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Eternal Damnation [UDoom Vanilla Mapset] (now on idgames)

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This looks fantastic! I want to play this asap (although it might take some time, due to my backlog). Great work.

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My blind playthrough of the entire thing.



I really liked the ambush encounters that changed the room in such a way that natural cover was provided inside the ambush itself.

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oh man, what an awesome mapset! this reminds me of "No End in Sight" in a way, really. I also liked how you condensed the most memorable features of each episode into a map. the layouts are clean, it looks good, the maps are fun to play, as far as i'm concerned this is one of the best Udoom releases of the year. thanks for making this.

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12 hours ago, wintertowns said:

My blind playthrough of the entire thing

Thank you for that playthrough, it was really interesting to watch and i liked how you resorted to infighting for some of the encounters, also i managed to catch a couple of issues, so again thank you!


11 hours ago, bioshockfan90 said:

oh man, what an awesome mapset! this reminds me of "No End in Sight" in a way, really. I also liked how you condensed the most memorable features of each episode into a map. the layouts are clean, it looks good, the maps are fun to play, as far as i'm concerned this is one of the best Udoom releases of the year. thanks for making this.

Thank you, im glad you enjoyed the mapset! :)


4 hours ago, KVELLER said:

You can just run up the border here instead of doing what you're supposed to do to raise the stairs.

I don't know how i missed this mistake since in hindight it should had been really obvious hehe, thanks for pointing that out, it's been fixed now

I've updated the download link fixing most of the issues and specially doing some ammo tweaks for E3 by adding more rocket ammo so that the gameplay is less slugish and specially on E4 removing some unnecesary shells and adding more early rockets along with some small changes. I'll keep tweaking ammo and fixing any possible glitches as i become aware of them

Edited by DMPhobos

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This is one of the best vanilla level design i've seen in quite while and the gameplay feels great too. I finish only first map so far but i have a lot of fun. Looking really forward to the rest of it. I will also post a video playthrough of first map tomorrow.

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Enjoying it so far; played the E1 and E2 maps.


Tiny nitpick, but I would say ammo was tight at the start of both the E1 and E2 maps, until I stumbled across the practically single box of shells accessible from the start area in both maps.


Tiny mistake; on the E3 map, linedef 1433 is the wrong way round which prevents players from opening the red door from that side.

Edited by Vermil

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16 hours ago, Vermil said:

Tiny mistake; on the E3 map, linedef 1433 is the wrong way round which prevents players from opening the red door from that side.

I don't know how i missed this, nice catch! thank you


16 hours ago, Marlamir said:

As i promise here is my first playthrough on 1st map

Thank you for the video, glad you enjoyed the map!

I've updated the file, fixing the locked door issue on E3

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Fantastic mapset. Looks great, plays great.


Although not a huge deal to many. The E3M1 exit door (sectors 519 and 536) is a little bit too tall (80 units) and will create the tutti frutti effect in Vanilla Doom. If you want the top of the door to be aligned with the bricks you could either raise the floor 8 units and create a step at the door by raising sectors 519 535 and 536 8 units. Or you could drop the ceiling of 519 and 536 8 units because on the other side of the exit door the bricks aren't vertically aligned.


Apart from that it is pretty good.

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10 hours ago, pcorf said:

Although not a huge deal to many. The E3M1 exit door (sectors 519 and 536) is a little bit too tall (80 units) and will create the tutti frutti effect in Vanilla Doom. If you want the top of the door to be aligned with the bricks you could either raise the floor 8 units and create a step at the door by raising sectors 519 535 and 536 8 units. Or you could drop the ceiling of 519 and 536 8 units because on the other side of the exit door the bricks aren't vertically aligned.

Thank's for pointint that out, it's easy to miss the tutti frutty effect on chocolate since it only displays on the sides of the door, it's been fixed now by lowering the ceiling since i don't mind the vertical missalignment on both sides.

I've updated the mapset again, fixing that and a couple of other small details on the other maps

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Very nice! Maps feel appropriate to their episodes. I had a lot of fun. Only found one thing. On E4M1, two Cacos didn't teleport in. The closet sector with linedef tag 33 doesn't have a tag to lower it. Good stuff.

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1 hour ago, EffinghamHuffnagel said:

Very nice! Maps feel appropriate to their episodes. I had a lot of fun. Only found one thing. On E4M1, two Cacos didn't teleport in. The closet sector with linedef tag 33 doesn't have a tag to lower it. Good stuff.

During the many testing runs i did at many points i just kept wondering if there weren't some cacos supposed to teleport, and everytime i just assumed i had fixed the issue hehe, it's been fixed now, thank you for pointing that out!

I've updated the set again fixing this, along with some fixes for some texture issues on E3 and some ammo rebalance on E4 (removed some shells again, and added more a few more rockets)

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Good maps! Gets the feel of the episodes nicely as mentioned. Fun to play. Nice that there are lots of windows so you see to other parts of a map -> you have a sense of progression all the time.

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First up, let me say that this is a fantastic set of levels and I had a lot of fun playing through it!


I think E1M1 and E2M1 do the best job of capturing the overall feel of their respective episodes; they're bigger, more complicated, more elaborate than any map in those episodes, so it's not like they could be slotted in seamlessly, but you've really got the soul of them down pat, and there are tons of little details and shout-outs that remind me delightfully of moments in the original episodes.  It's nostalgic and it's faithful without being derivative.  E4M1 feels like it's drawing its inspiration primarily from E4M7 and E4M9 rather than from a larger sampling of Thy Flesh Consumed as a whole - and maybe that's inevitable, it's an episode with a great variation of different aesthetics from one map to another so I don't know how possible it would be to condense that into a single map without things feeling incoherent, and what you've created here is certainly distinctive.


Your E3M1 is the map that I feels perhaps strays the furthest from its inspiration, it's a very strong Hell-in-Doom map but I see less of the original Inferno in it than I do of you, your own style and techniques and creative expression.  Again, maybe that's a product of the varied aesthetics and gonzo jamming together of different textures and area themes that characterises the original E3, and might not be expressed so clearly in an all-of-E3-themed map?  But there's a strong consistency throughout the map that reminded me more of an E1-style techbase wrapped in a Hellish aesthetic than the jarring and deliberately disjointed environments of the classic E3.


One specific observation: on E2M1 you've got a single rocket (Thing 149) and no rocket launcher to fire it out of, and I don't know that it serves any purpose other than to send optimistic players running around convinced that they've missed a launcher somewhere.

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4 hours ago, TheOrganGrinder said:

One specific observation: on E2M1 you've got a single rocket (Thing 149) and no rocket launcher to fire it out of, and I don't know that it serves any purpose other than to send optimistic players running around convinced that they've missed a launcher somewhere.

Good catch, another oversight i had assumed i had fixed during my testing hehe, thank you for pointing it out

It wasn't my intetion to have really obvious 'shoutouts' on the first two levels, instead i just wanted to use common episode tropes seen on those maps, still im glad i was able to caught some of the feeling of those levels. You're right about E3 being deliberately different from a faithful style since there is a kinda ugly side of inferno that's kinda hard to replicate and i just wanted to make something different since E2 was more farther to the original style than the previous level.

Thank you for your comments, i've (again) updated the wad and removed the rocket. Hopefully there wont be any more issues

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9 hours ago, meapineapple said:

I recorded a playthrough of E1M1 on UV difficulty. I enjoyed it! I hope to play the other maps soon, too.

Thank you for the recording! im glad you enjoyed the first map

Once again, i've updated the set fixing a couple of small issues on E2

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A really solid vanilla-styled mapset, suffice to say as well you're the first person whose .WAD as managed to make a great-Inferno level that I've really enjoyed. Every single level was enjoyable (also obligatory personal preference scale: E3M1 -> E2M1 -> E1M1/E4M1)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, just letting people know that the mapset is now available on idgames, along with some small fixes, thank you all who played the mapset and for all the feedback received!

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