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How do you have your controls set up?


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Just trying to experiment and get a feel for what works well for classic DOOM because keyboards have changed a bit from the days when the game was originally designed. For example, on my laptop, the arrow keys are quite tiny and unsuitable, whereas back in the early 90's we were all playing on desktop computers with the full-sized keyboards and big arrow keys.

What do you play on?


1. Separate keyboard? Laptop keyboard? 


2. Keyboard only? Keyboard + Mouse?


3. What key bindings? How do you prefer to strafe? Move around? Fire? Open doors / use switches? Cycle between weapons?

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KB + Mouse (Always with novert and autoaim, unless noted otherwise by the author of the wad).

Movement Keys - WASD.

Use - Space.

Fire - MOUSE1.

Run - Left Alt.

Autorun, crouching and Jumping - (unbound, except certain scenarios).

Number keys for weapon selection and MOUSE3 for scrolling through them.

Edited by seed

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I doom on a laptop, but i got a mouse so my normal setup is:

WASD - Move

Mouse 1/2 - Fire/Alt Fire

E - Use

Mouse Scroll & Num Keys - Change weapons


If I don't have a mouse with me and I still need my doom fix, my setup is:

WASD - Move

Left/Right Arrows - Turn

Down Arrow - Quick Turn

Up Arrow - Fire

Enter - Alt Fire

E - Use

Pg Up/Pg Down & Num Keys - Change weapons

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I use a 40% keyboard so my binds for weapons are all over the place.


wasd - forward/back/strafe left/strafe right

shift - turn left

ctrl - turn right

space - strafe on

left click - shoot

right click - use

always use vertical mouse movement

q - rl

e - plasma

r - bfg

f - shotguns

c - chaingun

x - fist

z - pistol

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Laptop that were designed for Windows XP. Yeah, 4:3 screen... :) Touchpad-only. Kidding. WASD and mouse. Space - use, E - automap, with autorun (because it's pain to hold shift 24/7), mwup - prevwep, mwdown - nextwep, also i use numbers to change weapons. Jump, freelook - NEVER EVER, because i play DooM. I must add that i play only in software renderer. HW accel mode will never look as good as SW, even if you turn off filters.

Edited by Rimantas

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keyboard + mouse (look)
wasd - move / strafe
left click - shoot
shift - walk
space - use
e - plasma gun
r - bfg

I use hotkeys for plasma gun and BFG because the default keys limit my movement in combat, if I need to switch. It also lowers the chances of me choosing the wrong weapon.

Edited by Swalzi

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keyboard + mouse (look)
wasd - move / strafe
left click - shoot

right click - jump
shift/space - altfire
mouse5 - use

1-7 - weapon selection

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Keyboard-only player here, using an HP laptop. These are my basics for any iwad:


Arrows - movement

A/D - strafing left/right

Z - shoot

X - use

1-7 - weapons, most common mistake is to press 5 thinking that I pressed 4 or 6 and, well...

Tab - automap, of course can't not mention it because the automap is great


For Heretic:


Q/W/E - using items

J/K/L - flying, these are uncomfortable to use however

I can't remember the keys to look up and down :P


That I rarely ever use:


V - toggle off run, occasionally to navigate on ultra thin ledges

F - turn 180 degrees, like only once in Counterattack 




* - screenshot

Home/pg dn - reset map/skip map

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i am purist and is almost the same


q and e: strafe

shift: run

w,s, : Fly

A: Alternative Fire

Ctrl: Fire

Space: Use

V: Crounch

numbers: Weapons

Alt: Jump

z: Look up

x: Look Down

c: Center View

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I use a more modern control scheme, but in a lefty configuration (KB+M)


Left click: Fire

Mousewheel: Weapon cycling

Arrow keys: Movement

Enter: Use

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Vanilla K+M:


Vertical mouse movement enabled.


wasd - movement

1234 - f, p, s, cg

zxc - r, pl, bfg

qe - turn L, turn R

space - use


m1 - fire

middle m strafe and m2 forward when sr50



Vanilla K only:


Movement and weapon slots as vanilla K+M.


R arrow, L arrow - turning

U arrow - fire

D arrow - strafe when sr50



Modern K+M always mouselook (Brutal Doom and such):


Movement and weapon slots as vanilla K+M.


vbn - weapon slot 8-0

m2 - alternate fire/scope

mwheel - cycling items

m4 (thumb sidebutton) - use item

e - use

q - melee

r - reload

f - ability

space - jump

Left ctrl - crouch

Edited by wintertowns

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Pretty standard:


W forward

S back

A strafe left

D strafe right

Mouse to turn left and right

Use is E

Fire is Mouse1

Change weapons with 1-7 at the top of the keyboard

Shift to toggle 'always run' off when playing old WADs that assume walking pace for a jump

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Up arrow - move forward

Down arrow - move backward

Left arrow - look left

S and F to strafe

D to fire

Space to use

1-7 for weapons

tab for map





I very rarely jump, crouch, quick turn, or freelook. 

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Forward E

Down D

Left S

Rigth F

Use R

Pistol 2

Shotgun 3

Chaingun 4

Rocket Q

Plasma W


FlashLigth/Grenade if i need, G

Quick Meele V

With Standar Mouse with or without mouse look depends of the game

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WASD- move

space- jump

LMB- fire

RMB- altfire

MMB (scroll wheel click)- use

scroll wheel up/down- selecting weapons

Maybe mouselook or not depending on the port being used

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WASD for movement 

LMB to shoot

RMB to jump (in available ports)

MMB to alternate shoot (with mods)

Space for use

C to crouch (same reason for jump)

Q and E for inventory scroll and X for inventory use (in Raven games like Heretic and also in mods that are available for that)

Mouse scroll for changing weapons


The rest like automap and other controls are set by default. 


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Keyboard + mouse.  If I'm on my laptop, I don't use a separate keyboard, but I will use a separate mouse.  But I'm usually on my desktop with a keyboard that has clicky MX Cherry Blue switches and a gaming mouse.


WASD for forward, backwards, strafe left and right.

Mouse for looking up and down (I never disable mouselook) and turning.  Usually the sensitivity is quite low.

Shift to walk.  I keep auto-run turned on.


Mousewheel back/down for previous weapon.

Mousewheel forward/up for next weapon.

I hate when these are switched.


LMB shoots.

RMB does jack shit.  I never use mods, so this alt-fire isn't something I think about.


Some extra buttons on my mouse scroll through inventory.  Otherwise I use [ and ].

Middle click uses the current inventory item.

I actually don't mess with my inventory much, heh.


Space for use.  Unless I'm in nearly any other game, then Space is jump and E is use.

E for jump in Doom, though.  But I almost never jump.


Ctrl and C are both bound to crouch.  But like jumping, I almost never crouch in Doom.  In fact, I think I'm even less likely to crouch.


Tab for automap.

F6 for Quicksave

F9 for Quickload


Tilde for console.


1-7 for weapons, but only sometimes.

Edited by YukiRaven

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Keyboard only, with unusual set-up. All movement is done with the numeric keypad.


KP8 - Forward

KP5 - Back

KP7 - Strafe Left

KP9 - Strafe Right

KP4 - Turn Left

KP6 - Turn Right


This is a bad setup for platforming, especially curvy platforming, since I tend to slide off the sides because my directional control is weak. Also, making long jumps while platforming can result in sliding off the far side because I have no brakes! ;D


Other stuff:


Fire - A


Look Up - J

Look Down - K

Center View - L


Automap - Tab


Weapons - Number keys, default


I've played a little Doom 2016, and had to use the WSAD setup with mouse because it's impossible to use the keypad for movement. I managed to survive the first Imp arena on ITYTD, so after I get used to it, I may adopt that setup for OG Doom as well. It would be the end of an era (sniff).

Edited by Steve D

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16 minutes ago, Steve D said:

I've played a little Doom 2016, and had to use the WSAD setup with mouse because it's impossible to use the keypad for movement. I managed to survive the first Imp arena on ITYTD, so after I get used to it, I may adopt that setup for OG Doom as well. It would be the end of an era (sniff).


Fallout 3 was my gateway drug to WASD+Mouse.

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I use a standard WASD setup for most games, but for most Doom engine games I prefer a more bizarre control scheme:


Mouse Controls:

Forward: Hold down the mouse wheel

Strafe: Hold down right click and move mouse left/right

Turn left/right: Move mouse left/right

Backwards: Move mouse backwards

Fire: Left click


Keyboard Controls:

Use: Spacebar

Automap: Tab

Jump: V

Crouch: C

Look up: X

Look down: Z

Centre view: B

Next inventory item: Left Forward Slash

Previous inventory item: Left Shift

Use inventory item: Enter

Fly/Swim up: F

Fly/Swim down: D

Start/Stop flying: S

Third person camera: L

Command prompt: ~

Edited by Skeletonpatch

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WASD - movement

1-7 - weapon select

Spacebar - use

Left/Right arrows - turn left/right

LShift - walk/run

LCtrl - fire/crouch if playing w/ mouse in ports that have crouching

LAlt - strafe on

F - turn180 in ports that have this feature

C - jump in ports that support jumping



LMB - fire

RMB - strafe on

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I game on my laptop with Kb+M or Kb+touchpad


My kb setup:

autorun is ON

movement - WASD

weapon select - 1 to 7 (and mousewheel if using mouse)

use - E

automap - Tab

LCtrl - crouch (for GZdoom if required for a mod/map)

Space - jump (for GZdoom if required for a mod/map)

CapsLock - 180 turn


Mouse/touchpad setup:

NO vertical emulation (unless required for mod/map)

LMB - fire

RMB - alt fire (for gameplay mods that use it)





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Keyboard only for me:


Forward: up arrow

Backward: down arrow

Turn left: left arrow

Turn right: right arrow

Run: left shift

Fire: left ctrl

Use: space

Strafe: left alt

Look up: page up

Look down: page down

Jump: A

Weapons: 1-7 number keys

Edited by Vermil

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Movement - WASD

Crouch - CTRL

Jump - Space

Use - E

Mouse 1 - Fire

Mouse 2 - Alt-Fire

LShift - Walk

Weapon switching with numbers.


Mouselook's always on.

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