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Doom Squared Part 13 (Beginning of Chapter 2)


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Chapter 2
Doom Squared Part 13

Alex shook my shoulder, waking me from a nightmare I was having. I couldn't remember the details, but it wasn't very plesent, having something to do with finding something terrible in the city.

"You ok, sir?" Alex asked me casually "You seemed pretty out of it for a minuite or two there."

"Why the hell did you wake me?" I yelled, still tired. It had been at least 30 hours since I last slept, so I was a little annoyed by this private.

"Sorry sir, we've just entered the city limits. We need you to be alert at your station."

Immediatly, I was alert again. Looking at the holographic display, I could see the city in the distance

...at least I thought it was the city.

Buildings were on fire, sending massive plumes of smoke into the sky. Roads were cracked and baracaded. Police cars and other emergency veheicles were overturned, their lights still flashing. There were people, families, children, running to escape from demons and imps while police and military tried in vain to fight them off. Some helicopters were providing cover fire for the transport ships rounding up the few remaining citizens.

Some static came from the radio. "Beta-alpha-charlie, this is Outpost Mu Tango. We have you on radar. What is your destination and contents?"

"The city, probably the UAC military outpost." Jessica replied. "Our contents are two Marines, just came out of Chicago. They're the ones that shut down the defence sheild at the spaceport."

There was a long pause, with distant screaming in the backround.

"Roger, beta-alpha-charlie. All military outposts have been overrun by the enemy. Please report to the temporary base at the following coordinantes."

A new heading was displayed on alex's grid, and the ship made a sharp turn. We arrived within a few minuites.

Once we landed, the back hatch was opened and we stepped out. We were in some sort of factory in the warehouse district. The place was crawling with rescue workers and UAC personnel. Men with radiation suits were trying to identify the bodies of dead zombies. Others were walking around with flamethrowers, burning the bodies of imps and robo-spiders. Another group, all wearing respirators, were carrying away peices of what looked like a mancubus, in wheelbarrows. Four soilders were setting up a information tent near a red brick building. We walked over and saw a private with a laptop sitting at a table.

"Where's your C.O, son?" I asked the boy, barely out of his teens.

"Inside, sir. Supervising the cleanup. He'll be back shortly. Right now, however, i'll need your ID numbers."

We gave the kid our ID cards, and he ran the numbers through the computer. Jess and Alex checked out, but when he came to mine, he paused for a second and picked up his radio. "Sir, we need you here right away."

The General walked into the tent no sooner than the kid had put down the radio. He was tall, had short, jet black hair that was spiked, and had a peirced ear. Across the right side of his orange armour was the name McCraig.

"What is it private?" His voice deep, but cracked. "We've just found 3 of those floating red demons drowned in the waste room." He walked around behind the table and looked at the computer screen. a frown came over his face "Leiutenant Milano, Privates Davidson and Jones, you're dismissed. Go help with the cleanup.

They left, and the General sat down in the chair by the table. "According to this, You were imprisoned at the Mars Penal colony. You were sent up to one of the moons to investigate something...it doesn't say here. Anyways, the last time you accesed a computer was in...Italy?...and about three hours ago you got a promotion to Colonel from General Stewart for...saving the planet? Either this file on you is corrupted, or you've got some major explaining to do.

I couldn't take this crap much longer, so I put up a shortened version of my events.

"Sir, at Phobos base we lost communication with Mars. My entire recon team was slaughtered by the same enemy we're fighting here. At the base I discovered a teleportation device that took me to the missing Deimos base in another dimention. After fighting my way off the moon I was stranded, and after defeating a larger form of the spider-robots that were here, I found a gateway opening to Italy. I proceded to the teleportal in The Vatican, and arrived in Chicago. Along the way I met Private Davidson, and together we infiltrated the starport and switched off the defence sheild. SIR!" I barked.

He looked at me like I had gone mad. I wasn't suprised, the whole story seemed pretty screwed up.

"Well, the first part of your story matches the UAC press release, right after the invasion happened. The Vatican was one of the many places the demons came out of, including here, Brazillia, and Moscow. A few hours ago we saw the survior's ship go over. Hmmm. I'm going to go out on a limb and beleive your story."

Alex and Jess were called back in again. The General got his aide, Private Jones, to get a map of the city and a satilite image of the downtown.

"I'm sorry you marines won't be able to stay here long, but we need you to help us with this mission. 6 days ago, I assinged our three best soilders, designated "Strike Team Alpha" to go into the portal , find whoever is, or was behind this invasion, and exterminate them. After going in, we lost communication. We do not beleive they are dead, due to the fact that there have been no more "aliens" obsterved coming through the portal."

"I am assigning you three as Strike Team Beta. We need you to go in, find out what happened to the first strike team, and help them carry out their mission. If we loose contact with you too, we will send in Strike Team Gamma to assist. You leave at dawn. Report to the storage shed behind the factory to recive new armour, guns, and supplies. Good luck."

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Hmm, some interesting events, but:
How come there are civies in the city? Haven't they evacuated yet (since the star base is cleared and all) or is it because they haven't made it to the star port yet? - I think you need to explain this in your story.
Also, I don't really think it makes sense that only three soldiers are assigned to be an assault team, but perhaps that's just me.
But I do like the way the story is shaping, please continue it.

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dsm said:
Hmm, some interesting events, but:
How come there are civies in the city? Haven't they evacuated yet (since the star base is cleared and all) or is it because they haven't made it to the star port yet? - I think you need to explain this in your story.

Consider the ones who wern't lucky enough to get on board.

Also, I don't really think it makes sense that only three soldiers are assigned to be an assault team, but perhaps that's just me.
But I do like the way the story is shaping, please continue it.

Well, those three were the most qualified soilders available to the general at the time.

And thanks for the commentry

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Insomniac said:

Consider the ones who wern't lucky enough to get on board.

I know, but you still ought to mention that these were the ones that weren't lucky enough - not all readers are smart enough to figure that out on their own (even though it seems obvious to you).

Well, those three were the most qualified soilders available to the general at the time.

Well, you don't just send a three man team on a strike mission - you always pick someone to accompany even if they are inexperienced. Bah, never mind.

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I don't mean to nag, but there's something I need you to do to you'r fan fic index:

All my stories (in this series) there are listed as Chapters. each one is actually a Part. The Chapters begin/end whenever one of the info screens pop up (except for between parts 6 and 7).

The link to part one is broken.

Finally, i'm thinking of writing some stories based on the DWANGO5 levels. Each story would be different, having nothing to do with each other, and would have different charactors in each story. I know, I know, DM stories usually suck, but this would be unlike any one before it. Tell me what you think.

Thanks for putting up with this verbal crap (not the story, just the above text).

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