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Custom Gibbing

Graham Doyle

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Hi all, I was just wondering if it were possible to edit that game's properties in such a way that will leave the skeleton model that spawns after you gib any human model to stay in the game environment indefinitely? If it is possible, what files should I look for and change?


I imagine there must be a way, seeing as it is easy to make other aspects of the game to stay in the environment indefinitely, such as dead demons, blood decals and ejected brass from weapons.  

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I know how you can make the dead bodies ungibable and stay forever. But if I understand you right, you want just the skeletons to stay after the gibbing? This sure is possible, but would requiere more advanced scripting.


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Thanks for the reply, I know how to make bodies ungibbable, what I was hoping for was to alter the properties of the gibbing mechanics. As you guessed, I was hoping to extend the length of the skeleton that "appears" when you gib a human/zombie character. At this moment in time, I do not know what scripting is required.  

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Also, how does gibbing work in doom 3? Do all gibbable characters have a "gib health" value? As in a value that once is reduced to 0 or less causes the character to gib? If so, where are these values found?

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I remember a mod that enabled gibbing for the demons. The Doom 3 engine is really flexible and mod friendly. That mod was on the doom3world.org forums that unfortunately got hacked and vanished a couple of years ago.

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