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The DWIronman League dies to: TNT: Renascence & TNT: Resistance


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1 hour ago, Pegleg said:

Otherwise, I use PrBoom+ on my Mac. Being rather unsavvy when it comes to tech, I had to ask for help because I kept running into problems.




Ah thanks, I was under the impression that PrBoom+ didn’t work on newer OSX versions. Definitely gonna check out the linked thread. (Although there is something very pleasant about the feel of EE now that I’m playing around with it.) Now I just gotta figure out a Mac mapping option, but that’s a topic for another thread.

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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Well, I said that I'll survive both wads and....I DID survived them. Both wads demolished (with a really close call in map 05 of Resistance...lucky me).
Both are done blind, PrBoom+, Renascence in 2:38:47 and Resistance in 2:19:46. And I technically survived 5 wads in a row....I hope that I better stay that way.


Both demos zipped here: TNT_ironman_ld85.zip

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58 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

Well, I said that I'll survive both wads and....I DID survived them.



Way to back up your words. Well played. Good job being the crab and not the dog. Congratulations.

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1 minute ago, Pegleg said:


Way to back up your words. Well played. Good job being the crab and not the dog. Congratulations.

Thanks. Now you know that I'm no joke for saying that XD

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I had said that November was a busy month, so I was going to do these maps blind. I also thought this would give me a chance to see if I've improved slightly (I have modest goals), which I think I have through the months of playing these DWIL challenges. So, I fired them up about 8 hours ago and am just now posting the results. I played these using Freedoom 2, as recommended, so that I could participate.


Let's just say it didn't go well.


Category 1 for both. Completely. I've never played either of them. I've never watched any streams. I knew nothing about them other than what had been mentioned in the thread.




TNT: Renascence

Dead on Map 01: 31/67 monsters

Comments: From what I saw of the first map, it looked pretty good. There were a few ambushes that could've hurt if I wasn't trying to be careful (though not always succeeding). The layout was nice and made sense. The progression was reasonable. I liked the overall concept of Map 01. It's too bad I didn't see more of the mapset.


TNT: Resistance

Dead on Map 01: 10/31 monsters (we can quibble over whether the 10th monster was killed before or after I died--it seems to me to be almost concurrent)

Comments: I can't really comment, given how little I saw of the actual map. At least I made it through the first door--I would not have wanted to say that I actually died inside the starting room. I will readily admit that I did not handle the chaingunners well, although, as a mapper, I can appreciate their placement. Again, too bad I didn't see more of the maps.

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9 hours ago, Pegleg said:

At least I made it through the first door--I would not have wanted to say that I actually died inside the starting room.


Heh heh, this got a chuckle out of me, I must say, though I admire your commitment and enthusiasm! It's just a shame your history as a seafaring smuggler has incapacitated you from the waist down.


Ribbiks and an_mutt still have you beat for MAP01 faceplants and I'm fairly sure those guys have functioning kneecaps, so don't let them hear the end of it as you rise through the ranks. The Jolly Roger will fly again!

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Cat 1, using ZDoom with compflags (doom strict)

TNT Renasence - died on Map04 (Audio unsynced for some reason, i don't know what to do to fix it...)
TNT Resistance - died on Map02


I killed myself on both maps with a rocked launcher, i was ammo starved in renasence and i started using the rocket launcher hoping the mancubus would die before he got to close (....he didn't), and on Resistance... well i simply missed the shot, hehe

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Here's a TNT Renascence attempt first. Cat 1, died on 04 after pausing amnesia, and terrible demo that sees me get lost for quite a while in Map01 and Map02. Get some nausea protection -_- Also @Steve D, this my first keyboard only ironman, hope the offering isn't too tame =)

Eternal's worship to late 90s/iwad layouts is strange. He doesn't make the most compelling gameplay, and yet wads like these fill a substantial part of his back catalog. This one was alright, but i miss it when he would make maps out of every new feature Entryway would give to the PrBoom+.


Edited by Catpho

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Died in the first few seconds of map 01 in TNT resistance. Not gonna post the demo though, it's not interesting to watch HAHA 



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3 minutes ago, Yugiboy85 said:

Died in the first few seconds of map 01 in TNT resistance. Not gonna post the demo though, it's not interesting to watch HAHA 



How can your sudden end not be interesting ;)

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5 minutes ago, Yugiboy85 said:

Died in the first few seconds of map 01 in TNT resistance. Not gonna post the demo though, it's not interesting to watch HAHA 



Well, post it anyway, documenting stuff is always good. Besides, there's loads of demos of people dying in the first few minutes! Look at Nilla Doom and Disturbia (loveless) to see what I mean. 

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1 hour ago, Catpho said:

Here's a TNT Renascence attempt first. Cat 1, died on 04 after pausing amnesia, and terrible demo that sees me get lost for quite a while in Map01 and Map02.


Eh, don't worry, I've spent almost ten minutes or so running in circles on one of the maps I survived too. I'm either paying too much attention to the environment or not enough, but hey, at least it's better than what I did on a map from Duke Caribbean these days, I've spent an hour searching for progress when I've literally passed by the door I needed to go through dozens of times.


I really need to get my head out of my ass at some point, somehow.

Edited by Agent6

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I didn't die somehow. Category 1 demo done keyboard only as promised. TNT: Renascence cleared in 2:28:50. TNT: Resistance finished in 2:23:37. Total time 4:52:27. There were some close calls in TNTRESIST.wad but I managed to make it credits map anyway.

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gaspe_ironman2.zip, recorded with prboom+


TNT Renascence, survived in 2:13:05, category 2. I already played the wad, plus remembering the original TNT helps. Masterfully crafted wad, well, it's Eternal. I was having some trouble on Wormhole, the ammo started to become very low, I didn't want to clear the optional areas to save time but then I went there because I didn't remember where was located the teleport to the alternate dimension, thankfully I found the megasphere which was helpful since I got a close call at the archvile. On MAP11 I'm not sure if I entered the BK building like I was suppose to, but all went well in the end :P


TNT Resistance, died on MAP05, category 1. I think that dying on MAP05 reflected well my mood of finding myself in that dire Entryway-like level after some good maps. Nice btsx layouts on MAP02 ;) I liked the idea of the green crystals, maybe the map was missing some TNT-esque machineries that do stuff with them. The outdoor area of MAP03 was kinda spooky. I had lots of fun with MAP04, colorful level with lots of stuff to do. It's also the kind of mentally tiring level where you also have to build how all the areas wrap up together.


3 hours ago, Catpho said:

Eternal's worship to late 90s/iwad layouts is strange. He doesn't make the most compelling gameplay, and yet wads like these fill a substantial part of his back catalog. This one was alright, but i miss it when he would make maps out of every new feature Entryway would give to the PrBoom+.

His gusto for that era of mapping is also one of his hallmarks. I agree that the gameplay wasn't the most compelling here, I guess that he wanted/had to follow the original levels and the choice was to make the encounters more bloated overall instead of changing the things in a more interesting way.

Edited by gaspe

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Survived Renascence in 1:33:41 and Resistance in 1:01:44, both are blind as I'm not a fan of TNT. I enjoyed Renascene more, being a revamped and alternative interpretation of the original levels, while Resistance was a lot more challenging I find the level design boring and uninspiring, a lot of traversal through predictable, generic hallways and cumbersome outdoor areas, just wanted to get it over and done with, hence poor play ensues leading to low health moments. Well done @leodoom85 and @Beginner :) Although I'm genuinely surprised how a single mapset took over 2 hours o_O



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26 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

Although I'm genuinely surprised how a single mapset took over 2 hours o_O

Now I think that I should have prepared the wads...

<insert big thinking emote>


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7 hours ago, Yugiboy85 said:

Died in the first few seconds of map 01 in TNT resistance. Not gonna post the demo though, it's not interesting to watch HAHA 


The only reason my run lasted as long as it did is because I spent the first 10 or so seconds looking around the starting room before opening the door. I spent another 20 or so seconds trying to shoot things from inside the room before figuring that I should make a dash for coverage to avoid the chaingunner, which ended up not being the optimal thing to do.


So had I just dashed out of the room, my run would've been comparable to your first one.



Also, something else I found interesting:


Per @Bloodite Krypto, "poor play ensues leading to low health moments." Seems reasonable, expect for him that statement means "I made mistakes and my health dropped, but I still made it through the level." For me, that statement means, "I made mistakes and I died. Quickly."

Edited by Pegleg
The meaning of poor play and low health.

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(Resistance start at 30:06)



Died on map 4 in Renascence and on map 3 in Resistance, category 1 for both wads.


Resistance was interesting, I'll definitly try to beat it when I'll have time. Renascence was too close to the original TNT, it's not worth playing if you played the original imo.

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Couple of shoddy runs (lame maps 6/4 deaths) i did over a week ago. My playing was utterly shite and half-arsed here to be honest. Cat 1/2 for Renasence/Resistance respectively. Not even good enough to die on my own map!



On the subject of general ironman proceedings, i much prefer these episodic challenges over being expected to find time for potentially a full megawad in one sitting... i get pretty bad RSI in my fingers if i play for more than 90-120 minutes regardless.

Edited by Scotty

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1 hour ago, Scotty said:

i much prefer these episodic challenges over being expected to find time for potentially a full megawad in one sitting... i get pretty bad RSI in my fingers if i play for more than 90-120 minutes regardless.


Noted, along with Hexa's comments from last month.


I've kept the original ruling which states you're allowed to save and return at a later time, though this still gimps -complevel 2 demo recorders as they don't have that option in a vanilla set (streamers can of course get around this). I'll continue to think of ways to make these sorts of challenges more manageable because they're a cornerstone of the Doom experience, but also because — although endurance is a defining feature of DWIL — this is also something I'm expecting participants to find their own time for. I hadn't considered that when sorting out my priorities, before. This isn't a triathlon that people pen into the calendar.

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About that, one can choose the proper time to do that and, of course, annoying interruptions can happen in the gameplay. For example, I do this challenge every saturday around 12:00 am because that's my proper time to do it and I'm also more relaxed.


Btw, I forgot to say that in map 04 of Resistance, around the minute 59, I had to pause the game because I had to lunch...yeah...

Edited by leodoom85

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1 hour ago, Alfonzo said:


Noted, along with Hexa's comments from last month.


I've kept the original ruling which states you're allowed to save and return at a later time, though this still gimps -complevel 2 demo recorders as they don't have that option in a vanilla set (streamers can of course get around this). I'll continue to think of ways to make these sorts of challenges more manageable because they're a cornerstone of the Doom experience, but also because — although endurance is a defining feature of DWIL — this is also something I'm expecting participants to find their own time for. I hadn't considered that when sorting out my priorities, before. This isn't a triathlon that people pen into the calendar.


I'm literally just stating my situation really, ironman is i guess all in the name - a test of endurance. Clearly my left hand doesn't want to play ball there, heh. If you kept things as is, it is fair really because after all, variety is the spice of life and in some ways the appeal of this competition - i have certainly played many wads i wouldn't have otherwise (and found entertainment on one level or another on many occasions). I guess to expand on that i think the most interesting ironman prospects for me have been from relatively unknown or forgotten wads - Nilla Doom and Osiris definitely stick in my mind there, as well as giving some brand new (perhaps otherwise ignored) wads a time to shine, although i can see the appeal of setting up with blockbuster wads that entice a wider audience to take part.

Edited by Scotty

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15 hours ago, Scotty said:

On the subject of general ironman proceedings, i much prefer these episodic challenges over being expected to find time for potentially a full megawad in one sitting


I tend to agree with this. It doesn't really affect me because I generally don't survive long enough without saves for it to matter, but if the general expectation for premiere players is that the megawad will take 3, 4, or 5 hours (which means less skilled players would take much longer to reach the same point)--that's just more than I can fit into my schedule with things like family commitments and work and sleep (since the only time I don't have the first two is late at night).


I do appreciate the endurance aspect of the challenge, but I personally think smaller episodes (like Rush or Double Impact or Coffee Break) or large mapsets with shorter maps or even large single maps (like Warlock's Hearth) are more approachable in this regard.


14 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

I've kept the original ruling which states you're allowed to save and return at a later time, though this still gimps -complevel 2 demo recorders as they don't have that option in a vanilla set (streamers can of course get around this).


You could include two demos where the first one stops at a save (showing the save) and the second one starts at the same point, showing you loading the saved game. For example, you play for some amount of time and have to stop for an extended time (for whatever reason), so you save the game and immediately quit. This is Demo 1. At some later point, you recording Demo 2 from the title screen, showing that you're loading the game you saved in Demo 1, thus starting from the same point with the exact same health, ammo, and weapons.


You'd have to apply some sort of limit so that you didn't get an absurd number of individual demos (for example, you could break your run up into a maximum of 3 demos), but I don't think this is an inherently bad idea or one that violates the overall spirit of the challenge.


Yes, this requires a certain amount of trust that players didn't just load up the game and keep playing before they started recording Demo 2. But that's the same level of trust that is applied to players designating their category. What's to say that the player who claims their run is Category 1 or 2 didn't spend the preceding 3+ weeks playing and replaying the maps and looking at them in an editor, planning their routes carefully? Nothing, except faith and trust in people not to lie about what category their Doom Ironman run was.

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This is only for TNT: Resistance (I will do TNT: Renascence probably next week). So, this is category 1, totally blind, never played this wad before. I died in MAP05 to a trap, the runtime is 1h06min38sec.


Even if I played only half of the mapset, I did like playing it. I may finish playing this wad later. Also, special mention to MAP04 that I really enjoy.


File : Malrionn_Ironman_TNTRESIST.zip

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Well then, that didn't go as planned. C'est la vie (Ded at Map03, cat 2)

I think i've gotten better at using keyboard controls, though you won't see it cuz i suck :)))

Guess i feared Map02 too much (liked the design btw), forgot about chaingunners being a threat.

Bah: tntresistcatdwim.zip

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Renascence complete in 2:35:36 and Resistance complete in 2:13:28, for a combined total of 4:49:04. Both were category 1 runs! Wow!!


I'm too tired to provide any commentary, I didn't have too many scrapes - the scariest moments all involved me rocketing myself like the excellent player that I am. Renascence literally just becomes the original TNT post map 02 but the maps have 50% more monsters in them so I hate it thanks.



On 11/4/2018 at 9:17 PM, Bloodite Krypto said:

Although I'm genuinely surprised how a single mapset took over 2 hours o_O

Wow, rude!!!

Edited by an_mutt

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