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Doom 3 music


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dsm said:
No, I just happened to be browsing the forums at the time - I'm not here all day.
And if you like Q1's music, then it's good for you, but the majority absolutely hate that music.

uh, from what I've heard, The majority of people like the quake 1 music. (not just doomworld, but gamers overall). And I'd aggree with them. I'd say it's very fitting.

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Ct_red_pants said:

uh, from what I've heard, The majority of people like the quake 1 music. (not just doomworld, but gamers overall). And I'd aggree with them. I'd say it's very fitting.

Sorry, but I got the entirely opposite picture. Damn, another example of why Britney Spears is so darn popular, now this phenomenon will totally ruin Doom >:-[

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Dsm, you have to be the first one ive encountered who thinks that quake 1 music blowed, well let me tell you, in trent reznor's words.."there is something strangely musical about noise." and if you tied to understand the depth of the quake music, youll learn to enjoy it. It was the most amazing soundtrack any game can boast about.
Part of the reason im so excited bout doom3 is because of the music...so lighten up
Remebmer the intro song to quake? The pumpking guitars and the man screaming...im like :)

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Bobby prince of course

although i loved the quake 1 music, especially the parts of it that ACTUALLY WERE MUSIC

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The Q1 'intro' music was chilling - reminded me a lot of 'The Downward Spiral (Bottom)' from 'Further Down the Spiral'.

Q1's music was intentionally gothic - fitting the game well. Those who are biased about Trent Reznor's soundtrack being shit, well just remember that the settings will be very different. Almost the entire of Quake is set in gothic castles and fortresses, while Doom III will be set in military bases.

So, expect something of a return to 'Pretty Hate Machine' / 'The Downward Spiral' - style instrumentals (Imagine 'The Becoming' and 'Reptile' without lyrics and we're probably on the right track).

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dsm said:

Sorry, but I got the entirely opposite picture. Damn, another example of why Britney Spears is so darn popular, now this phenomenon will totally ruin Doom >:-[

First off, my experience with Trent Reznor's work stems entirely from the quake soundtrack. But Quake was a game set in Goth environment, with Goth weapons and Goth monsters, so a Goth sound track fits quite well. Since Doom 3 will be a mix of gothic type environments and sci-fi settings I'm sure Trent will follow suit.

Form what a gather, your a fan of the sci-fi part of doom. good for you. after all, it's a big part of what makes doom great. but quake was mainly set gothic castles, crypts, ect, and a sound track like Quake 2 would have stuck out like a saw thumb.

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From the small musicial clip in the Doom: The Legacy video, it's already apparent that Trent's work will be very promising. Thick electronic percussion set to despondent sounding guitar work.

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My dear friends, my hatred towards Quake 1's music has little to do with the fact that it is entirely goth - anyone heard the Doom64 soundtrack? Well, I hate that music for exactly the same reasons as Quake 1's - it's a bunch of sounds thrown together in a mess.

Now I don't care what Trent Reznor thinks about the musicality of sounds (I do not doubt that he's right - sounds ARE musical), but that sort of music just doesn't appeal to me because it sounds totally uninspiring to my ears.
Quake 1's music was boring, not only because it was exclusively ambient, but because it was horribly monotonous and because the majority of the sounds reminded me of some of the sounds you'd get from an ol' commodore 64.
Cool music to my ears is comprised of cool sounds, that doesn't sound like boring humming (I prefer aggressive sounds like heavy metallic clanking or the like or freaky blowing wind) and it SHOULD have a clear melody to it that doesn't sound repetitive.

To me, there is nothing worse than music that just sounds like humming that just goes on and on in the same tunes for +3 minutes.

Also, if Doom 3's soundtrack is entirely ambient then I'll be vastly disappointed too - an fps is about killing stuff, not exclusively being scared, 85% at least is about killing, the other 15% is puzzle solving or getting frightened.
If the music is entirely ambient, then it kinda kills the adrenaline rush of killing stuff - it did in Quake 1, it just got repetitive blasting monsters, because the music felt the same throughout the whole friggin' game.

Oh, and you guys should have viewed this forum a year ago where there were other music threads like this one - I think about 75 or 60%, including me hated Q1's soundtrack.

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jeehun hwang (mechwarrior 2, blast chamber, quake mission pack #1)

bobby prince of doom fame

a joint composition dream team of rob zombie, noodles from the offspring...oh shit im getting stupid. but anyway, bobby or jeehun and anyone whose hella good at heavy metal or trance. maybe trance would be good on a few levels of doom 3. but maybe its best to not fix what aint broke and let bobby prince do a fine job on doom 3, but that wont happen.

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mike patton, trent reznor, some metal ppl (nothing cheesy, anything related to death metal would be fine).
opeth would be extremely cool, but some might consider em too "goth" (they aren't, but many would).
mixture between ambient and real music would be fine.
the doom 64 soundtrack had its moments (crying babies in the backgrounds, sounds that grew more and more loud...freaky)..but overall it made me too sleepy...
i hope id doesn't rely on the "fright factor" with doom 3 that much...if the grafics become obsolete in about 5 years, no one will ever touch that game again..if it has some solid action, then the graphics aren't *that* important

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The bottom line is the guy who is responisble for the music for doom3 is Trent, period. I dont give two shits if people thought quake 1 was boring because frankly they dont know jackshit bout music, repititive;yes, monotonous to a few, but don't openly criticize something u dont have complete grasp over, that is my opinion, now for one if trent was a musician he would probably have picked up the pros for quake 1 and learned from the cons, some of which have been so profoundly stated by dsm, im sure this time the majority of ppl will find the music both ambient as well as the kind of metal that was lacking in quake, u r right when u say doom3 will require that kind of music, so im hoping the music will be relative to the atmosphere and the situation of the game.
I suggest you hear the intro of quake, now tell me ONE PERSOn,,,ONE PERSON who was not blown away with the Intro...ONE PERSOn

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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

A couple words........


Disorder said:

Fear Factory would've been very cool too.
But they've split up.. :(


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Bob Marley.

I FUCKING LOVE HIM, yet, I really don't think he'd work out for DooM3 :P

Well, the only thing I heard from fear factory was their cars cover, although it was quite good, I dun think that would work for doom3.

I mean, anything like cannibal corpse or something might be good for the much later levels, but I don't think so, I like them, but they wouldn't fit.

Tristania is an awesome goth metal band, they can pull off awesome atmosphere while still maintaining the guitars and heavy feeling.

My Dying Bride, so very dark and foreboding, if you've heard "Vast Choirs, Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium, The Cry OF mankind" or anything along those lines you'd see what I mean.

Nile, would be perfect for the later levels, and they ain't your average death metal band, they blend a whole bunch of egyptian themes and instruments with their music, so It might fit with the later hell levels.

Older Metallica might work too, my thinking would be that their song "The Call Of Ktulu" would be like the perfect opening song to hell, or a large hell army, or a really dramatic scene, blah :P (And yes I'm a fan of all their songs, except I disappear, that song blew :P, but yeah I'm an all around fan of their new AND old stuff, and if I'm a retard in your eyes for that, I don't really care.)

But yet, I trust Trent, I think the quake1 soundtrack served its purpose, and just because of his older work doesn't mean Jack Shit, it might sound a bit similar but giving the time hes had to improve, and the (slight) change in atmosphere, I think it'll sound great, from what I have seen in the legacy video, and the illegal footage (I know you know this but he did the sounds in it, and they do not sound like shit to me) its gonna rule, give it time til we actually see what the final product is, than we can judge.

Oh and I have one final request


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MaCvILeWhOrE said:

Well, the only thing I heard from fear factory was their cars cover, although it was quite good, I dun think that would work for doom3.

I mean, anything like cannibal corpse or something might be good for the much later levels, but I don't think so, I like them, but they wouldn't fit.

Nile, would be perfect for the later levels, and they ain't your average death metal band, they blend a whole bunch of egyptian themes and instruments with their music, so It might fit with the later hell levels.

Cars is the worst song FF have ever played...I can't believe that it is the only song you've heard from them - their first two albums are pure genius (the first one is grindcore - you'd love it). Here's some songs by them I highly reccomend you should download:

Zero Signal
Self Bias Resistor
Timelesness (VERY My Dying Bride like - think 'For my fallen angel')

FF's music would be an awesome choice for the Doom soundtrack (especially since they have done songs/soundtracks for games before). Their later industrial-type metal sound (as heard on 'demanufacture') would fit in perfectly...too bad they broke up though.

As for Nile, I'd wanna hear songs in the vein of "Black Seeds Of Vengeance". The part of the song where the double bass kicks in and the chanting starts, always sends a shiver down my spine. Excellent band...The other band I have in mind would be Cryptopsy - I usually listen to them whenever I play FPS games.

In conclusion, we need more death metal in video games. \m/ >:( \m/

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No nu metal shit
NIN is definately not nu metal, (industrial)
and yes old metallica stuff would do nicely in doom3

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Hey, how about PanterA?
I say PanterA.. Raw, heavy and it'll get the adrenaline going.
Imagine 'Use my third arm' while fighting off Barons of Hell.

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doomedout said:

The bottom line is the guy who is responisble for the music for doom3 is Trent, period. I dont give two shits if people thought quake 1 was boring because frankly they dont know jackshit bout music, repititive;yes, monotonous to a few, but don't openly criticize something u dont have complete grasp over, that is my opinion, now for one if trent was a musician he would probably have picked up the pros for quake 1 and learned from the cons, some of which have been so profoundly stated by dsm, im sure this time the majority of ppl will find the music both ambient as well as the kind of metal that was lacking in quake, u r right when u say doom3 will require that kind of music, so im hoping the music will be relative to the atmosphere and the situation of the game.
I suggest you hear the intro of quake, now tell me ONE PERSOn,,,ONE PERSON who was not blown away with the Intro...ONE PERSOn

I'll be honest with you: I don't like to be told that I don't have a grasp of music. Music is sounds that sound good - whether a bunch of sounds sound good is up to the individual to decide.

Basically, I could say exactly the same about hundreds of people (that they don't know jack shit about music)......if it weren't because I'm more polite in the area of music.
And I HAVE heard the intro to Quake 1 - it was a fucking screwdriver. That sounded so fucking artificial that it was the very first Quake 1 tune to totally turn me off. And the fact that after the parody of an el-guitar, there was only repetitive humming noise with this annoying prolonged scream was what really got to me. I admit though, that there WAS a decent melody to it, but the sounds used sucked.

Crap, somebody shoot me for starting yet another pointless discussion.

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As much as I like Metal music, I don't think It'd suit Doom3 wholly. Sure, it'd be great for the fighting parts of the game, but not so good for the more scary, atmospheric art of the game (which will be most of it by the sound of things).

So I'm not really sure what I'd like as music for that, just as long as it's not utter crap like the Quake 1 soundtrack. (I don't really like NIN or Trent either)

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Really, it's a matter of opinion.

Perhaps it would be more constructive to play and scrutinize the game in question instead of drawing conclusions based on other subjects. Namedropping goes nowhere at this point in the game's development.

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HateFactor said:

Zero Signal
Self Bias Resistor
Timelesness (VERY My Dying Bride like - think 'For my fallen angel')

wonderful selection of songs :) nice to see someone like the older stuff, no "digimortal" and "obsolete" (except shock timelesness) here...
also worth mentionable:
crash test
hunter / killer

i think fear factory would be great for the soundtrack, rhys fulber is involved with industrial, thus making him as good as trent reznor in doing this..the only prob i had with an FF soundtrack was for messiah..i'd have liked to hear more of ff..not just that short piece of music when your health drops to a certain amount :(

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A Drowning Mind said:

i think fear factory would be great for the soundtrack, rhys fulber is involved with industrial, thus making him as good as trent reznor in doing this..

Rhys and Bill Leeb (as i mentioned above) did a few Front Line Assembly albums together and they were some of the best. I tell you, they could do some awesome music for the game. Ambience for the tense moments and melodical industrial for other parts. Quake 3 is very basic, and the soundtrack ranges from fast to ambient/mechanical, just simple repetitive killing tracks. Doom III would allow so much more room for musical creativity. It's such a shame we're getting stuck with Trent 'Land of the Bland' Reznor.

not knocking the cool Snog song of the same name ;P

dsm said:

Well, to me, music is one large factor in determining how much I feel like playing a wad - the same goes for a game... bad music in a game tends to turn me off and drastically reduce the joy I get from playing the game, even if the game itself is great. My choice of levels that I like to warp to and play very often depends on the music itself and by now it shouldn't surprise you that my favorite Doom level has one of my favorite music tracks in it too.

I agree entirely. Music can make or break a game to me. Take the original Tribes. I only really liked Tribes because of it's soundtrack. I got Tribes 2 and it's full of noisy processed crap. Played it once. Sure you can turn it down but that's not the point, just like you can simply put any cd you want in with original Quake.

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HateFactor said:

Cars is the worst song FF have ever played...I can't believe that it is the only song you've heard from them - their first two albums are pure genius (the first one is grindcore - you'd love it). Here's some songs by them I highly reccomend you should download:

Zero Signal
Self Bias Resistor
Timelesness (VERY My Dying Bride like - think 'For my fallen angel')

Lol, Thanks dude, will do, I'm getting it right now.

Oh and if your into grindcore, Carcass's earlier stuff is awesome, I'm more of a fan of their later extreme metal stuff, but I like it all :D

/me fucking headbangs his pants off to Carcass - Heartwork (GREAT FUCKING SONG, IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT YET GET IT NOW OR YOU WILL MISS OUT ON SOME GOOD FUCKING METAL)

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SlayeR said:

Heartwork is a cool song, yes. I heard another one of their songs and it sucked. (400th POST!)

Which one? Everything to me on the Heartwork and Swansong albums is fucking awesome, REMEMBER THE TITLE DAMMIT :P

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"I'll be honest with you: I don't like to be told that I don't have a grasp of music. Music is sounds that sound good - whether a bunch of sounds sound good is up to the individual to decide.

Basically, I could say exactly the same about hundreds of people (that they don't know jack shit about music)......if it weren't because I'm more polite in the area of music.
And I HAVE heard the intro to Quake 1 - it was a fucking screwdriver. That sounded so fucking artificial that it was the very first Quake 1 tune to totally turn me off. And the fact that after the parody of an el-guitar, there was only repetitive humming noise with this annoying prolonged scream was what really got to me. I admit though, that there WAS a decent melody to it, but the sounds used sucked.

Crap, somebody shoot me for starting yet another pointless discussion."

notice that DSM actually said "its upto the individual to decide" this is definately a reveletion because DSM had his opinion and it was right, regardless of how wrong it actually was, anyhow i agreed with u wholeheartedly, it is not right to say that u do not now jackshit bout music beccause like many other contentious issues, it depends largely from individual to individual, but at least give reznor a chance, i mean the game is not even out yet and people are calling him bland and worthless gothic guy or whatever, i thought quake 1 music was awesome and only on thsi forum i meet people (a few only) that despise it which goes to show different people like different things, needless to say, there will be inevitably people who will dislike doom3 because it did not suit their taste...that stuff will happen, but it IS premature to make any assertions now...
YAY...dsm finally acknowledges someones opinion...yay

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the guy who did the music for heretic and hexen, truly scary shit. Kevin Schneider i think

Gothic music by the way has nothing to do with guitars, ACTAUL goth music would mean Early Germany Anglo-saxon style music, like the batman soundtrack. very dark and sad. NIN and so on have very little to do with goth, if anything at all

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