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How to make a level end when a demon is killed in slade 3??

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You're going to have to be more specific as there's a different way to do it depending on the source port.

The universal easy way would be to set the map slot to e2m8.

Also, this goes in the editing sub-forum.

Edited by Kore

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1 minute ago, Kore said:

You're going to have to be more specific as there's a different way to do it depending on the source port.

The universal easy way would be to set the map slot to e2m8.

Also, this goes in the editing sub-forum.

Sorry, I wasn't sure which one I should've posted it in. Thanks for the suggestion!

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The method to use doesn't depend on the editor, but on the source port.


It also depends on the map format, for ports that support more advanced map formats. Here's an example for GZDoom, in Hexen format or UDMF:

1. Add the 80:ACS_Execute special to your cyberdemon (the old Doom map format does not allow putting specials on things)

2. Give it a unique script number parameter, for example 255 or 666, something you're not already using.

3. In the script editor, add a new script with that number. Make it something like this:

script 666 (void)
	// Wait a few seconds so that the player can see the animation of the cyberdemon exploding
	Delay (35*10);

	// Then end the level


There are many other different ways the same effect can be achieved, this is just one example.

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