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Community Chest 64

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1 hour ago, hardcore_gamer said:

I just tried playing MAP15 and could not finish it. The whole map is WAY too cryptic. I was able to get the red and blue key, but no matter how hard I tried I could not figure out how to lower the blue bars protecting the yellow key (though I did find the switch that lowers the pillar holding said key). After a while I noclipped my way past them. But even after that I ran into the problems of finding and pressing a bunch of switches that don't seem to do anything, and after wasting like 20 min running around I rage quit out. The level is a text book example of how not to do switch hunts, in that that there are virtually zero clues in regards to what any of the switches do. That's not to say it's a bad level otherwise, I actually rather like lots of the visuals. But it needs to be much more obvious what the switches do. If anybody else can explain how to lower the blue bars and what to do afterward that would be neat.

Lol. The "crypticism" of this map is nothing compared to what I did in some of my old maps. The progression here are mostly simple - just visit the areas which are you not visited yet.

Also, through 30 pages nobody is complained about switch-hunting on my map.

If I remember correctly, you need to get red key and go to barn near the start, behind red bars open another door nearby, in the end of new area there will be a switch which open the bars near yellow key. If the switches activate something nearby, it's not a switch-hunting. The switch which activate blue bars is pretty visible from yellow key area, you'll only need to find another way to reach it. Let me guess, you hate Citadel from Doom 2? For me it's a memorable map from the favorites. Like the "cherry on cake" on second episode of Doom 2.

Edited by riderr3

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Alright, I'm done. Hope there are no too many oversights. I had to add an extra texture I really needed though.


Edited by Kore

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it has to do with a bad mapinfo. warp straight into map17 with the launcher.


EDIT: hotfix


Edited by Kore

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7 hours ago, hardcore_gamer said:

MAP17 does not work. When I start a new game the game just crashes. This happens after the difficulty select screen when the game is about to load map01.

It's MAP17 so you're supposed to select MAP17, not MAP01, don't really have to tell you that. or you can change the slot in Slade to MAP01 if you really want it to be MAP01.


6 hours ago, Kore said:

it has to do with a bad mapinfo.


There's no errors in the MAPINFO, both the Map and the MAPINFO work as intended.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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Whether there are errors in it or not doesn't matter. If you don't define every map in the mapinfo it'll crash when loading any other level, including the next one, and thus it's ill-formed.

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16 hours ago, tempdecal.wad said:

It's MAP17 so you're supposed to select MAP17, not MAP01, don't really have to tell you that. or you can change the slot in Slade to MAP01 if you really want it to be MAP01.



There's no errors in the MAPINFO, both the Map and the MAPINFO work as intended.


MAP17 doesn't load even with the launcher. I dragged and dropped the wad file unto the launcher exe and picked map17 and it just starts the normal Doom 64 map17. Your map is broken bro.


EDIT: I will release the wad within an hour or two. If tempdecal can fix his wad it can be included in the next version (this is just a first draft since not everybody might agree with the map order). I am also thinking about adding some intermission text to spice up the wad a bit to make it feel like a bit more than just a simple level pack, if that's ok with people. Not complex, just a little bit something to add a bit of flavor.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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That means you're not even loading it, I just tested it and it worked fine and Antnee was also able to run it with no issues whatsoever, use the -file command to load it.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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There is a strange problem that happens when I save the levels into a single wad. For some reason on some of the levels some textures just stop working. At first I thought the issue was the texture wad not being included but when I opened up the levels in Doom builder 64 (from the new wad they had been saved into that is) it turns out that the walls where the textures were missing for some reason don't even have any textures assigned to them anymore. I have no idea what is causing this to happen since it happens even when the texture wad is loaded alongside the levels. The original files work fine.


EDIT: The wad can't be released unless this issue is resolved. If anybody understands why saving the original map into another wad (I am using the "save into" function in the editor to do this) causes some of the textures to not be assigned anymore then that would be great. 

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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2 hours ago, Kore said:

You should be using slade for this kind of things.


I use slade for general wad editing, but not for level design.


EDIT: Never mind I think I have fixed the problem. Expect the wad to be loaded for you to play within a few hours.


EDIT 2: I notice that a few of the wads include a bunch of custom shit. Wasn't this prohibited by the rules? Probably no biggie but still I thought the point of having only a single custom graphics resource was for the sake of simplicity.


EDIT 3: Never mind, now for some reason Doom64 EX has just randomly decided that there is something wrong with the mapinfo lump.


"P_InitMapInfo: Unknown token: 'map' (line = 108, pos = 5)"


That part of the mapinfo looks like this btw:


map MAP13 "Deep Abyss"
    levelnum = 12
    music = "MUSAMB19"
    classtype = 0
    cluster = 0
    exitdelay = 15


EDIT 4: Fixed the above but now randomly the sky textures don't work anymore. Shit.


EDIT 5: Never mind stuff is fixed.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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Ok, I am 90% certain that I finally got things working now. So here it is, the first version of Doom 64 Community chest 1!


Now, keep it in mind that while (almost) all the wads are in this (with a couple of exceptions since 1 or 2 maps appear to be broken. I still can't get ancient aliens to work....) there are some things that will have to be polished by us collectively. For example, many of the maps don't yet have official names and thus are just called "unnamed" in the automap. Only wads that had pre-made mapinfos have custom names and music assigned to them. For the rest, we will just have to agree on names and music for them.


Anyway, this took me WAY longer than I expected to. I consider my part done here to be honest. If somebody else wants to wrap up the wad and fine-polish it then they are welcome to do so. I personally, am simply too exhausted to do any more of this and also have other projects waiting for me. But anyway, here is the wad containing 15 maps in addition to 1 secret map.




Edited by hardcore_gamer

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Almost 30 slots taken but you end up 16 maps. Sad. I'll try it right now. Maybe there should be a new thread for the release.

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22 minutes ago, Kore said:

Almost 30 slots taken but you end up 16 maps. Sad. I'll try it right now. Maybe there should be a new thread for the release.


Again remember that there are a couple of maps that I downloaded that did not make it because of errors among other reasons. Also this is just a first release that isn't even very well refined. A big part of the reason I even released this in it's current state is because I had promised to release the wad this friday so people could play it over the weekend, but there is still room for improvement such as giving names to levels that currently don't have any and perhaps tweaking the music for those levels that did not bother choosing any specific tracks. Then there's also the broken/missing maps who's authors might want to fix and have added to the wad. 


But like I said in my other post, I am currently busy with other things so perhaps somebody else feels they are up to the task of polishing this thing before it's full and final release?

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If you're gonna to release it at all you should have 32 maps so it can complete as a community chest 64 that's the idea behind it.

Even if this takes a year to compile, who cares. Don't cut corners to try get something out, we need what 12 maps to fill, shouldn't be hard to get that.

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interest already died out. so, yes, it's that hard to get the rest done.
EDIT: My first map is missing (it was reposted 2 or 3 pages back), I think other maps are also missing from this.

Edited by Kore

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I don't know if I agree with that the interest died out, we wouldn't have a 30 page thread if there was no interest.


But maybe you're right, this is one project I hoped would be a 32 map pack for Doom 64 cause there aint many. But I guess I'm over-hyped.

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There was interest, just not anymore. If you followed the thread closely you would realize how it's getting less and less active.

Just look at what happened with HPACK.

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This has been pushed back and delayed far too long. Even the one who started this whole thing has vanished. I think it's time to just pack up what has been finished and put it out. It's sad it never got to its full potential but at least salvage what you can. Maybe one day in the future it can be updated with more if people come back. 

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12 hours ago, Kore said:

interest already died out. so, yes, it's that hard to get the rest done.
EDIT: My first map is missing (it was reposted 2 or 3 pages back), I think other maps are also missing from this.


I had to download dozens of files and then reorganize all of them before putting them into the wad. It's possible a few may have been missed in the process. Which maps are missing?


I think I will add the missing maps, add some custom names to the maps not yet named since nobody else seems to care for doing so including the original authors, and then simply release this as is as an official release. I might even make a new thread for it with some screenshots as somebody here has already suggested we do.


EDIT: Actually I think I will also add some intermission text screens as well for flavor.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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These are missing:
enemiesofthepeople's map named riko that was posted recently.

map16.wad is missing (I think it's the largest map)

hzlkeep.wad (map 15?)


my map, labelled as map02.wad

and ancient dimension, of course.


i'm not sure if icon.wad was supposed to get in. but mentioning it just in case.


Also, the fourth map is so low quality I'd propose for it to get removed.

Edited by Kore

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Ok. I spent so much time fiddling around with this stuff last night that I'm not really in the mood to do so today as well, since there is other stuff I want to spend my saturday on. I will resume work on polishing this up tomorrow, so the current target for full finished release is sunday.

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On 4/6/2019 at 3:49 PM, Kore said:

These are missing:
enemiesofthepeople's map named riko that was posted recently.

map16.wad is missing (I think it's the largest map)

hzlkeep.wad (map 15?)


my map, labelled as map02.wad

and ancient dimension, of course.


i'm not sure if icon.wad was supposed to get in. but mentioning it just in case.


Also, the fourth map is so low quality I'd propose for it to get removed.


I now have all of the maps you listed except for icon but map17 wasn't included because it doesn't work even by itself. It's bugged. If loaded via the .exe it just crashes the game, and if loaded with the launcher it just loads the normal map 17 and not the custom level.


I think it's pointless giving specific release dates for the wad seeing as there is always something happening that forces me to delay it by "just one more day" lol, so instead I will just say that the polished wad will be re-uploaded within "a few days". It will include an updated map roaster with the missing maps you mentioned as well as an updated mapinfo with intermission text screens. Levels with missing level names will also be named for the sake of immersion.


EDIT: The new maps will bring the total number of maps secret levels included to about 20. That isn't too bad honestly.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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3 hours ago, hardcore_gamer said:

map17 wasn't included because it doesn't work even by itself. It's bugged. If loaded via the .exe it just crashes the game, and if loaded with the launcher it just loads the normal map 17 and not the custom level.

Are you sure? this is MAP08 / MAP17 from D64CP1.wad that you uploaded, I don't even know which map you're talking about anymore.





Edited by tempdecal.wad

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2 minutes ago, tempdecal.wad said:

Are you sure? this is MAP08 / MAP17 from D64CP1.wad that you uploaded, I don't even know which map you're talking about anymore.


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Hmmmmm maybe I got it working after editing it I honestly don't remember there were so many levels I had to go through :/ Well if it is then I guess there is no problem anyway.

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The map itself works fine, the only issue was mapinfo-related, I was expecting mapinfo to work the same way it does in gzdoom so I only defined MAP17, not knowing that I was basically overwriting the game's entire map list which made the rest of the maps crash. So yeah map works.

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