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Which monster hater is most annoying?

Monster hater poll, aw yeah  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. Which monster hater is most annoying?

    • People who hate former humans
    • People who hate shotgunners
    • People who hate chaingunners
    • People who hate imps
    • People who hate demons
    • People who hate spectres
    • People who hate lost souls
    • People who hate cacodemons
    • People who hate hell knights
    • People who hate barons
    • People who hate mancubi
    • People who hate arachnotrons
    • People who hate revenants
    • People who hate pain elementals
    • People who hate archviles
    • People who hate cyberdemons
    • People who hate spiderdemons

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On 10/13/2018 at 6:43 PM, Ex Oblivione said:

Haters who hate former humans. They used to be like you or me. LEAVE 'EM ALONE.

I've been searching for a cure for years. I'd punch them to knock them out, but my fists are too violent and make them explode... so now I just avoid numbers of them and rush past.


Someone make a mod where eventually you find the cure and get notified how many lives you've saved vs how many you killed.

Edited by geo

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6 hours ago, Grazza said:

He should send that in to the Reader’s Digest. They’ve got a page for people like him.

Was this one-liner actually foreshadowing the fact that Ford writes for the guide and his contribution is one page?



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This whole thread is so anti-shanti. Everybody should be so shanti like a cacodemon that has notarget mode on, just obliviously floating in meditation staring into the endless sea of red skies since the end of the sixties.

Edited by Kristian Nebula

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9 hours ago, jerk-o said:

The monster I only see in Deathmatch games.

The most terrible monster; the most dangerous game.


I'm a little surprised people are so uptight about the thread. It's jokingly mean, sure, but you can also just interpret it as "what monster gets an unfairly bad rap," or "what monster do you think is underrated?"



This whole thread is so anti-shanti. Everybody should be so shanti like a cacodemon that has notarget mode on, just obliviously floating in meditation staring into the endless sea of red skies since the end of the sixties.

I prefer "plur."

Edited by TheJBizz

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I got this review on one of my old maps:



Fucking retarded overuse of revenants and chaingunners in wide open spaces.


and I've been a revenant-hater-hater ever since

Edited by Tango

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People who hate rustlers like me, a.k.a. easily rustled people


also those who hate pain elementals because they are literally the only harmless monster in the game beside the Commander keen and Romero head.

Edited by NuMetalManiak
I was already cursed, fight me you princess

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6 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

Was this one-liner actually foreshadowing the fact that Ford writes for the guide and his contribution is one page?


And thus quasi-isomorphic to the earlier and more visceral demolition allegory? And meta-depth in its own right? I find your intimation a little shallow, frankly.

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"People who hate Archviles."


When I hear people complain about the 'viles (and it seems to be all the time on my streams), I want to retort with, "Aaaaand you probably suck at DOOM."

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Sorry, but what if some of us just genuinely don't find archviles fun to fight most of the time? I see this kind of assumption a lot whether the topic is archviles or slaughtermaps and frankly I'm tired of it. I'm not the best player by any stretch of the imagination but I can handle archviles within reason, and don't you dare tell me I don't like originality. Sunlust MAP29 was fucking genius. MAP17 was also smart but I didn't enjoy it in the slightest, I do respect it for what it does. Most of the time when an archvile shows up, I find I'm not enjoying the game as much as I was before, it's nothing to do with skill, and if you like them then good for you, but please, enough narrow-mindedness.

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4 minutes ago, Eris Falling said:

Sorry, but what if some of us just genuinely don't find archviles fun to fight most of the time? I see this kind of assumption a lot whether the topic is archviles or slaughtermaps and frankly I'm tired of it. I'm not the best player by any stretch of the imagination but I can handle archviles within reason, and don't you dare tell me I don't like originality. Sunlust MAP29 was fucking genius. MAP17 was also smart but I didn't enjoy it in the slightest, I do respect it for what it does. Most of the time when an archvile shows up, I find I'm not enjoying the game as much as I was before, it's nothing to do with skill, and if you like them then good for you, but please, enough narrow-mindedness.

This. I can totally understand why people don't enjoy monsters like Arch-viles, Pain Elementals, Chaingunners, Revenants, etc. I personally don't "hate" any Doom monster and think they all have their place as long as they're implemented properly. But if people don't like them, then so be it.

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The topic is about "monster haters," not "monster dislikers." There are plenty of people who say flat out that chaingunners always suck or that archviles always suck, and that's as annoyingly narrow-minded to me as what you're upset about.

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I think SS Wolfies need more love. They're the only monsters who speak in recognizable words. Okay, just 1 word, but that's better than any other monster. ;D


And they didn't even get a slot here. Talk about disrespect! :D

Edited by Steve D

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I agree Steve, Nazis don't get enough love.


I don't have the interest in concerning myself with who hates what monsters since I have seen all of them used pretty well. I'd be surprised to see if anyone hated keens. I guess they break immersion in some otherwise serious maps.

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I can’t STAND keen apologists like you Marc, keen single handedly ruined the entire Doom2 campaign and got away with it because of fence riders like u, I’m not surprised you stand with the Nazis!! Someone needs to plant a flag.

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Fuck Baron's, they're usually only time sink lol


I selected "chaingunners" haters, but tbh I would chose hitscanners haters. They can't see a shotgunner and then complain all day about hitscanners :P

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Just now, xdarkmasterx said:

Custom monster haters.


Then I'm in the target zone. Most custom monsters suck, they don't blend well with the rest of the game.

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I don't find it annoying - to each their own - but the one monster skeptic I don't get, is the Archvile skeptic. For me, the viles generally add tremendous depth to encounters, potentially making things unpredictable and exciting. My focus level shoots up whenever I come across one. Their ability to ressurrect dead opponents from the location where they died makes the player think about the history of combat within a level, is a great tool-kit for a level designer and a hallmark of the original Dooms that has never since been replicated. It's hands down one of the most unique and interesting monsters in gaming history, and I have a feeling Doom Eternal will have a hard time equalling the original's encounter impact: Never mind that dead monsters dissipate in the new Dooms and that Doom 3's variant was the most disappointing monster in that game - just the original amount of lighting contrast when they light up in 2D, might prove too expensive for the detailed renderers running the latest Doom incarnations.


If I had one peeve with the original vile (and I've felt this way from my first encounter with them) it's that their fire-attack displays super pixelated, but that's a very small wart on a very godly butt.

Edited by Soundblock

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