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If Doomworld had to change its name to something without the word "Doom" in the title, what would it be?


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If you're old as hell you know that doomnation.com already was a thing anyway and was one of dw's biggest rivals, let it rest in peace


I don't think using "UAC" or "id" is a good idea (possible trademark issue) and the references to arcane technical details of a quarter-century old game (IWAD, visplanes, etc) would probably cause a lot of casuals to never ever find this place (or remember the URL).


None of these suggestions are new, but I'll throw my support behind them:

* I liked demonworld.com because it kept the initials

One of the shorter map names would also work, preferably something that at least has a double-meaning. deadsimple.com is available but it's cash-money.

* Pragmatically, the Caco Awards seems to be a somewhat known "brand"...  

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1 hour ago, Empyre said:

That's rather draconian. If you have lost your sense of humor and people now have to tread carefully around you, that does not bode well for the future of this site.

Doomworld's admins take running this site very seriously. There's a time for humor and a time to be serious. We haven't kept Doomworld running for this long by letting people run amok. If you're curious I highly recommend you check out this TED talk on why moderation on Internet forums is so important.

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One thing to keep in mind is that if we're gonna stick to a .com domain (which isn't a bad idea), the available options narrow down a lot.


Did a quick search-around on Namecheap of some of the more notable suggestions, and a few work out:








...but a few others have very "interesting" prices.









Post-disclaimer: I'm not particularly advocating any name over another (though I certainly don't hate Tei Tenga or Visplane Overflow), just so long as we don't pull a Zandronum and settle on a god-awful hybrid-name word salad.

Edited by Xaser

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23 minutes ago, david_a said:

* I liked demonworld.com because it kept the initials 

Unfortunately, it's already taken by sedoparking.


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1 hour ago, fraggle said:

Doomworld's admins take running this site very seriously. There's a time for humor and a time to be serious.

This is great and all, but wouldn't it be less stupid to come up with serious issue of planning to change site name and current concerns in up front manner instead of making random thread with a basic premise of "go wild lol", then posting equivalents of "pls get more serious guys", "really this is more serious than you think" and "really start getting serious or get banned" whopping 36, 56 and 115 posts into the thread without reflecting the same in the opening post?

Edited by Beginner

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My personal choice would be "cacoworld.com", which I believe has already been suggested a couple of times in this thread. According to the website Xaser used, it would cost $8.88/year (No, I am not confusing "cacoward" with "cacoworld", I went to Namecheap and searched for it myself, but my screeshot won't post).


I think it has a nice ring to it and will be easily remembered by anyone familiar with Doom, but may not necessarily be familiar with specific individual map names/technical jargon related to Doom or its engine.


Also, I really like the sound of "Cacoworld's Cacowards".

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I'm scared by the simple idea that doomworld can change its name for marvel movie, because I do not find another possible name for this beautiful forum, and if it changes its name it would lose its essence that has kept


and if they claim doomworld by name, I really hate Marvel more than i hate


but well we can not do much


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2 hours ago, Empyre said:

That's rather draconian. If you have lost your sense of humor and people now have to tread carefully around you, that does not bode well for the future of this site. I understand that this potentially-serious situation is stressful for you, but that is no reason to self-destruct by driving people away. We are on your side, even those who mistakenly think that this is just another lighthearted joke thread.


Here is how you avoid "draconian" punishment: do not post in this thread. If you want to ensure that nothing happens to you for posting in this thread, then do not post in this thread. It is literally the easiest thing you can do.

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For the moment, I'll throw my support behind Cacoworld. Aside from the reasons @Skeletonpatch listed, it's also just a similar name to Doomworld. That similarity could have a few net benefits: reducing confusion when people try to look up this site (compared to switching to a completely different name like Tei Tenga), shaving off a few seconds when updating some of the branding, etc. I suppose those are small considerations, but they push me toward Cacoworld as an option.

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@ people suggesting cacoworld/wad/whatever instead of plain old cacowards.com: do you just prefer things to be messy and bad? If you'd started google would you have called it "google search, powered by gorgle dot com"? "facebook presents: the bookfaces"?

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I bought cacoworld.com and cacowards.com because those are reasonable suggestions at least. I would not be thrilled with renaming the site "shitworld" but...

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WadWorld implies that the site is focused exclusively on Doom wads and not the Doom series as a whole, it's kinda meh.

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A sort of tongue in cheek suggestion.  Serious:  I like Cacoworld more than Cacowards- for the same reason.  The site isn't exclusively about the Cacowards.

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Just now, Baratus 95 said:

I usually think about "idWorld" or something like that, after all DOOM is made by id Software and all sorts. :)

id will most likely also be copyright.


Way to jump from the lion's den into its mouth.

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1 minute ago, Baratus 95 said:

I usually think about "idWorld" or something like that, after all DOOM is made by id Software and all sorts. :)


Like I'm just venturing a guess here, but judging by some of the comments it seems like there might be an issue with using a copyrighted name. If that's the case, you can throw any id-containing names out too.

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But it's not the only one they made so idworld would mean to me a forum about all id games and not just about doom

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5 minutes ago, Antnee said:


Like I'm just venturing a guess here, but judging by some of the comments it seems like there might be an issue with using a copyrighted name. If that's the case, you can throw any id-containing names out too.


Ah, now I see the point about copyright, I could agree on CacoWorld.

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