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If Doomworld had to change its name to something without the word "Doom" in the title, what would it be?


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I like cacoworld. I also like iddqd.com - I think it may be a positive thing to share the name with the Russian community.


I feel pretty sure that doomworld won't be forced to move by legal issues. Any trademark noise by Bethesda or Marvel would be obnoxious considering how long the forum has been around, and how it isn't a for-profit deal. IANAL but I suspect if you asked one, they would tell you that, if you did get threats of legal action, you should ignore them because that's not how trademarks work.


What I'd worry about is the possibility that Marvel, with the upcoming film, might make whoever controls the domain an offer they wouldn't refuse. If such a buyout went to paying hosting costs and to improving the community I don't think it would necessarily be a bad thing, but it sounds like it's more likely that the domain is owned by someone who wouldn't be thinking about that? 

Edited by meapineapple

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Cacoworld / cacowards.com is likely the most reasonable choice, at least for this round of thinking about it. THE BAN ON POSTING IS LIFTED, SHITPOSTING MAY RECOMMENCETH. ACTUALLY SHITPOSTING IS STILL NOT REALLY TREATED KINDLY AROUND HERE ANYWAY SO PLEASE DO NOT

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Other suggestions based around some community projects and some doom related stuff....

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Worth noting, in case any of you are curious: if you go to cacowards.com right now, you'll be taken straight to the Cacowards main page, and if you go to cacoworld.com, you'll arrive at the forums.

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5 minutes ago, Hellish Godzilla said:

Worth noting, in case any of you are curious: if you go to cacowards.com right now, you'll be taken straight to the Cacowards main page, and if you go to cacoworld.com, you'll arrive at the forums.


That's pretty damn intuitive.

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I love how Linguica's status updates are all in size gargantuan font.

Also, "recommenceth"

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These are pretty shit I'll admit, but they are available.


There's also dmslayer.com and dmnslayer.com


those are available according to namecheap.com. Yea it has "dm" in the name but, IDK if that counts. 

Edited by Jthom

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I can't say I really like the name "Cacoworld". It looks and feels just awkward, doesn't roll off the tongue at all.


Though, if we were to keep the "caco-" prefix... Cacoland, Cacosphere, Cacozone?

Edited by JudgeDeadd

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We could, perhaps, play with the definition of Cacowards:


1. Awards shaped like big-mouthed floating thingies

2. Wards (districts) inhabited by big-mouthed floating thingies

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Somehow in all these years I have never realized that it was spelled "cacowards" and not "cacoawards"

Edited by david_a

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Cacoworld sounds best in my humble opinion. There's already the cacowards, and it's similar enough to be a clear tie, and different enough to be unmistakeable... It's hard to rebrand, so mitigating that as much as possible with an already well known name makes sense. Keeps the world, drops the legally problematic Doom, moves the caco.

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This isn't really a shitpost per se, but it is a bit of a joke.


dootworld, cuz, yknow, Doot doot?




I really like cacowards and cacoworld. You made the right call @Linguica, and I'm really sorry that you've had to deal with so much shit over scummy ass companies.

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19 hours ago, Linguica said:

More thoughts:

  • As I have stated in the past many times before, I do not own doomworld.com. It is "owned" by Fakename McFakerson as it has been for many years in the control of telefragged.com, our long time web host. My repeated attempts to contact the 2 people most likely to have the LEGAL POWER to transfer the domain name have been unsuccessful. The current state of affairs is that the domain registrar who administers doomworld.com is perfectly happy to continue taking my money to renew the domain in perpetuity, but they can not and will not allow me to own it or change it in any way, which means Doomworld is currently not capable of switching web hosts, or implementing Cloudflare or a similar content caching system. If something happens to Linode, Doomworld dies, end of story.
  • "Doom" is a registered trademark of Bethesda etc etc. This will NEVER go away and NEVER change and the potential sword of Damocles of a trademark claim will always be there. This was somewhat less onerous when id Software was an independent game studio with an incredibly strong history of empowering its fans, and not owned by a notoriously cold and uncompromising corporation. It also means:
  • I cannot sell merchandise or do anything of the sort to help fund this site or its potential development in any way that monetizes the NAME of the WEBSITE that I FOUNDED IN 1998.
  • Marvel Studios has recently purchased the movie rights to a wide variety of Marvel properties they could not previously exploit, including the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Dr. Doom. After 2019, when the Infinity War sequel is released, the first "cycle" of Marvel movies will be finished and a second one will begin, which is widely speculated to integrate the new intellectual properties that they now have access to. A recent story arc in the Marvel comics universe involved Dr. Doom stealing the vibranium supplies of Wakanda from Black Panther in pursuit of his perfect new world order officially called Doomworld. If this were ever to become important to Marvel Studios, I would instantly be turned into ash and die.
  • The CW television show "Legends of Tomorrow," which is based off the DC Comics universe, had an episode last year called "Doomworld" based on the setting of the episode with the same name. If the CW or DC Comics decided that this was important to them, I would instantly be turned into ash and die.
  • In short, Doomworld is not fully in control of its own destiny. As I have apparently decided to continue running this website for the rest of my life, this means that I would have to spend (an aspect of) my life not in control of my own destiny. Is that fair to me?
  • Because I do not fully own doomworld.com that means I do not feel the full ownership interest, for good and for ill. That means I do not feel maximally motivated to fix lingering bugs or implement new features, because everything is on a website living a tenuous half-life. Is that fair to you?

Responding point for point;

  • We're literally growing old with this issue. How have you tried to contact them? Is it still Marv? I'm wondering if there's another way to get hold of them or better yet some kind of carrot we can dangle in front of their noses that'll motivate them. Could we make them a cash offer and crowdfund it on here?
  • Agreed, and why it's best to avoid any words using content from the franchise. I agree the Cacoworld suggestion is the best compromise we've seen in this regard.
  • Do you really want to do this, though? Do you need to do this? Surely going down this route might activate the kind of attention from vested interests re: point 2 that we absolutely want to avoid?
  • Is that likely? This website and what it's based on predates those things. Assuming yes it is still really a problem, does solving point 1 leave us any better off? If no, then solving point 1 is kind of irrelevant as we're vulnerable to Doomworld usage in popular culture anyway?
  • As above
  • Without wanting to get all Yoda on you, only you can answer this question. But I think you've kind of answered your own question, so no, it probably isn't fair that you go on in this limbo. I hate the idea of losing the dw name (have we considered just using some form of dw, accepting dw is taken - dw1993.com??) but if it came down to it, of course I'd rather see you in control with a different domain name.
  • I actually think the site has kept up well; the structure has been simplified and it all displays properly on modern devices. What's not fair to us? Ok there's a few stubborn bugs, but whatever. The site serves its purpose and anything more would be marginal gains. I think this point really goes back to the one above - is it actually fair on you? If this lack of motivation is actually pissing you off then yes, it's time to do something about it.

If I can do anything, PM me or something.

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Just to give an example, here's a recent trademark court case that shows what I mean. "We're Doomed" was (is?) a social card game in development.





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All these name ideas make me realize how perfect doomworld.com already is. I sure hope "hypothetically" was sincere or I am going to be pretty upset with, like, everything.


I can understand the card game thing, but this site has been the staple in the community for so long, they would be huge assholes to go after the name just for the name.

Edited by Nevander

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Wow, lawsuit against the card game because of the name "We're doomed"? Christ, that's a bit harsh / unfair.

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12 minutes ago, elend said:

Wow, lawsuit against the card game because of the name "We're doomed"? Christ, that's a bit harsh / unfair.


Trademark rights are a bitch to hold onto if you don't aggressively defend them. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:


Trademark rights are a bitch to hold onto if you don't aggressively defend them. 

Last time I checked the Doom games were called, you know, "doom", not "doomed", not to mention that card game seems to have no copyrighted material related to doom at last as far as I can tell anyway. This reminds me of that one time that the Fine Bros tried to copyright the word "react", it isn't even legal to copyright words like "react" and "doom" and "doomed" that are in common usage anyway is it?

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9 hours ago, Beginner said:

This is great and all, but

I guess sometimes my attempts at humor are just a little too deadpan

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