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how can i run doom 3 at 20 fps at least on my Eee PC laptop.


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Well... have you tried to run it? What kind of FPS are you getting. Doom 3 is pretty damn old at this point.


I first played Doom 3 on a Pentium 4  1.4GHZ, 512MB Ram, but I also had an Nvidia card with 512MB of VRAM. I can't remember the name of the card, but it ran pretty well, 30+ FPS. (This was in 2004). Someone I knew got a budget PC for their graduation around the same time (2005) and they were able to run it better than I was using the integrated intel GPU. Your CPU was released in 2009, so I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to run it above 20 FPS, especially with 2GB system ram, and I'm assuming your integrated GPU is probably better than one released four years prior.


Have you tried lowering everything in the graphics settings to low or medium options? And keep in mind, if you're running a modern operating system like Windows 7-10, they take up more RAM than XP did. But I don't see why you shouldn't be able to run it on medium settings at 20 FPS.

Edited by Jello

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i get about 5 fps, but if i'm close to something like a wall, or i look down at the floor, i get 20 fps. it doesn't matter what the settings are because decreasing thr graphics dont change anything about the framerate. do i need a windows xp emulator?

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You have no chance get some decent fps on eeepc. These machines are to weak to handle this. Try potato graphic mod, it should be somehow playable on most places.

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Hmm, depends from what i read on google it's looks like is compatible with woodoo cards only. Try to run it in windows 98 compatibility, If its not help than you have no chance to make it run on your machine. Buy stronger machine if you can. 

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From my personal experience you have no chance to run this game properly on netbook. Graphic card inside this machine are not for games at all. You have to deal with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, atom is absolutely bad for almost everything :( even MiniDoom 2 runs on low fps.

Edited by Teder

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