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I HATE the Doom 64 lost soul

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Is it just me or is the lost soul in Doom 64 way faster than in the original? Well if they changed it it was a bad change. It's way too overpowered. You barely even get a chance to counter attack a lot of the time.


What is your opinion on the lost soul in Doom 64? Was this a good change or a bad one in your opinion?

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33 minutes ago, InsanityBringer said:

It's not just you. The lost soul in Doom 64 calls A_Chase much faster than the original lost soul, giving it its very aggressive behavior.


Well it was a horrible design decision. The lost soul in Doom 64 is easily the most dangerous enemy in the entire game. Even Vinny pointed this out during his Doom 64 EX playthrough where he mentioned at some point during one of the streams that he has died more often to lost souls during his playthrough than to any other enemy at that point.

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I love them so much, it was a good change, they make you to feel pissed off. Then when you kill them, you feel good with yourself.

The Doom 64 manual stated the demons came stronger than before.

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Who hates the lost soul eh?
That bastard is the best addition ever and PEs are the Double Trouble.


Seriously, the lost souls and the pain elementals are a nice complement to replace the goners called chaingunners, revenants and archviles. It is needed to keep the maps difficult somehow. Otherwise, it would be damn easy.

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Well, I hate them as well.


In the original games they play the role of that little prick that's more likely to get you killed indirectly (i.e. by distracting you) rather than directly, but in Doom 64 they're downright lethal. I honestly can't imagine someone fighting them with an N64 controller and having a good time.

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1 hour ago, KVELLER said:

I honestly can't imagine someone fighting them with an N64 controller and having a good time.


Well, I play Doom64 in my N64 and always have a great time, besides my TV screen is too dark

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Do you hate Lost Souls in the original game? I think rarely do people like them, especially not counting towards kill%.

Edited by GarrettChan

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The Lost Souls are certainly more aggressive, but they have been balanced out by taking less shots to kill (a single shotgun blast will do it, pretty much guaranteed).

Edited by amackert

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I have never played Doom 64 the way it was originally intended to be played (with an N64 controller) but it seems to me like a good change, they react faster and are also faster to kill, and they no longer get oddly stuck at their attack states, easier to lure and faster to kill, IMO they're much more fun to fight like that.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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I actually like the D64 Lost Souls. Yes, they are more agressive than the classic counterpart but are also noticeably weaker which makes them much more tolerable for me.


My only beef is with the Pain Elementals. If their Lost Souls don't have enough room to spawn they'll damage you through solid objects, provided that you're within their range, which makes them much deadlier.

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You probably not met with nightmare Lost Soul on nightmare skill 😈

Will be included in PSX Doom Master Edition!

Edited by riderr3

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I can see your point about the lost soul being more dangerous while having less health, but I still think they went overboard with it. They should have gone for a middle ground between the original and the current 64 version.

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Like a lot of D64 enemy changes, this is one I greatly prefer.


The original lost souls just kinda bumble around aimlessly, and aren't really a threat at all unless you ambush a player with them, 16 units away.  They also have far too much health.  They're by far my least favorite enemy in Doom for that reason.


The arachnotrons are also superior in every single way.  fight me.


Edited by Antnee

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1 hour ago, riderr3 said:

You probably not met with nightmare Lost Soul on nightmare skill 😈

Will be included in PSX Doom Master Edition!


@riderr3 Is right, guys! He is telling you the truth about the Nightmare Lost Soul.

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1 minute ago, Gerardo194 said:


@riderr3 Is right, guys! He is telling you the truth about the Nightmare Lost Soul.

If it has 150 hp and attacks double the normal LS64.......................

Someone will be agitated for sure lol

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1 hour ago, hardcore_gamer said:

I can see your point about the lost soul being more dangerous while having less health, but I still think they went overboard with it. They should have gone for a middle ground between the original and the current 64 version.


It's almost like people have different views ;) .

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3 minutes ago, Gerardo194 said:


@riderr3 Is right, guys! He is telling you the truth about the Nightmare Lost Soul.

I like the nightmare monster flag. Therefore, I look forward to the NLS. They work really well in dark, open windows. My only OT complaint is that nightmare troopers don't seem to have much identifiable health/attack difference. But imagine a nightmare commando in a dark alcove. :O

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29 minutes ago, Rimantas said:

If tough games hurt your feelings, play something else. LEGO for example.


Too bad, D64 is not a tough game.

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5 minutes ago, Rimantas said:

It's tough (too hard) for OP as i understood.

No. What he said is that lost souls in that game are much harder and dangerous than its original counterpart thanks to its behavior. He didn't talked about the game whatsoever.

You should play Doom 64 btw.

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48 minutes ago, Rimantas said:

If tough games hurt your feelings, play something else. LEGO for example.

Legos hurt your feet if you step on them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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54 minutes ago, Rimantas said:

If tough games hurt your feelings, play something else. LEGO for example.


25 minutes ago, Agent6 said:


Too bad, D64 is not a tough game.


It's not too bad if you are using the PC EX port or some other D64 mod. But if you want to play it on an actual N64 which doesn't have any mid-game saving and also suffers from forcing you to use the mediocre N64 controller it can be horrible. Imagine spending 10 min on a level only to suddenly see your health go from 50 to 0 because of a couple of lost souls.


I think you guys are spoiled by the PC ports. I have an actual N64 and a real copy of the game, and let me tell you something: It is NOWHERE near as easy as it is on the PC.

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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2 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

I think you guys are spoiled by the PC ports. I have an actual N64 and a real copy of the game, and let me tell you something: It is NOWHERE near as easy as it is on the PC.


I have a hard copy as well, and it does have one advantage over PC ports- I find circle-strafing to be a lot easier on the N64 controller than with a keyboard.


But, I think for a PC port the D64 design of the lost soul is perfect.

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