram and or a gfx card issue? I've never had it crash and my computer is pretty old (going on 6 years hardware age).


Well, I've got a pretty recent and powerful PC, so I don't think it's a lack of resources. However, I was reading Doom 64 EX's documentation the other day and noticed that it only allocates 32 MB of memory by default, so maybe that's the issue, although that wouldn't explain why you don't have a problem (unless you have increased this value). That or it just doesn't like my hardware :P


10 hours ago, Bob9001 said:

Yay someone got the reference ;). There's 3 secrets total plus the secret exit but I didn't mark that as a secret cause I've already ruined the surprise in this thread cause people stumble upon the secret exit and wonder why that room is empty haha.


Yeah, I had a feeling I was missing something in that room haha.

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6 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

Using a macro, how would one do the "Staging Area" trick whereby a door only opens after shooting *all* tagged barrels?


It was probably a special script that you can't just use whenever you want. Sort of like Dead Simple in Doom 2 or the barons in E1M8.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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22 minutes ago, GoatLord said:

Using a macro, how would one do the "Staging Area" trick whereby a door only opens after shooting *all* tagged barrels?


Tag them all with the same tag (make sure they have the "trigger on death" flag), then create a macro linedef with that same tag which is "triggered by dead thing."  They are treated as enemies for this purpose.

Edited by Antnee

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