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Some old cl2 mods (quake 2 weapons, play as a duck, broken palette, etc)

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A selection of odds and ends I've made and thought I might as well release. Tested in prb+ cl2, should work (touch wood) in any limit removing port. Chocolate/true vanilla almost certainly doesn't work. Screenshots below.




  • wek yourself v4.wad - Status bar face and sound effects of a duck. Objectively the best mod ever made.
  • q2weaps11.wad - Weapon sprites, sound effects, palette and various graphics from quake 2. Shotgun and machinegun are great, pistol and plasma gun are silly.
  • dialface.wad - Replaces the status bar face with a sensible rotary dial that shows you how much health you have.
  • hekkwad2.wad - My favorite broken palette. Looks like an unsettling dream sequence.
  • PurpleReboot V3.wad - Replaces all saturated colours with different shades of purple. Looks very nice on maps with bold colours, a little weird on everything else. Why isn't the green range replaced? Because it's actually less saturated than other colours that had to be left unchanged.
  • q3pickups2.wad - Replaces most pickups with the pickup symbols from quake 3. Can't remember why I made this.
  • doom4weaps4.wad - Vanilla implementation of those (pretty great) doom 4 weapon sprites that have been around for a while, so you can play with them without needing jeezy doom. SSG is great, others are a bit odd.


Edited by Grain of Salt

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WTF, that hekkwad2.wad makes the flow so smooth that you can act faster than think and actually improves playability in trip/drunkplay like states or simple migrain/headache.

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30 minutes ago, FearTheReaper said:

WTF, that hekkwad2.wad makes the flow so smooth that you can act faster than think and actually improves playability in trip/drunkplay like states or simple migrain/headache.


Tapping into the power of hekk

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I highly recommend playing older stuff with the Purple palette first before going into new things blind.  I had a LOT of fun playing Struggle while looking for keys and their matching doors.

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5 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

   wek yourself v4.wad - Status bar face and sound effects of a duck. Objectively the best mod ever made.


This would fit ZDaemon TNS perfectly.


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